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Posts posted by biddo

  1. first off lay off the emo music go and try and seek the humour in life , secondly, every one feels lonely at times, they want love etc... so deal with it. i get lonely too so i pray for a wife etc and some one in my life.

    yes i have high standards and i demand myself to meet them. so set goals for ure self. this is also sometimes selfish sometimes u get so wrapt up about ure own pain u fail to see the big wide picture and thats when u make the mistake of self pity dont pity ureself for pain and suffering is only tempermental not gonna last, ure a young women make ure time count study hard get the papes travel and be respected.

  2. Hey everyone,


    I am at a point where I no longer want to listen to depressing break up music and need some more upbeat stuff to make me feel strong and better about being dumped.....stuff to make me walk out the door with my head up high and wake up in the morning in a good mood. Aside from I will survive (I love Cake's version) can anyone suggest anything else?


    hmmp break up songs ... ocean drums! hehehe check that one out ull like it/

  3. I keep having dreams about me being on the game show, The Price is Right. I'm not sure why and it's really bugging me (well, maybe a little.)


    I wonder what could be causing these weird dreams?


    It has happened on several different occasions. Why, last night, poor Bob was getting yelled at by a contestant. The guy was such a jerk. They had to get security to escort him off the set. What a creep. lol

    ok every time i see a post from u the voice is also in that of simon from american idol .. its kinda creepy.

  4. yeh thanks man ... funny enough .. thats what my mum said.

    weird.. but im glad for u how things worked out . im starting school on tuesday for 6 moths till i finish my diploma.


    well pj is a hole .. so not a good place at all. tavern is not bad local .. but .. its not that good either. the fiddler is like a pub out of now where .. cannot find parking to get in there at all on friday or saturday night.

  5. ok i posted something similar 5 seconds ago but heres wat i said on meeting patners.


    Speed dating is an idea or a blackberry party, how it works is everyone has a number stuck on their shirt and blackberries in hand. if u see someone ure interested in you message the number on her shirt and get talking, if all goes well you meet up at the end of the night.


    Umm clubs,bars, concerts, church the main thing to meeting someone is being out there and able to meet them, the more you go out and speak with women the more your chances are of finding "The one"


    ok im in sydney too .. im in the north west area past parramatta.

    any hoot. i dont go to church ...concerts like big day out i go to .. but im not sure about the chicks there... they arent that appealing. singles nights.. im kinda apprenhensive about them. and how do u know this ure only 17... hmmp ...


    u probably still doing the hsc.

  6. well heres the scenario .. im 24 .. ive only ever had one girl friend in my life and that was last year. so im single now. I dont have a job(but thats no big concern) my main thing is i want to find my soulmate.. where is she?


    my friends are getting married and one is having babies..


    some of them have steady relationships.

    it saddens me that i have not had a steady relationship.

    some one who i can potentially see myself with for the rest of my life.






    any advice?

  7. yeh i always wanted to have a virgin bride ... that would be perfect. I love how u ladies respect ureself and can decipher what is true and real in a relationship.

    HOnestly i wish the girl i like is a virgin but she's not and shes had sex twice with a man before me ... so i was her second .....we beeb having sex alot more than twice like close to a dozen .


    SO in short im not a virgin and neither is she... but i wish she was ... i suppose it really does come down to choice and i hope u ladies all find true love ...

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