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Posts posted by BettieRage

  1. Yeah I've talked to him about it, and felt alot better afterwards because he assured me that none of them were with him the way I am...and he wasnt even dating most of those girls. most of it was just one time things...but i still kinda feel weird. i dunno, i guess i would understand more if i had slept with other ppl before him..i just dont know what its like to have previous partners...

  2. hmmm suggest a group of your friends..like 1 or 2 to sit near her table in the lunch room or something. ask her to borrow a quarter or somethign so you can get a drink...make eye contact and smile..tell her you'll pay her right back the next day, and thank her ...still maintaining eye contact, FRIENDLY eye contact...you dont want her to think yur a psycho serial killer.

  3. ok my fiance is the 1st and only person i've been with...but he has been with quite a bit of people....most of it was just 'casual sex' and the girls were friends of his and most of them still are...he doesnt talk to them very often, but when he does..it kind of bothers me. its not really a jealousy thing...but ok..whenever me and him have sex, its so special...but knowing that all these other girls have already been there...makes me feel just..weird and sick feeling. he says that these girls didnt experience what we have, which is true, but to the girls, it might seem different. i just dont think i could handle these girls thinking 'ive been there done that' when they see me standing next to him holding his hand. how do i deal?

  4. ok well...do you have any classes with him??? what are some other things you two may have in common? if anything ... try and use that as a conversation starter. i dont think you should ask him to go out with you before yall even know each other. ya know? try and have a couple of conversations with him first and then if he seems to show an interest than go ahead and ask him if hes interested in anything further. but number one thing DONT CHANGE YOURSELF FOR HIM!!!! i can not stress that enough. i dont think you are doing this, but if you DID constantly change yourself for all the different types of ppl you have interest in, NO ONE will ever truly know you ..or.. EVER TRULY like YOU for YOU!!!

    hope this helps

  5. gee, i dont know if all thats true now... no one guy is the same. everyone's body will grow and change at different speeds and different times. no matter what you do, how much you eat/drink....you will be different. but 14/15 year old guys, no need to worry just yet...guys continue to grow until their early twenties. and guys...dont think that you are supposed to look a certain way or be a certain size. no matter what. you are you and everyone is different.

  6. alrighty...first, think of why you want to talk to these girls....to have friendly conversation...or something more? figure out which ones youd rather just be friends with and then figure out who you think theres something more than friends with... the ones you want as friends..just talk to them as you would any of your guy friends, then that will make it easier to take the next step into talking to the girls you are attracted to... when talking to the girls you are attracted to, start of as friends..then if need be move on!

  7. ok ... the difference of not being able to see you even though you are still 'together' and then not being able to see you when you are not boyfriend and girlfriend isnt that hard to see... ok, if yall are still 'together' she still knows that you only have eyes for her, and you won't be dating others while shes away. obviously she wants to keep things going, so just talk as often as you can and keep things how they used to be.... not seeing each other in person is hard, but you both will be looking forward to the day that you finally will be back TOGETHER for real.

  8. ok....its hard to believe that you're actually IN LOVE with this chick..but ok

    alright heres a start....what is something that you both have an interest in? if its a certain type of music, lets say punk rock, give her a flyer to the next local punk rock show and talk to her about the bands that are playing or what not...just anything along those lines

    hope that helps

    anymore questions just email me or instant message me

  9. man...just tell them you will be sure to keep intouch with them while yur gone...and im sure you'll have to come back home sometime, afterall yur 'rents are there!! thanxgiving, xmas all that good stuff...so just tell them when you get back you'll take a couple days out of yur vacation reserved just for them! and tell them you hope things will be the same way they were when you left..but its important to try to keep intouch with them, doesnt mean you have to write letteres to all of them every week, but just a letter to each of them every once in a while, or send them some soveniers to let them know youre thinkin about em. they'll be glad to know that and should welcome you back with open arms

  10. OK. I sooooooo know you're not a s***!!! But maybe you're just feeling like that guy you thought was perfect and you'd want to be with for the rest of your life isnt really what you want. I mean...People change, ya know? Everyone does. Don't beat yurself up over it. Just...how much do you love your boyfriend...and does he really satisfy you...obviously he doesnt truly satisfy you with everything, or you wouldnt be straying.... 1st thing.. figure out how much you care about him. 2nd...is this lust for this other guy..or do you think it could be something more? 3rd of all, if you really want to hang out with this guy instead of YOUR guy...let your guy know..just ask him to take a break for a lil while.. just be like 'you are the only guy ive been with and have spent more then 5 years of my life with you..i just want to see if theres anything else for me...' im always afraid of the same thing you are going through right now...because i am engaged to the first and only person ive slept with, right now he satisfies me all around...and i dont want to be with anyone else..but i think sometimes that it could change in the future..i just hope it doesnt. but itd be totally ok if it did, i mean we've only been with one person...i dont see why wanting to experience more is a problem...

  11. Hello! Ok...I am 15 years old. But I am very mature for my age. If you met me in person, you would never guess my real age. I have never dated anyone my age. And I have never gotten along anyone my age. All of my friends are AT LEAST 18. My boyfriend/FIANCE!!! is twenty-four, sweetie. We have been together almost a year now. We are best friends. We talk to each other about everything and are completely comfortable around each other. He respects me and was/isnt with just because of SEX!!! Although, alot of guys arrrrrre like that. But if yall are talking more and more, and yall actually talk about real things and yall can share your true opinions about everything comfortably..and yall arent just talking about 'hooking up' or just 'flirting' there is a mighty fine chance that he is not like this nightmar-ish guys people like DORRIK warned you of. Females tend to date older guys so often because...the truth is, that girls really do mature faster than guys..they are really like..3 or 4 years ahead of their male peers..... most females stop growing physically around the age of eighteen, men ..they continue to grow into the mid twenties; no matter what ppl say,lol. I am not saying that you or I are done growing, but that females like us should have the choice to be with whomever we want, reguardless of their age...but based merely on the way the personalities interact.... as far as your mum goes...i have no idea,lol. my grandparents think my baby is 19, my mom found out how old he was when we got arrested. HAHA ok well ..i dont know if you're ever going to get this so i'm going to email ya just so i didnt waste my time writing this! hope everything turns out ok!

  12. Helloooo.

    ok first of all, 8 or 9 pm isnt very late for alot of ppl! 11pm is sometimes...but maybe hes just used to ppl up for conversation at those hours? Make it clear to him that you think it's a lil late and I'm sure he'd have no problem. If he still calls you around those times, after you asked him not too, THATS being inconsiderate.

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