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Everything posted by miserable

  1. well she gave me the news about 4 days ago. Im 31 and shes 25. we've been married for almost 6 years. I have to bueatiful boys 2 and 5 and it feels like my life is over. I was staying home for three years being a home dad. Buting my ass everyday trying to help and make her happy and helping as much as i can. But then she says that i cant change and that shes been sick of me for the past three years. she said that she gave me chances and i didn't do much. She wants me to give here space now but i dont know how to give it to her i have an oppurtunity to leave but she doent want me to go. shes says there no hope for use right now. But shes so confused that one day she loves me the next day she hates me she tells me to go then she wants me to stay. I know i was wrong and i was depressed and miserable to but i was not going to give up on her. I still don't want to separate but its hard to stay in the house with her. I cant give up on her and i proud of my boys i just dont understand how she cant give me a chance to fix things i love her and shes the only person i want to be with i want it to work to get passed this but she cant do that right now is there still hope that maybe after i go for a bit will she want me back or will she just enjoy being alone. Shes just so confused she doesn't know what she wants is that why shes keeping me here or is she just want me here for the kids help me im losing my hope and i dont want to.
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