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move zig

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Everything posted by move zig

  1. thx crashnburn it means a lot. i definitely am new to the dating scene and a complete newb when dealing with these emotions. just gotta live and learn
  2. za3raa69 yea i think thats what happened. she was really just looking to be friends and i didnt know and wanted more. o well. i dont think she is that busy work it was just an excuse which is fine since like u said saying it to my face would hurt a lot more. about 5 months ago i dated someone else and we drifted apart but i didnt care as much since i wasnt that into her. but this girl really got to me. well now that it seems she wants friendship and nothing more how best to proceed? i know i shouldnt call her for a while to let all this settle in (i was thinkin 2-3wks) but wont that also show that im hurt or that maybe i just hate her for doing that to me? id like to know at what point i can just start talking to her like a friend again since i do value the just being friends thing or should i not even bother or care or just lose interest period?
  3. thx gilamesh it really helps. it has been the hardest past week for me especially with work being stressful at the same time. its just in my mind she is so perfect and i fear i wont be able to meet anyone quite like her again. ur post does help me realize i must get over her and move on. thanks again
  4. I just dont understand woman at all. plz can someone can help me?? I met this girl through our parents knowing each other. shes 21 and im 24. this is kind of a long distance friendship since it would require extra effort on my part to go and see her. so after a brief meet for the first time we emailed back and forth for a whole month chatting about every little thing and just totally feeling comfortable with each other. i'd call her every once in a while to see what she was up to during the wkends so that perhaps if she had free time i would be able to hang with her. she was almost always like 99% busy with her friends during the wkends but i managed to get some of her time finally about 4 wks into the whole email back and forth thing. the first night we spent time at a comedy club followed by a romantic walk around. the second day which was the 'excuse' for me coming back was to participate in this 'guy' thing where she was able to spectate. ok here's where i start getting all confused and start worrying. from my perspective i thought we had a great time together. bascially being a gentlemen one night and then showing her some spectacle she had never seen before. i really did try my best to be a gentlemen and talk to her and listen to her and pamper her as much as i could all throughout. after the wkend as soon as the week started i noticed a sudden change in the way we were communicating with each other. a)she stopped replying to my emails due to work supposedly and b)could tell she did not really want to talk to me when we had conversations on the phone. she would conveniently respond to a voice mail that i had left when she knew we could not talk for more than like 2 minutes (about to get on bus). basically the week after i started calling more often due to the lack of email communication, just to bascially ask whats up and hows the week going. i ended up asking if she was free the next coming wkend but alas she will be busy with her friends. basically the friday before the wkend i could not reach her and left a voice mail saying basically how i felt and that i enjoyed spending time with her and that i would love to hang with her again. and so she did not call me back til the following tues. it seems she only called back since shes too nice to not respond to a voice mail. but basically everything i said when i opened up was ignored and she just mentioned how busy work is starting to become and then as expected she had to go cause her bus was coming. did i do something wrong? i feel so sad and hurt by this and can't stop thinking about her. was i being too forward with her??? i may have called her one too many times last week and i opened up to her on her damn voice mail which wasnt the smartest thing to do. anyway i think it seems we will be drifting apart after this and the sad part is I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY. plz help me understand -holeInMyHeart
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