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  1. Made it12 days each day im feeling better and better. #nc works!
  2. I find it funny how your ex will contact you right when your feeling good about your self its like they have some six sense that your healing and try to hold you back but when your sad and depressed they dont give you anything. Well im feelin great about my self so im not falling for it haha up
  3. Woke up today realizing i havent seen her in 2 months. Wondering if when i see her if its gonna be really awkward or we will just be cool. Ha maybe i shouldnt even think about seeing her
  4. Made it one week! Im feeling better and a little word of advice for everyone struggling is to know that us the dumpees have the power over our exes they are the ones that let us go so they are the ones who have to step and make the move to get us back that may make u feel helpless but just realize if they cant man or woman up and make that move then they dont really love u so they aint worth it. Keep the nc and you hold the power over them cause honestly we dont owe them anything they hurt us. Stay strong people i know i am
  5. Well quick run through of my story she broke up with me cause she needed space to think about things, she told me she felt we would get back together but didnt want to make a time frame right after that she told me about her mom and dad when they were young like us broke up once to and got back. Is all this bs to keep me as a backup plan?
  6. Day four. Thinking about how right after we broke up she told me about her mom and dad breaking up and getting back together. Can anyone tell me what she is trying to tell me or is it just false hope to keep me around?
  7. Day3 she texted me and asked hows school going. I was strong and didnt reply but now i feel bad
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