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  1. OK, This is what transpired last night.....she decided to leave....that was OK, then 2 hours later she came back, saying that as soon as she left she wanted to come back. She told me that she wants to see a psyciatrist(sic) and she wants us to go to marriage counceling together-which we have not done before. I was very apprehensive when she came back and told me this, but for some reason I agreed that it would be a good first step. I am really beginning to think that she has true psycological problems, and being the type of person that I am , I want to help her,...for us, and the kids.....Did I make a mistake by letting her come back????
  2. Hi, well this is my situation...I have been with my wife for 9 years, and married for 2, we have 3 beautiful children together, and we both have cheating in our past. I cheated on my wife(then girlfriend) the 1 and only time 6 years ago, and I have vowed to myself to never do it again. My wife on the other hand has cheated on me at least 6 times throughout our relationship. The most recent time was 2 months ago, when she met a guy where she works at a fast food restaraunt, and decided to move in with him and abandon me with the kids at home. She told me her reasoning was that she is tired of fighting with me and she just wants to be happy, given that the only time that we would fight was when she was cheating on me?? Well..about a week ago she decided that she owed it to our marriage to try to work things out, so she came back and everything was great for the first few days. Now she says that our marriage is unrepairable, and she doesn't want to try anymore, and she wants to move back in with him and his parents. When she decided to come back she said that something "snapped" in her head, and she said to her self "what in the he** am I doing"...I really wish I knew. I love her with all my heart, and the last thing I want is a divorce, but I cant live with the cheating, and lying anymore. My family, as well as hers tells me that I need to go to court and get custody of the kids and get divorced...the kids and I are emotionally spent, and I dont want to live like this anymore. What should I do??
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