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Posts posted by Cheetarah

  1. One year, Fudgie. I mean, I am already paying for it myself anyhow. I don't really have anything to lose. If I leave before then, I simply would not be reimbursed. If I were going through them and letting them place me in the program, I'd be stuck there because they'd pay up front - And I'd have to reimburse THEM. So I have a big advantage here, already being enrolled in one of their approved programs independently.


    This is going to sound a bit stupid - But I probably could stick it out for the year because I wouldn't know any better. I wouldn't know if what I am dealing with it standard, if it's a good fit etc., being that it would be my first opportunity/experience. So you're right. And I have nothing to lose financially, only to gain in the position I am in if I stay there for the year.

  2. I'm surprised, too. Fudgie, everyone says that - They thought I would go the social work route, that I'd be a good fit for it. And I would, in some ways. In others, I really think my mental health would suffer tremendously. I'm not saying that wouldn't happen as a CNA. But not to the same extent. I had to take that into consideration.


    I would like to work in a nursing home. Right now I am in contact with a facility that is verrry close to me, within walking distance - That is still in construction, set to be up and running by May of this coming year. The community college program I chose is one of the agencies/colleges they would select in the case of paying for CNA training/testing and an agreement to work for them. I am already enrolled so it's a little different in this case, but it is possible I may work for them and they will reimburse me. I don't know yet if I want to do this for sure. I mean shoot, I should. I can get there in less than 10 minutes by foot. And I'd have a guaranteed position. But I want to get a better feel for the management as it evolves before I commit to that.


    Thanks for the tips, Fudgie. The hill to die on thing is my big issue with social work. I truly would go crazy in that profession.

  3. Did I tell you guys about my financially foolish career change decision? Starting about 6 months ago, I mulled over this as I was exposed to more and more of the mistreatment and inadequate care people are receiving in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, etc.


    I'm enrolled for the spring BNA training program(CNA). Night classes, weekend clinicals. I'm going to make less money than I am now, however there's more demand on me to be in office and I can't do it. So...it's not completely foolish, given how many second and graveyard shifts are available. It actually will work out better, as far as my time goes. And if it's for me...If I decide it's for me, this path...I'll further my education in the medical field(nursing). If it isn't, well - Not all is lost, I have something to fall back on.


    I feel like I keep encountering issues that only cement that this is a good idea(obviously, I've had second thoughts about it).

  4. Yup, my son is never going to one either. I will find another family member to be his support.


    Yes, ma'am. I hear you.


    I know they are not ALL bad. But most...well, they are. And if you want a quality place, you're going to be on 10+ year waiting lists and paying a lot of money. It's the way of it.

  5. Cheet, I am appalled by the poor conditions at group homes. Absolutely awful. It makes me sick. I've seen people as patients who come from these homes and it's just terrible conditions, and I'm not just talking physically, I mean emotionally too. They are massively understaffed.


    This is why my sister will be living with me when I'm older and my parents are unable to live with her/have passed away. It will be a cold day in hell before I let her go to one of those places to rot away and be assaulted by other residents.


    Same, Fudgie. Same. If M ever needed a higher level of care, the only thing I would be willing to do would be in-home services with a million nanny cams all over the place, that I could access a live stream of from wherever I am.


    They are incredibly understaffed, as are the state agencies that manage the wards. The number of cases each is assigned make it absolutely impossible to provide individualized assistance, let alone do their mandatory checks and visits.

  6. How understaffed group homes for the disabled are. The poor treatment. The lack of supervision. The preventable accidents and fatalities. The hiding that goes on about these incidents. It's not annoying, it's revolting.


    Made 3 phone calls today after an incident with a driver/direct care worker failing to supervise/assist her clients, which almost resulted in my son being smashed into a door. The worker and I got into it, big time. What if it happened? What if it wasn't my family? What if it was someone more temperamental and was violent towards this man? What if this client instead bolted into the busy street, because he wasn't being watched? So many what ifs.


    These homes are under serious fire in my state right now. So not surprisingly, I got a phone call back within 20 minutes - On a Saturday from an off site case manager. I name dropped. First time ever. But I did because I knew it would make them piss themselves. And they should be pissing themselves. These homes and management need reforms, like yesterday.

  7. Court this morning. If this gets continued any more, I am just going to move downtown. Probably save more money with outrageous parking fees.


    So glad that's over after 3 continuances. Default judgement, as usual. Who would have expected anything else?

  8. How often do you weigh yourself? Is it at the same time, every time. A half pound can be a full bladder, food in the stomach. You can go up and down a couple of pounds in a day. Look for trends over a long time. And even if you plateau once in a while, don't get discouraged. You're getting stronger, you're heart is getting better, and your chances for diabetes, heart disease and cancer is going down with every workout. Keep it up.


    And don't fall into the cardio vs weights debate. It's like debating what's more important for the area of a triangle, the length of its sides, or the degrees of the triangle's angles. Both are needed, and debating them is one of the dumbest debates in human history.


    Sorry, not annoyed today, will try harder tomorrow.


    Once a week in the early morning, before food/drink.


    I did wind up losing 2 pounds this week. I have lost 62 total and am within 5~ pounds of my goal weight, to give room for all that muscle I intend on building. *snort*


    It's primarily for insurance purposes that I get worried. My weight loss program is covered by them, and they go by body weight measurement, not body fat. If I don't lose X amount of weight in an allotted time(well, I already have...but that's why the gain worried me) along with other prerequisites, they won't cover my nutritionist visits after the program is done with. Which is about another month.

  9. People who stand on their porch on Halloween evening who tell you 'sorry, nothing' when you get up to the porch. Go in your yard? I mean, you're opening yourself up to a bunch of little kids seeking a sugar rush. I can appreciate the people who leave signs that they're not giving anything out.


    And my eyes. I made a totally ugly walking dead. But as cool as my water lines looked rimmed the red lipstick, I am paying the price now.. *claws eyes out*

  10. In his head I am 100% certain it is. Based on my interactions with him he is incredibly socially awkward. But really, I've dealt with plenty of socially awkward people and this one takes the cake on his Walmart date that I'm supposed to DRIVE HIM to. I said don't you have family to take you? "I thought you might be interested."


    Omg, lol.

  11. Some guy at the gym asked me out via requesting a ride to Walmart to replace his holey jeans, so we could do something 'together'.


    I thought i misunderstood and requested clarification. "You want to know if I am interested in taking you to Walmart?" Yes..Yes, indeed.


    And this is why I am single.

  12. Vic, I was so proud of M today. We went to the park for TWO hours, and he did not run off and followed the rule of holding my hand to and from home. All I simply said was 'rules, M' and he would listen. Then when transitioning back to home, we made it a game of looking for treasures on the way home(found a pencil and some rocks, lol). No arguing, no meltdowns. I went on the slides with him. It was just really good.


    We also raced a passerby in a wheelchair. When he saw her, he ran giggling. She said oh no, he got scared of me. I said I dont think so. He came back and said "Let's race!", so it was his way of initiating play and then he actually verbalized it when he realized that tactic didn't work.


    Just so proud of him today and wanted to share.

  13. It's very annoying when you click on what you THINK is a news article, I mean all things point to it including "article", only to find it's a freaking video "article". I don't want to listen to anyone, I just want to read! This trickery must stop.

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