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Everything posted by wordup7

  1. I have always thought that it is sometimes easier to get back together if there are things that have not been explored between two people. Maybe I am just telling myself that. In my experience when two people in an LTR grow apart, it's usually because they tried to fix things and it just did not work out. If you are with someone for a shorter period of time and one of you did something the other did not like (neglectful behavior; never cheating, do not go back to a cheater) I feel like there could be a chance to fix. I have had LTRs fall apart and was completely ok with it, yet had something shorter fall apart and felt awful because I a. acted like a neglectful game-playing ass, b. I felt like there was so much more I wanted to do with that person.
  2. It is hard to search for success stories on the internet for the simple reason that if there is successful reconciliation the hurt party involved will probably stop coming to these boards for support. Or, they will get over it and stop coming here for support. I know for a fact that if my recent ex called me and asked to get back together that I probably would stop surfing the internet for advice on how to fix a breakup. There are valid points on here, NC is a great tool for getting yourself back. If you want to keep in touch with your ex at the cost of your healing, nothing is going to stop you. Sometimes the dumpee makes several mistakes and kicks himself while trying to atone for those mistakes (that's me). Other times the dumper treats the dumpee like crap and yet the dumpee still wants to return, those are the saddest ones for me. The one thing that I hate the most is all of these websites selling bs ebooks about how if you dont buy them your ex is going to slip onto another man's junk, those websites are literally the most disgusting form of manipulation I have witnessed. So called con-artists trying to get some poor, depressed soul who has their ego/feelings hurt to spend their hard earned money. Not to say that the advice is bad, it's just the marketing is downright manipulative.
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