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Posts posted by NinjaLink

  1. It can possibly be that he is shy to. You're at that type of age in which you can get shy when you are talking to the opposite sex because you are actually new to this REAL dating scene in which you can fall in love with someone easily. 16 years old is always the hardest age to get through.


    Next time he comes around your house skating pass. Wave at him or you can tell him to come here and help you with something..you know ....do the girl "thing" to attract guys lol. "hey can you come here...i need help with something. When you are already talking to him, it is easy to get in a conversation with him.


    There are plenty of ways to attract attention....you can even take a walk while he is skating around. You can also compliment like..."You are a pretty good skater, i been watching you."


    Basically just be nice to him. When both of ya'll click, the shyness will be gone. Being shy is something temporary. You can always eliminate that feeling!

  2. How old are you and him?


    Anyways, find the courage within you to speak to him. Where do you usually run into him at? Your home? School? You have to put in more details for me to help you. Basically just find your inner self...and take a deep breath and say "Hey, what is your name?"...."My name is ______. Nice to meet you, and stick your hand out".. This is an easy way for you to start out as friends because you both are now introduced. Spark up a conversation like you do online basically.....You can use your online techniques for outside use! lol. That is what i used to do because i used to be shy to, but now i'm a talking machine!!!!!


    Write it up in more detail though so i can assist you better.

  3. If you really like this guy and feel you should wait for him to get out of the relationship with his girlfriend, you may do so, but when you do wait, you can only be his friend and nothing more. You understand that he is currently in a relationship with someone even if she does cheat on him, the relationship still exists. Soon he will find out that she is cheating on him and possibly call it off with her. He did say he will contact YOU if things doesn't go to well with the relationship he is in. Even him saying that, is pretty much telling you that his relationship is not going to last because his faith in his relationship is pretty much slim to none. My advice to you is while you are "waiting" or whatever, explore other things. Maybe you will find a guy that you like more than him.

  4. I'm sorry that happened to you. Yea, that is pretty painful when you care about someone a lot and they just leave you like you are nothing. The only good thing that came out of all this was that you learned something. You learned that next time you wouldn't put yourself in this position. 99.9% relationships in your life will not last and you must realize that. Only one special girl will last. Sometimes you just got to live life and let love come to you. It may sound like a hard task, but it really isn't. Just talk to a lot of people and make friends with them. Most relationships that last are the ones in which you started out as friends. Stay friends with the girl that left you. Things may change, and even if they don't atleast you gained a friend instead of nothing.

  5. This is pretty compliment, especially when you hooked her up with someone!


    That is good that you are a nice guy though. There is no problem in that, but sometimes you gotta step up for things you want in life. Obviously you really like this girl. Since they aren't going out right now, you still have last minute chances to tell her how you feel about things. Talking to her in person would be the best way instead of talking on the phone because she can see your eyes. Next time when she comes over, ask if you can talk to you about something that has been going on in your mind for awhile. Look deep in her eyes and tell her that you know that you hooked up her and your friend together, but you really like her and that you didnt know how to express it before. Then ask her, how do you feel about me? Now, that you told her your feelings....this is when it gets scary because the ball is in her court. When you find out how she feels about things, now you will know what to do next! Goodluck

  6. Yes, that is very good. Good communication is a start to well developed relationships. Sometimes you just gotta stay on a couple subjects the conversation because you dont want to start running out of things on what to talk about later on in the future. That is how people get bored easily. lol. Ask her if she wants to go out again. You are doing well. Good luck

  7. I recently met my girlfriend's mother. Me and her mother get along very well. My girlfriend told me that her mom likes me and think im cute LOL. I haven't met her dad yet. He is just trying to give me a hard time and saying stuff like he doesn't want me to come over and stuff. The guy has to give me a chance though, dont u think!?

  8. That is defiantely not a bad idea. I am planning to transfer after getting a degree from where I am. Right now, I go to school under a scholarship. I do get good grades. Last semester, i got a 3.70 gpa. I'm in my 2nd year of college right now, but you know all different fields vary on how long it takes for you to graduate. I believe i have 2 more semesters before i get a degree and move on finally. I can't wait.

  9. There are going to be a lot of people in this world that is going to try to pick on you and put you down. The best that i can tell you is just ignore them. They obviously haven't grown up yet and are not on your level. Fighting back isn't that answer because you will look just as bad as them. Just keep cool and mind your own business when they do that to you. For the time being, make some new friends. Talk to people that you feel are on the same boat as you are. I'm sure there are a lot of people in your classes or at lunch time that doesn't have anyone to talk to. Think of all the so-called nerds or geeks that get picked on everyday. They are the same ones that are going to be bosses of the people that are throwing spit balls at you. Sometimes you just gotta focus on better things than the things that are negative. I, myself are going through similar things in college. You just gotta ignore people. Don't let people control your feelings. Control your own feelings. Hope I helped...

  10. Besides this situation, i just have alot going on through my mind about a lot of things... Things that are just not good things, and it hurts me inside. I dont even like going to the school I'm at because I never chose to go. I wanted to be in a university, not a community college. Sometimes i feel like i should just give up. I feel i already messed up my school life. There are just a lot of things going through my mind about all things, and them doing that to me is just making things worst. I don't mean to sound like i'm a child when i say i will hurt them, i just feel that way. Sometimes you end up taking out your problems on someone...and that is something i dont want to do.

  11. Well, it depends on how you feel right now. Do you feel you need to forgive him? There can be many reasons why he lied to you. The thing you need to do is communicate to him on how you feel right now about the fact that he lied to you about this. Ask him why he lied to you on this concept. Answers from him may help you understand. If you feel his answers are not good enough than maybe he isn't worth your time. If you need some more help, just reply back! Hope I helped.

  12. I truthfully believe long distance relationships can work. It depends on how much support and effort you are going to put into the relationship. This kind of relationship is very sensitive especially concerning trust. I believe love can spread over long distances. The enjoyment of being hanging out together or even having sex is just an asset of love. You can love someone, and the person don't have to be visually there. I'm sure you have relatives that live in other places, and you love them very much. This is very similar in this relationship although different. If you feel that this is the person you suppose to be with for the rest of your life, don't give up on it because you are never promised to love again. Talk to him on how you feel about things and listen on how he feel about things...See where this leads you. wherever this leads you is most likely the best place for you! I Hope I helped. Goodluck.

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