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Posts posted by RuSH

  1. So me and this gilr flirts alot and stuff so i thought we had sumtin goin on. But there was another guy in the picture. I dont know how he does it but EVERY girl that is attractive he charges in on them while i do too since i feel attraction. this is also at my work so we co-workers. Anyways i dropped hints that i wanted to go on a date with her and when she asked if i was. I said yah if she was single. So she texts me back and saay NO because she has her eyes set on the other dude . she got a diff job but will be working with me for one week so it will be awkward, any tips on how can get through this or POSSIBLY get her?

  2. Recently went out with this girl to a movie ONLY once. and text each other once in awhile. I really like her and i imagined in the future the stuff we'd have been doing. But to my shock at work my phone vibrated, I ws in joy when i asw it was form her until i saw the first 2 worsd " Im Sorry". She said that she wont think our relationship would work based on our distance form each other. I dont know if she knows this( maybe she does 90%) but i have a car! And she only lives like 10 mins form me. Another thing is that she said I was sweet. How can she do this to me? We may not have been going out much but im hurt by this and i really wanna show her that we can overcome obstacles together, she barely gave me a chance any ideas on how i should respond or confront this?

  3. yah so liek my previous post said i asked a girl out to the movies on V-day and she brought her friends since she dont drive. She did not seem content with me as if she was leaning towards her friend and talking wit her instead of me. When the movei got done i talked wit her for a bit and she just agreed wit watever. She then went home and ever sicne she hasnt responded to me. Was i supposed to like try and kiss her or sumtin? By me not makin a move is that why she isnt replying back to me? Sorry im just a confused guy here.

  4. yah so i get off work to get a text msg telling to meet her in a theatre. I get there and she called me to her seat wit her friends. This is 2 weeks after meeting each other and our 1st time together. She barely tried to talk to me during the movie and she talked with her friend once in awhile. I felt neglected . After the movie got done she said she had to go home and just blew me off for these adulkt friends of hers when they saw them. So i just said bye to her friend since she was busy. Whats goin on here? she is a nice girl by the way.

  5. OK i have a dillema. A girl i recently met just about said yes to go out with me on valentines . But the problem is, I have to work form 5pm to 2am! lousy movie business. Anyways ive been trying to switch shifts with some1 and so far no luck. Every1 wants V-day off What should i do?

  6. Alright, so i took the SAT's this week and i saw this girl. So we went to our rooms and we had the same room. Sat for 3 hours not knowing each other until i talked to her after school. So we had a good talk laughed too at the end she gave me her number when i asked for it. Now when i tried to ask her to come with friends and me to the game she had a dentist appointment BUT she said she would lvoe for me to meet up with her friends this weekend at the mall. Too bad I work at a movie theatre and is NEVER available on weekends. Also she lives in an army base and i dont know where she lives. Any idea on how to actually go out wit my schedule and if she likes me? Hope what i wrote made sense im bad at this

  7. Man this sucks, at work theres this girl that i like. Shes a quiet one but we talked and had a few laughs. a week later i asked her out and she said no then i asked if she was busy and she said yah. Finally after a few questions she finally said that there was someone else. The next day she totally tries to blow me off saying i dont need help go somewhere else. This sucks how do i fix this bull?

  8. At my job theres this girl who caught my attention, she works there with her twin brother too. He treats her like shit tho. Seems like hse is about to cry after they talk and i come by and cheer her up. I really like her and we get along well wen we work together. But one day she came there she asked for a drink only 1. Then the next day i asked if she went with her brother and she said no. She dont drive so i asked if she was there with a significant other and she giggled and didnt answer. Now i wanna know whats a good way to know if she is single or not? we work at a movie theatre and i got her screen name.

  9. So i was walking to class with my friend when what do ya know this girl i barely pay attention to butts in and comments on what we were talking about. Now that i think about her she looks nice and IS nice form what i have observed in gym class. I was thinking of talking to her tomorrow and maybe get her #. What do you guys think??

  10. some times i think she is jealous of me. Everyday she coems home complaining about her jobs. While i come home and say wow i cant wait to go back to work! Get this i offered to take my brothers to my workplace since its my day off and im not working, i get free movies with 2 ppls. And my mother said NO. She pulls excuses like its dangerous outside, its raining, they gotta sleep early( i was gonna come home at 7). Can u believe that? AND she takes the car she SIGNED OVER TO ME to go to work instead of her navigator! tell me bout that.

  11. Im so angry right now, my Mother won't treat me right. Im 18 and just started working at a movie theater which i really like. She tells me i can only work 2 days a week but i signed up to be available for 6 days. I barely do anything at home and she wants me to stay home! And when i wnated to work this extra day she said im not 'professional'. Since when did u have to be a pro to put nachos in a tray or fold pizza boxes? She always puts me down, turns simple questions into arguments with me and worst of she treats me like a little kid. Im thinking of running away but i dont wanna leave my brothers. I just wanna move out ASAP can any1 help me out here?

  12. This one girl i liked ive been talking to for one month now. Throughout that time i found out that she has a boyfriend and is the mean type of person. Everytime i see her i talk to her on a friendly level. Now she says im annoying and it hurt my feelings , she always talk to me in like a angry tone. I see her in one of my classes. Should i talk to her anymore or forget about her and NEVER talk to her again since she doesnt appreciate my friendship?? help pls so far im thinking never to talk to her again unless she talks to me which is not likely because she doesnt mess wit me like she does with her friends

  13. Hey guys 18 yr old guy here needing help. So it was halloween night and i went trick or treating cuz i wnated free candy. I then started n=knocking on my neighbors door since they were closest. I finally came to this house right accross from me, rang the doorbell and this pretty fairy came and opened the door, someone who i dont think ive met before. She then said Hey Henryand im like do i know you? so we talked for a bit ,she said she knows me from a friend of mine. Now i need advice on how to go back to her and possibly ask her out after i get her # or screen name. Should i just hang around outside and pretend to play wit my lil brother hoping she'd come out, or should i make a move and knock on her door? If so what should i say?? Thanks for reading im bad at paragraphs lol or writing.

  14. Hey guys, well theres this girl i like and i recently found out that she alrdy has a boyfriend. But before i knew that i tried to ask her out to movies and stuff. Anyways, i just talk to her every 2 days just to keep in touch and hopefully be a rebound guy. The problem is everytime I meet her and we talk its like i am a bother to her. Like when i ask her questions she talks to me in a sortof aggressive tone. All im doing is acting like a friend towards her. What should i do??

  15. Lately, ive been talking to this one girl every 2 days and we have a good time talking. Yet everytime im about to ask her out or sumtin she says sumtin. For example, i was gonna ask her to homecoming but then she said she doesnt liketo dance. Next i wanted to ask her to a movie, so we were talking about movies we saw the weekend and i was like can i talk to you? and she was like no. So my question is do u think she likes me or just playing ahrd to get be honest pls i wont mind.

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