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Posts posted by ttstar8941

  1. ok first of all....RELAX!! if you tense up it'll hurt....second...don't put it straight up you want to angle towards your lower back...it might also help to put one foot on the toilet but thats a personal level what you feel comfortable doing....you can also read the directions GOOD LUCK!

  2. ok i've never had an orgasm or even felt any sensation of any sort. I'm really quite curious of what it is like and how i can have my boyfriend casue me to have one...i dont know what to ask exactly so if you guys could tell me anything and everything you know about orgasms it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!!

  3. i get this all the time but i always make the mistake of forcing it on him w/e you do DONT DO THAT! Something could be getting started so keep on doing whatever you're doing without being harsh towards him! I hope you have better luck than i ever do!!!

  4. sometimes guys like that jsut really love the attention. They dont have to be a player to enjoy that. You could very easily be right that he doesn't want you to know or he could just want you to keep liking him. You can't just have people talk to him for you though. You really need to bring it up to him yourself. Doing that will help a lot more then getting rearranged stories from your friends. I hope it works out for the best!

  5. Ok...there's this guy in my school that i completely adore and supposedly he likes me too...yeah you know that story...i do understand that he doesn't want a girlfriend and really wants a friend with benefits and right now i'm ok with that actually. I'm not looking for commitment. The problem is there's another girl. I feel like i'm wasting my life competing with her and we have totally different styles of catching his attention. Shes the type thats full of herself and just flirts her ass off but has the guys like dogs. I'm more of the sweet type that the guys know they wont to be passionate with. I do know for a fact even though this guy plays to be "big pimpin" he wants a sweet girl. You can see the different look in his eye towards me rather than towards her. I really want him to fall for me though. I just dont know how to get his attention when he's got a gorgeous girl at his tail that he doesn't have to fight for. I need some tips on how to get him on me....and fast!

  6. i just got in a huge fight with his guy i've been friends with forever....we were down the love road and had been through a lot. Now we cant stand each other. What made it worse is that he said sutff to me that was immature and totally unnesscary. If you want the truth, i think the letter was very childish. She was wrong in saying that to you but it was wrong for you to write that to her. You know you don't want to be rude to her in public A friendly hi isn't that bad ya know? Plus, how can you defend yourself and her be denied the chance to defend HERself. That's a little harsh. I think you should accept her emails and things like that and possibly change your tone....there's a thin line with this though. Change your tone BUT DONT let her think she was right. B/c she wasn't. I know was a little rude myself in telling you this but i hope you wont take it hard and try to fix things at least to the point where a friendly hi wont make you burn inside. GOOD LUCK!

  7. I become attracted to my guy friends all the time, but i'm always turned down by their appearance. The thing i've found about myself is that its not their looks that is really bothering me, its more of what others think of his looks. I know i dont care what people think about how i look but everyone is naturally curious what people say about you. This is one of the hardest things to get over. The only way you can appreciate him for him is by learning to see him through his eyes. Look into his soul and his thoughts and take them all in. That's what made you really fall for him. When you can read him through his eyes, you'll never see his appearance. He'll just be beautiful to you, and what you thin about him is all that matters!

  8. i use to have the same problem...i was so scared but now i'm just playful. First, you want to make sure you're comfortable with the guy there's nothing worse than an uptight kiss. Second, if he goes to kiss you and immeidately pus his tongue in your mouth (i mean unless you like that) pull away and say, "kiss me" until he gives you a sweet kiss. Then let me him ease into the whole situation. One problem i found was i never opened my mouth enough and my one boyfriend told me this. The only way to see what to do with each guy is let him lead you. I always found it easier that way. Follow him, like a dog chase. Another tip, you don't really want to be thinking abut what you're doing, it ruins the moment. Do what comes naturally, its the hardest part but its what makes the best kiss!! Good luck! let me know how it goes!

  9. Okay, i would call myself a quite open person. If i start to like a guy i usally tell them. Here's the problem. I think i may be intimidating them or ruining their natural instinct to "hunt" b/c im'm giving myself to them. I've tried not saying anything but i make it obvious or i fear missing the chance. I dont know where else to go with this but i'm tired of losing the guys!

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