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Posts posted by Fudgie

  1. I am so scared for this winter storm. I was supposed to go to Canada with my mom to visit my uncle who is not well in his health. I want to be there for my mom but at the same time, driving in a blizzard is not a good idea. It's not like he's on his death bed. He's not in the hospital right now even. I am going to try and convince her to STAY HOME. It's not worth risking an accident or getting stranded and freezing to death.

  2. I agree with you, Ms Darcy on the fraud bit. Insurance fraud and medicaid/Medicare fraud runs rampant in and it's really bad. Someone just got busted in my area for fraudulent billing Medicaid for 200k. This provider was just one of many, though.


    You're right that it is important to look at the facts over the anecdotes. I was just making a point that I have seen both sides in real life and so now I take a more moderate view.

  3. I think I used to believe more on the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality but now, after a while in healthcare, I'm more in the middle. I'm still pretty fiscally conservative but I do believe in providing some resources to get people out of poverty, namely quality education/training and the support to study. That said, until social and mental health issues are addressed properly I don't see us making a lot of progress.


    I've seen so many people abuse the system but I have seen a lot of people try and really struggle in bad conditions, try to make good choices and yet still, they don't do well. Or maybe they are on the path to moving out of poverty but they, due to their circumstances, are moving at a slower rate. One of my coworkers has a few kids and a husband and they work opposite shifts. She is in school part time. She studies during the slow parts of her night shift. She works like 60 hours a week. I don't consider her less hardworking than someone who got a degree more quickly.

  4. Honestly, I agree with everyone - I'm in the middle. I believe that most success is a combination of luck/opportunity but also hard work. There are people who are born into good circumstances and with not much effort, can remain in those good situations. There are those who are born into poverty and either don't take advantage of resources/aid or abuse them, and they stay where they are. And there are those who are born poor, get access to proper resources, and then use those to better their life.


    I do think at present time, it is very difficult (not impossible) but very difficult to have people move up in the social classes. It's a multi-facted problem, with major, major issues in our public education system, our health system (namely, how we deal with mental health), and social issues with different cultures. Do I think that there are people out there who abuse the system? Absolutely. Do I think that all poor people are that way due to their poor choices? No. It's a mix of people, including those with a LOT of bad choices, some with a few bad choices (but are really trying to overcome them, with limited success), and some who strive to be more, work hard, but never really end up "making it". Honestly, it's the same with the wealthy. Having grown up in a wealthy family, I can tell you that there are people who got there through hard work and others who got there because it was presented to them and they took it. And I don't blame them for that, who wants to suffer? No one.

  5. Fudgie, you make a good point. I think of it as a role, rather than an act. You learn your role, the role that is the job, and play the part.

    Yup, that's a good way to think about it. It's a role and a place. You learn it and then play it.

  6. I think teaching and learning interpersonal skills in the workplace is like learning how to act. It's all an act, really. It matters not your underlying disposition or psychological feelings if you know how to act appropriately and respond and "fit" your character to match who you're dealing with. You also have to have the resilience to do keep up the act when the going gets rough. I don't consider myself a people person or even a very empathetic person but I am a good actor so that's why I do well at my job.


    It's not that it is "hard" as much as you have to be willing to learn how to play the game. There are lot of people who can't, young and old. It's their loss, IMO.

  7. I think my generation has an advantage in communication skills at the office because we had to have good phone manners and face to face manners more than in many corporate office jobs today.

    I agree with you. So many people my age don't know how to talk on the phone properly. Just something I've noticed.

  8. I can relate a little to that, Ms Darcy. I grew up with computers and I am extremely tech savvy. My boss? She's a great boss but she is really bad with computers. I don't think I know more than her when it comes to my job (she had worked in health care for many years!) but when it comes to computers, yeah, I know more. Part of it is when you grow up with computers (I started using my father's machine before I was out of diapers) you can THINK like a computer. You can better troubleshoot and figure things out. We have a real advantage.


    That said, she respects me and I respect her. She may be a total troglodyte when it comes to computers but she still knows more than me as a whole and I show respect. However, when she has computer problems or questions at work, I'm the first person she seeks out, not IT, and I am happy to show her.


    I have my strengths and she has hers and it's about respecting each other and working together. I'm young and know my place. Someday when I'm older, I will have more seniority and that will come in time.

  9. A lot of my older coworkers trash talk millennials often. I've been told "It's great that you are such a hard and reliable worker, unlike others in your age group".


    I know I'm kind of a hypocrite because I myself actually dislike working with others my own age (had bad experiences with them being lazy, stupid, etc) but I wouldn't openly make negative statements to others, you know?


    Not really sure what to do.

  10. I really dislike my generation as a whole. I pride myself on being resourceful and a quick learner. My generation grew up with computers and then the Internet... how are some of these people so clueless? We have the world at our finger tips.

  11. I'm sorry, reinvent. I don't know why some millennials are so awful. I am very "no nonsense" at work and take a quiet, focused role and I do not gripe. I've worked with some millennials who are great, others not so much. I don't know why it varies so much...

  12. faraday,


    I like my burgers rare in a good, upscale restaurant but have never ordered that in Canada because they seem to tut-tut that practice. I mean, I understand why - unless the ground meat is irradiated, it IS a risk. You're not weird or have issues. You're vegetarian! Many people don't like/can't handle the taste of meat. I am a total carnivore - meat, chicken, fish, whatever, it's all good. If I cook with ground beef, I have to actively resist the urge to pop some into my mouth.


    I do cook my chicken to the right temp, although I've accidentally eaten it when underdone and it tasted fine to me - but that's dangerous. I love raw fish (sushi), especially sashimi, I'll eat that raw any day of the week.


    Years ago, when my grandparents were alive, we went out to a nice local steakhouse. I ordered a steak rare and it came out medium (pink) so I sent it back. I think the cook was p__ssed because when it came back, it was a new steak but it was BARELY cooked, I mean, essentially raw. It had some solid fat in it, which I cut off. I ate the whole thing to prove a point and asked the waitress to tell the cook that I enjoyed it.


    Don't get me wrong, I think there is a lot of things wrong with the meat industry. I don't agree with how they slaughter (I think it would be better to use an inert gas somehow, it induces a euphoria and is painless) and I also actually prefer grass-fed beef, even if it costs more. If they could make meat in a petri dish and have it taste the same, have it have the same macros, and have it cost less than an arm and a leg, I'd buy it! I would think that would be really neat!

  13. I do think the expiration dates for a lot of different foods are kind of overkill but I think that's done on purpose. Eating things off the floor? Oh heeeellll no. I remember when we last saw K's brother's family, their youngest was in the "I eat anything, anywhere, anytime, any place" phase and it was just so gag-inducing for me. I'm so glad I don't have any memories from that time in my life because I think having that memory would really gross me out.


    I've gotten food poisoning more times than I care to admit, although not in recent years. I've always been really drawn to very rare/raw meat. Honestly, if I COULD eat raw meat safely, I hate it say it, I probably would. I really like the smell and taste and texture. Same goes for eggs! Annnnd that's why I got sick from food sometimes because I was younger and didn't care/didn't think about it.


    Now I won't eat raw things. Unless it's sushi. Or irradiated beef. But I still prefer my steak and burgers very rare.

  14. What?How?why?


    Can't speak for PP but where I am, it is illegal for food business' to donate their food to homeless people or to say "hey, raid our garbage". This is due to food safety reasons/liability. Of course, some businesses get around this by going through word of mouth like "You didn't hear from me, but xyz place will toss food out in a separate bag on xyz day at zyx time."

  15. I find it painful to look at the old photos/videos of my sister, to see that she was a "normal", happy infant girl and then around 2-3, her expressions begin to fade away and she began to come non-verbal. It's really sad to see. The change was slow and even by other folks' standards today, my parents "caught it" early but there was still that period of time that you could see that something was kind of wrong but we didn't really know what was going on.


    People used to say about non-talkers, "well, he/she is just a late bloomer. He/she will talk later. It will come. It will happen. he/she is just quiet. He/she just doesn't know what to say. He/she is just shy".


    We know much better now.

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