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  1. Okay, here's the situation. My husband and I have been together for 23 years and married for 20. He has been stationed overseas since May 2002 but he's been back to see us (me, my 13-year-old son, and my 17-year-old) quite a few times. We agreed that he would stay overseas in order for our oldest son to graduate high school in a school he is comfortable and familiar with. He was home recently in August for our youngest son's birthday. While he was home, he told me he loves very deeply but he's not sure he's in love with me anymore. He is 42 years old and I'm 40. Well of course I was freaked out. I had no idea he was having these feelings. The first thing I asked him was if there is another woman; and he has assured me there isn't, and I totally believe him. Then he proceeds to tell him that he hasn't been happy for a long time, but the thing is..... I know him so well. I think I would know if he was unhappy. But I could tell when he came home this past time that something was different. He began smoking again after having quit 11 years ago and he just seemed stress. He also told me he's not happy with my appearance. I am overweight but to my knowledge, it's never been a problem before. Can someone out there please help me? Give some insight as to what may be going on with him?
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