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Posts posted by Cheetarah

  1. I have no idea what the true likelihood is of touching packaged stuff(outside of studies in unrealistic conditions), but I’ve been leaving what I don’t need immediately in my basement, and yep- wiping down that which I need for the day.


    I open delivered packages outside and then wipe down the contents of them. I leave the boxes tucked away outside on the porch and then toss them in the recycle bin after a few days. I suppose I could do that right away but it’s just more touching.


    In some ways I feel I’m over the top. But you know, I have to at least know I am doing whatever I can to reduce contact.

  2. I don’t get it either !! Just see my best friend once in 17 days she was on her balcony and I sat in my car we must been 50 feet apart at the very least I talked to her for five minutes and I went home. When I talk to my neighbour they are in their yard and I am at my back door which is at least 20 feet apart.


    She’s extremely anxious like us so I don’t even know what she was thinking. I haven’t seen her in 2 weeks then all of a sudden there she is people all breathing on each other. This is what worries me about the summer. People are going to get too comfortable. It was a nice day today, will be tomorrow as well.


    Bolt, that’s exactly it. I don’t want to expose my mother. She has respiratory issues and is 70.


    Is your workplace enforcing any kind of measures? My girlfriend is working from home, but the people in service sometimes have to come in - they have some strict guidelines on space, use of cafeteria etc. like the microwave and stuff have been removed, and fridge.

  3. I feel like I’m touting a moral high ground here which is not what I want to do. I want to socialize as much as the next person. I want to pet all the dogs going for walks. But I don’t want to risk more exposure. I get that there’s some things that are unavoidable like grocery shopping but I mean...that’s why I practically hose my girlfriend off. Why ADD to the risk when you don’t have to!

  4. My neighbor asked if he could use our basketball hoop. I was like yeah sure. Told him to take it on his driveway(don’t want anyone in my bubble!). His wife invited like half the block over there. A little bit of sunshine and they’re all hugging and high fiving.


    The worst part about this is she spends the night 3x a week at her parents’ house, they are elderly and sick(chronically). What the hell is wrong with her? What possesses a person to think their hour of socializing and sunshine is more important than keeping her parents safe as their caregiver?


    Anytime someone visits it’s not a “real” visit - they drop something off and then sit in their car while I sit on the porch and talk to them. I have not let anyone closer than my driveway which is like way more than 6 feet away.


    Yes it sucks! But it’s necessary. I just don’t get this mentality.

  5. We just finished spring break - our schools are now closed until April 30th, but I’m sure it’s just going to be for the rest of the school year. However our governor can only do executive orders for 30 days at a time. Also, although we all assume the school thing I think people hearing that they’re closing for the rest of the year would freak them out.


    My partner just came back from unavoidable in store grocery shopping. I wiped down everything...and then back walked and cleaned everything she touched. I’m basically following her around with a bottle of diluted bleach. I’m starting to feel a little insane.

  6. We are well considering the circumstances!! He’s in 1st grade in a step up to gen Ed classroom(we changed his placement to less restrictive after 2 months!) - he takes math in gen ed, too. We moved(still in the state) to a place with an amazing school district. He has really been thriving here. I miss you!! We should FaceTime. He’s so big!

  7. That sounds cool - Are they pastel-like from the cool whip?


    I'm doing actually really well, thanks! M is doing well, too(still dealing with school stuff...sigh). He had dental surgery a few weeks ago for crowns. The tooth brushing battle is still ongoing but he's developed an interest in the kids WaterPik, so I just use the toothbrush attachment. Lol. He's so big. And he looks so much like I did at that age. I was kind of tripping out on it yesterday when I was watching him play.


    How are you? Long time no talk. I have been basically inactive on FB for 6 months or so just dealing with home life.

  8. Son: I had no clue what the heck she was talking about I just wanted to cat food just give it to me. The rest is extraneous things I don’t need to know. I don’t even know what the heck she was babbling about.


    Lol. This made me laugh. This is pretty much my response to everything these days. JUST GIVE ME THE STUFF.

  9. They're expensive. It was the main reason I got a membership at Sams Club, so I could buy bulk at a good price.


    Yay! Has he had crab cakes before? Gosh I wish M would eat fish. The only thing I can order him at a restaurant are french fries. And even then if they are overcooked he won't eat them.

  10. His behavioral therapist and I came to the conclusion that we need to work with his anxiety before he returns. It's too great again. He likes the idea of school, but when the reality of it comes to light he gets too freaked out. We actually have therapy this Saturday. I don't think I can ever feel comfortable sending him to that building, myself. Her mother(the therapist) works for an agency that employs personal aids for kids in special ed, so she should have resources for me when we go see her.


    184 diapers a month and underpads for night time! Oh my gosh you don't even know the level of thrill I feel. It's a 12 month script and 2 boxes and 1 box of underpads are delivered at the beginning of each month. Just to check things out though, I asked his ped to send him to a urologist in a couple of months to rule out any physical issues.

  11. Vic, Medicaid is paying for diapers! You have no idea how thrilled I am right now. We are still so very far away from potty training. We got the first shipment today. He basically outgrew pull ups and we were going through so many because of how much they leaked with the fit, but I didn't know what else to buy. Omg, so thankful.

  12. It's not a chain gym, I'd have to speak to the director personally about that. Which I will do tonight, since I know he will be there.


    I agree it is non sense. A lot of times I have the gym to myself, so any time he has bugged me it's only been him and I in there. I've changed the times I go but it is random, when he is there...And also stupid. I shouldn't have to do that.

  13. I initially thought perhaps he may have been disabled and had difficulties reading people. But after constants 'no' from numerous people and on more than one occasion, I don't think that is the case.


    If he's down there, I move to the cycle room or I use the 2 treadmills that are off to the left, because I know with certainty that the camera has focus on that area completely(the ladies have shown me the surveillance workup). He could only know this if he had seen the same thing himself, which I know he hasn't because they'd never let him in the office area. So either he's really tech savvy and somehow knows how the cameras down there work, or it's coincidental.


    I initially thought he was harmless but a bit strange. Now I think he's some kind of perv. The director would have to be the one to ban him. They're putting in another camera by the woman's bathroom area because it doesn't survey the entire area, only a part of it. So evidently he is aware, but I'm guessing because he hasn't actually physically assaulted someone or something, or because he hasn't said stuff that is..how to put it...Blatantly harassing, that they're just going to keep warning him and doing this other crap.

  14. Walmart holey jeans gym guy is on the prowl. He bugged me again last time I was there. Found out yesterday it's not just me. He got in the sauna with some woman and told her he gives great massages. She almost decked him. AND, he tried to hug the manager the first day he met her. I told him to eff off the last time he talked to me. Put his foot on the treadmill to block me from even exercising so I can sit there and listen to his creepiness.


    They've warned him. I fully believe he's cognitively typical and just a nasty man on the prowl who refuses to hear no. We have protocol now. They gave me a buzzer that dings the upstairs to use in case he bothers me. There are cameras down there but he corners me in the one area that the camera doesn't reach.


    I hate this guy. I hope he gets banned.

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