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Everything posted by bill9977

  1. Day 4.....stupid me, I broke NC by calling her. We had a vacation planned for later this month that I'm going to lose money on if I cancel and I used that as a pretense for calling. Was dumb of me. She talked about how much she missed me and how she didn't understand why we couldn't just be friends. That I'm her best friend, that she loves me, but that she doesn't want to be in a committed relationship with anyone. I told her that just left me feeling like she was trying to hold onto me until someone else came along. Which is exactly how I feel. Call ended with her saying to get in touch if I ever want to be just friends and with me saying for her to get in touch if she ever changes her mind about what she wants with me. So....Day 1 of NC round 2 starts tomorrow.
  2. Day 3, she texted me twice yesterday....I didn't reply to either. But I was weak and looked at her profile on FaceBook. There wasn't anything posted since she dumped me, so at least I'm not sitting here mad. Was still a mistake to look and I'm going to go do something productive now like run on the treadmill to make up for looking.
  3. Thanks bitebenot. I wish I could erase her phone number, but I've got it memorized. I did remove her contact information from my phone and hopefully with time I'll forget the number. And she actually texted me today....asking if I want to go with her on a business trip next week. We used to do stuff like that since I can work from anywhere. She was sure to include "as friends" in the text though and I just deleted it....no reply. I'm recognizing that the dumper wanting to be friends or texting is just their attempt to relieve guilt, string the dumpee along, or retain power.
  4. Day 2 I started No Contact yesterday and am determined to make this work. I went to bed thinking about her and woke up checking to see if she had sent any texts. Now, I'm so tempted to look at FaceBook to see her profile. We aren't friends on there anymore, but she's left the privacy options open on her profile so anyone can view it (feeds her narcissism). I know she'll just have some status update about going out to party this weekend or a date she's excited about or something else that will make me mad. I think the online social network part of the no-contact challenge is going to be the toughest part for me. We were heavily connected online through FaceBook and other internet channels including websites we built together and even some email addresses that we shared. And the temptation to see what she's posted, see if she's logged in to our sites/emails, etc is very strong. I know NC is the best thing now though, so rather than looking at her FaceBook profile or anything else, I'm posting this message here.
  5. This is such a great idea! Thanks for this thread! I'm starting no contact with my ex as of now. We last had contact via text a few hours ago. She initiated it by texting to see if I was ok....obviously wanting to reduce her guilt. I texted back that I'm great, that I accept her decision to not be in a relationship with me and that I'm moving on to a life without her. I actually think this is going to be easy (maybe I'm being over-confident). But knowing I'll have to come back here and confess any contact will help keep me straight. So....it's no-contact from here on out.
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