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Everything posted by Coily

  1. Who the heck though spring was a good idea? Every time I wake up, then sit up that junk moves on it's own........
  2. Try to be nice, genuine, and honest about a friend who is pretty (and no interest on my part) and get treated like some weirdo. No matter what I do, I feel like I am behind the 8 ball when it comes to being nice to females. I must have the charm of a toad.
  3. I swear people I work with when they get sick are the worst; won't stay home, get into close when talking, and don't do enough to cover coughs and sneezes (AKA anything half the time). No matter what I say or do gets the message through, they are clueless. Granted I'm paranoid I'm going to get sick and ruin my last free weekend for the month (yes my only free weekend for the month that is starting).
  4. I truly think I should move on, but dang if I'm not confused. Anyone been through this weird junk?
  5. What the heck.... So the woman #2 that I cannot completely move on from has just become single, while I am trying to be charming and debonair with a new interest. What is with this timing? I am super confused now. Do I move on or cling to the past rekindled?
  6. Some days it's really hard to keep your head down and keep pressing on. For me this is one of those days.
  7. Torturing myself with an old love. This was our song in a way. Yes I am that big of a glutton. [video=youtube;j2fbOAyNOpM] ]
  8. I'll disagree on that last point, fro my point of view there were a few too many throwbacks in Rogue One. But an enjoyable movie regardless.
  9. Overly political people who cannot see that there are bad actors regardless of politics. Get out of my house!
  10. Having to be in a crap hole 900 miles away from home and missing a friend's wedding as a result.
  11. Being lonely, never being home enough, and just behind on everything it seems.
  12. Almost a better question is what isn't bothering me today!!!
  13. I'm almost bored enough to to a character comparison between to novels by the Same author, which were written about 2 years apart; names were changed for the characters, however the similarities and ages are identical.
  14. Created a new (to me) term. Bacherlorosis, like sclerosis of the liver; but affecting one's heart. Reading through all the posts Bacherlosis is best described as a scarring of the heart and the turning to anger and frustration; as opposed to moving on or finding self improvement. Yes I can be that bored at work.
  15. I am really at my best and worst when alone. Granted I haven't been truly alone in a physical sense, but aside from Saturday I have really been alone quite a bit this year, even around people in close settings. I hate being this far inside my own head, as I feel so lost and directionless (no matter what I get done).
  16. Rather mild complaint by comparison. Why can't people learn to make paragraphs on here? It's about as difficult as blowing your nose!
  17. One word or one sentence posts is my only guess. Trying for my 50.
  18. Preciesely when I desperately need a distraction to fall asleep I get nada. Strange the timing of this.
  19. My little bugger leaves the hind end usually, but this time it was just the head.
  20. I wish the cat would clean up after itself........ but still one less mouse
  21. I hate mice, with a burning passion! Found one in my kitchen tonight, didn't end well for one of us.
  22. Holy wow! A Great group of people I am associated with won a victory so unexpected that I still can't process it all. Also I seem to put my foot in it when I am trying to be thankful.
  23. Really wanted to answer a post asking about 30 something men's ability to attract a mate this way: Money or look like some stinking heart-throb. If you're anything but rich and clooney like you are screwed. Unless you like the crazy dog lady type. Yeah I'm pretty negative today.
  24. I really need to stop thinking, makes it hard to just go with things and let them flow naturally.
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