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Everything posted by LizS

  1. I've got a story of my own, plus a couple others. 1. Five years ago, I dated a man for a year and a half. He broke up with me, I took it terribly, begged for him to change his mind, and eventually went no contact for a year. We reunited and got back together. We were together for another year and split up for good. We were young, 16 at the start and 20 when it ended for a second time. 2. Not entirely sure what happened, but my parents split up for a time. My mother even had another mans name tattooed on her hand. Again, not sure what happened, but they definitely split up for a bit and when I was young, I heard them argue about the tattoo on my mom's hand. I'm assuming she left him for another man at some point. They married at age 20 and are now 60 and are still married. 3. I have two friends that have always had a slightly rocky relationship. About a year ago, they seemingly split up for good. After 7 months, they got back together. At first, they had very little contact, then started to become friends again. 4. Another set of friends dated in high school, split up, went to the same college, remained very close friends throughout the entire time, and started dating again right after they both graduated college. They both pursued other people while they were in college. Eventually, they split up again recently and still remain very close friends. I'm currently on no contact with my very recent ex, who is already dating someone else. Hoping to work things out with him eventually.
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