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Posts posted by Cheetarah

  1. Have you had people say things to you like, "Don't listen to those doctors, he is a smart kid"? I try to explain to them that intellectual disability is not the same as a developmental one. But it ls like talking to walls. Then I say I don't yet know if he has any intellectual disabilities/learning disabilities, it is too early for that to be determined. I'm like you don't understand, ASD does not mean intellectually challenged. ID CAN be a comorbid disability as well as LD but it's not the same thing. Then I just give up because I don't think they get it.


    I know they mean no harm, but it's frustrating to try to explain.

  2. Fireworks, stupid fireworks. Not even pretty ones(which all look the same anyhow, but at least there's something to look at), but just stupid crap that makes horrible loud sounds and shakes the house. Why? What is cool about making the neighborhood sound like a warzone? I'm not even particularly sensitive to sounds but they're making me jittery. The dogs are scared and stress farting. The bright side is my son is sleeping through it.



  3. I really hate when a pill gets stuck and you're just waiting there drinking hot stuff so the damn thing will dissolve, all the while feeling like maybe you can't breathe, so what if a pill is not stuck there but you are having some horrible reaction to said pill? Then you get a panic attack and hyperventilate, making the whole situation worse. For the hell of it you take a high dose of Benadryl just in case there was any merit to your irrational thoughts, and NOW you have an irritated esophagus, plus you feel really stoned.

  4. OMG I am with you. I have been sick since February. I had a sinus infections February March and April. Now I have some godforsaken upper respiratory infection which is just about killing me. I am literally drowning in mucus. I told my mother to harpoon me , she refused.


    I was talking to M's bus driver and aide today and I was like...is this even normal...And the driver said she was basically sick 85% of the time for the first year when she started. And the aide said she's been sick mostly 60 days straight. I hadn't seen her in some time, now I know why. His teacher also told me she had a cold from September to May her first year, it pretty much never had the chance to go away before she would catch some other strain. Now her immune system is buff. I swear she is never sick.


    Let this be my story in the next couple years, because I am over kid germs attacking my house.

  5. I'm sick of these germs. And I wish I WOULD just get the cold full-blown instead of this gross feeling of my body fighting it off and dragging me down for a few days, then I don't know...Am I gonna get the cold or am I not? And I mostly don't, but... Damn you immune system for doing your job.

  6. Little dog still at the house. He looks a little fattened up, I was glad to see it. I know animal control made a stop because they called me for further info. The dog just should have been taken. He's probably surviving on the bleeding hearts of the neighborhood as opposed to his wretched owners. Keeping my eye on that pup.

  7. People who don't provide even basic care for their pets. They don't just annoy me, they enrage me.


    Reported an emaciated dog tonight that belongs to the house across the street. Made my stomach turn, entire rib cage visible and losing hair. Sick. Sickos. Sick freaking sick.


    I fed him a small amount of food. I wanted so badly to give him more, he was so hungry but I figure dogs aren't much different than people when it comes to starvation mode. I'm going back out there at midnight to leave another little dish.

  8. Universal Technical Institute is a fine name for a Technical school....but I'd steer away from calling it UTI the commercials. It makes it sound like you need antibiotics to go there.


    This cracked me up. I never paid close enough attention to realize they referred to it as UTI in them. I had to go youtube the commercials.

  9. I think I get frustrated because people don't get the basis of developmental disability. The basis is from before birth. So NO, someone did not suddenly " get" autism at 6.


    But that's not necessarily true.




    Causes and Risk Factors


    Developmental disabilities begin anytime during the developmental period and usually last throughout a person’s lifetime. Most developmental disabilities begin before a baby is born, but some can happen after birth because of injury, infection, or other factors.


    ASD is, as my son's neuro says, a "sexy topic". It's also confusing. I feel like I can read things all day every day about ASD and still not really understand it. I want to know more. Which is why I do participate in research studies. Probably won't know in my lifetime, or maybe we will - But I think every parent desires to understand and possess knowledge. And it's just...still quite a confusing disorder. When I ask my son's OT questions, I feel like I am endlessly "why"ing her. But why this? Okay, but why does that happen? Okay, but what led to THAT? She doesn't have the answers, no one does yet.


    I'm more concerned with the intricacies of it than the cause, per say. I don't blame anything because I have no concrete evidence of what caused my son's ASD. We ruled out TBI, which was a huge worry/concern for me. Now it just is. I'd still like to know, though.

  10. But there is no one certain thing to pinpoint. I don't believe we have the sophistication to do so. Speaking of, I went for a blood draw yesterday as part of a genetic research study. Would have done it for M too, but the children have to be at least age 4. The uncertainty is very difficult for people to grapple with. As is the nature of ASD, children can develop typically then regress. So with something like that, yeah I think that's why people have so many doubts. M didn't regress but he stalled.


    I personally believe that it isn't that we have "more Autism", but that many people weren't properly diagnosed and instead were labeled as having an ID. And then we didn't mainstream a lot of those kids, either. I don't believe there's actually an epidemic at all. I think science just started catching up a little bit.

  11. That's the thing I find women are the worst for giving other women mom guilt.


    I agree! Therapist and I talked about this previously, it's just a societal expectation. Men(mostly) don't worry about guilting each other because there is and never had been an expectation that they 'should' do that. And I feel in this respect we can learn a lesson from dads. I honestly have never, ever heard from a father that he felt guilt for letting his kids eat a slim jim, cheese stick and slurpee for lunch. To them that was a successful day. The kids ate(something), spent time with their parent and no one got hurt. I mean, sounds pretty okay to me. We should be free to have days like this and not worry about it at night.

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