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  1. NC Day 19 Here I am , 19 days ! I thought i would never been able to stay that long without contacting him. I feel beter but still I am not yet moving from that story with him. I have token an important step, to tell my friends how hurt I feel and that i am doing NC. They have been all encouraging me and comforting me. It helped me a lot. I feel anger, because I see how naive I have been. 22 days ago we have spent vacation togheter, we had a great time, but I deciced to go NC because that FWB relationship was not good for me. I did NC without telling him or talking about it and I have seen that during 19 days , he tried to contact me only twice by text. He never called to ask about me, never wondered what happened . Without NC I would have been contacting him daily to ask about him, I would probably suggest him to go out and do things toghether. And now that i have opened my eyes, I see that if I dont initiate the contact, he doesn't care. It hurts so much , but in the same time i am glad i stopped that unhealthy relationship. I feel stronger but I am not healed yet, I still hope to see his message, his calls. I still think of him too much. I hope that with days , I would be able to get him out of my mind. I need him to contact me, even I won't answer, I feel that need ...... I don't know why.
  2. Thank you Jumpman ! your message reassured me, 5 weeks is really great, I wish i will keep my promise to NC for all that time. I will stick to it definetely Thank you so much xx
  3. Day 12 Today I had to stop myself, i was almost going to break my NC rule ! I feel so weak and pathethic, I can't stop thinking of him. I keep checking my phone with hope to see a call or a message from him. I realise how pathethic is that but i can not help it ! It has been 2 weeks since we came back from our citytrip to Prague and he never tried to give me a call. He texted me and invited me for a coffee but I didnt answer. I feel that i need him to reach me, even I won't reply, i know it will make me feel beter. Everyday i pray that things will be beter next day , but it is not the case, I sometimes doubt that NC is the right solution. But I know it is the best thing i could do ! It is just so hard. I miss him so much. I wonder if he misses me too, if he tries to understand how comes I have disapeared from his life. I have been waiting for a sign from him all day , during all my day i think i couldn't forget him. It make me cry so much. I feel really weak. When this pain is going to leave me ?
  4. Hi Sunnz , I like your post, what you wrote is so true, and I admire your self control ! I wish i have done that earlier in the relationship. Instead of that I kept waiting for him until it developed into a FWB and got me hurt and weak even more. I wish I could delete him from my life that time and didnt let him talk to me about this "space". But It is not too late though, I have been NC since now 9 days ! I have not contacted him at all, before I was always the one who cared and asked about him ! but now it is over and as you said he can eat his space and I am feeling really like a weight is off of my chest too At day 7 he has contacted me, saying that he would have a meeting in my area and invited me. but I just ignored him and it felt soooooooooooo good ! So I have seen the first signs that NC really works. I miss him so so much BUT I am looking forward ignoring him more and more ! It just makes me feel good ! I have promised to myself to not make the same mistakes again. Power gonna be on my side and space too
  5. Hi everybody ! I am on day 6 . Today has been really hard for me, I keep checking my phone to see if he didnt call me, or didnt send a message. everytime I receive a message from a friend, i hope it is him. I can't stop thinking of him. I feel so bad. I have the feeling that it has been months since i haven't heard his voice. 11 days ago we went for a citytrip together , we had an amazing time. I expected that he would pick up the phone and ask about me, or even only send me an sms to check if I am fine. But nothing. It hurts so much. he decided to break up the relationship because he was not ready but continued to keep me in his life with lots of care, attention, warmth and nice feelings, I thought that he was reconsidering his decison ,but it was only FWB. when I knew his intentions, it was too late , I was already hurt. Now I have decided to stop it, I wish i could hate him to forget him, but i can't. All i can do is feeling down , and stressed, and upset , I cry and cry. I wonder if he is thinking of me ? if he thinks about calling me ? if he misses me ? I wonder , can anyone tell me if all those feelings are going to disapear soon ? I am on day 6 and I hope things will be better. I wish to stop looking at my phone and waiting for a sign from him. I feel so desesperate ...
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