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  1. Just wanted to say thankyou for your answers to my post. It has made me think. Thankyou.
  2. Hi, i wasnt sure this is the right subject for my post exactly, but its the nearest one to my problem. I finished my 7 year relationship last year exactly, after we had problems relating to my working. I had a mild illness (thats gone now) but my ex couldnt understand why i was fearful of working. Our relationship became uncommunicative and he got resentful. In the end he told me to go. I went to live back with my parents. I have worked since then and gained my confidence back. My illness is completely under control. I really loved him and begged him to take me back but he wouldnt give me any straight answers. I Got a job and eventually moved on with my life. After about 4 months of leaving him, i met a wonderful man, who happens to live very near my parents. I have been with this new guy for nearly a year now and we are in love. He has soken of marrying me next year, and i adore him. He is kind and loving to me and im generally very happy. He treats me like a princess. My problem is that i cant get my ex out of my head. I know in my heart i couldnt really get back with him, because of how he treated me. I still speak to him once a week. He has stressed on the phone many times in the last 6 months or so that he wants me back. He says im his soulmate and we should be married. He didnt marry me in the past and i felt strung along. I cant ignore him as i really care for him, he has little friends and i feel sorry for him. He wont date anyone else and tells me he loves me a lot. I have a big hear and i want him to be happy. I still love him , but its a different love compared to my current boyfriend. i cant help comparing there personalities all the time and i find fault in my current boyfriend sometimes. Its like i know i want to marry my new guy, but my ex stays firmly in my head. I remember the good times we had togethor, but my mind cant seem to remember the bad times, (there were lots) I dont want to hurt my new boyfriend , but i hate hurting my ex, as he keeps telling me hell wait for me. He knows about my new guy. I tell him to get on with his life and meet new women but he wont. Please help me with advice. - Kim.
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