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Posts posted by xoxoxo21

  1. Thank you in advance to anyone who replies to my post!!! I am no longer married, since my previous posts. Any help is greatly appreciated...I need it. Okay so two years ago my friend was hooking up with this guy ( we will call him Bill) it never went past kissing, they never dated and there seeing eachother was kept a secret because she had a b/f at the time. So anyways that was two years ago. Well she is practically engaged to a guy who is in the Army, so she will be leaving soon. My best friend left a couple months back to go to his graduation and I was bored to I text messaged Bill, just to say hi and see what he was up to. Then he asked me to come hang out and I did. I told him that he couldnt say anything to anyone. Him and his dad work with me and my best friend, so everyone knows eachother. Anyways, we didn't kiss or anything that night. I've been seeing him now ever since and it has gone to the physical, but I still havent told my friend. Even though it was two years ago I think she will be mad. When I do decide to tell her, I am just going to tell her I like him and not that Ive been seeing him. I really want to be with him and Im afraid it will just turn into a big 'ole mess!!! We have this huge secret between us and I do not know how to tell my best friend. Someone please HELP!!!

  2. Thank you in advance to anyone who replies to my post!!! Any help is greatly appreciated...I need it. Okay so two years ago my friend was hooking up with this guy ( we will call him Bill) it never went past kissing, they never dated and there seeing eachother was kept a secret because she had a b/f at the time. So anyways that was two years ago. Well she is practically engaged to a guy who is in the Army, so she will be leaving soon. My best friend left a couple months back to go to his graduation and I was bored to I text messaged Bill, just to say hi and see what he was up to. Then he asked me to come hang out and I did. I told him that he couldnt say anything to anyone. Him and his dad work with me and my best friend, so everyone knows eachother. Anyways, we didn't kiss or anything that night. I've been seeing him now ever since and it has gone to the physical, but I still havent told my friend. Even though it was two years ago I think she will be mad. When I do decide to tell her, I am just going to tell her I like him and not that Ive been seeing him. I really want to be with him and Im afraid it will just turn into a big 'ole mess!!! We have this huge secret between us and I do not know how to tell my best friend. Someone please HELP!!!

  3. Hey everyone. I am in a jam, and I am really hurting.


    I was looking at my husbands phone last night (not snooping) I was going to DL some ringers on his phone. As I was getting on the net, the last thing that he looked at came up...it was "naked girls" there were three pictures of naked girls. My heart sunk. I went and I showed him. He tried to cover it up by saying it was his friends. I knew he was lying because he was being really defensive. Then he goes off and tells me that it was him. He kept saying, "I am a guy, that's what guys do." He was making it seem like it was okay and right just because he is a male. I don't think so. He is married, why would he need to be looking at porno while he is at work on his cell phone???


    If you've read my posts before then you'll know some of the situation. He blames me and tells me that he doesn't care if that hurts me....oh ya he tore up our marriage license and some of our wedding pictures.


    Is it okay for a married man to look at porn?

  4. My husband is going to Iraq for a year and I will go back to my home state. He is telling me that he wants me to stay where we are living because he doesn't trust me to be back home because I might kiss the guy I DIDNT EVEN KISS or even know again.


    I will not be going to anymore parties but he doesn't seem to believe me. He thinks I am going to take all his money and leave.

  5. Hey everyone! If you read my last post please help me!


    I can't seem to get through to my husband. Get this he told me that he can no longer even trust me with his money. He is telling me that he can't trust me because he thinks I am going to spend it on John. I think he is being really immature.


    Everytime we argue he calls me names and tells me why dont you just go with John, or he'll call me John. Whenever we argue he always turns things around and tells me to shut up because this is what I get for cheating on him. I seriously don't know what to do. He has totally blown this whole thing out of wack.


    He tells me that I am not telling him the truth he tells me that Im a w**** because I didn't know his name or anything about him...I didn't even do anything. He tells me that we had sex.


    This is ruining our relationship and frankly I don't think it's my fault. What CAN I DO? I am going out of my mind, andI can't seem to defend myself with him because he always comes back with something.


    Please help me....

  6. While my fiance was away for 4 months I went to a party with one of my friends.


    She introduced me to one her male friends, that was all enough said. I didn't speak to him, aknowledge him...nothing.


    I'd say about 45 minutes after our being there we went outside and sat on the porch (me, my friend and her boyfriend) and then comes the guy she introduced me to he came and sat next to me but we both didn't aknowledge one another. He was just sitting there with his buddies. Next thing I know I turn around and he has his lips pressed against mine. It was a mear millisecond and I pushed away said no got my friend and left.


    I didn't make a huge deal about it because it wasn't me and it was just a peck. So I wasn't going to think about telling my fiance. To me it was nothing at all.


    Well come to find out, my fiance finds out after we're married. Now he can't trust me, and never believes me. He always tells me to go kiss him again, or he'll say why dont you just be with John. I know this wasn't pleasant for him but really help me convince him that it wasn't me and it wasn't anything. He is so mean about it all the time. He is going away for a year and says he rather divorce me then have to worry. Which he doesn't have to worry, I am not that person all I did was go to a party.......


    Help me please

  7. Hey! Thanks for the advice, it helped me a lot. Because I knew in my heart I am not doing anything wrong but I think I needed that reassurance from someone I don't know.


    I love my fiance and I am not going to hurt him. I believe that I can have a male friend as my comfort zone.


    I am not sure if I am going to tell the guy about my fiance.



  8. Hey! I've been gone for a while but I am back now. I am going through a pretty big step in my life right now. Okay so my fiance is away right now fighing for our country, he has been away for quite some time now.


    In the meantime I have been here trying to keep my life going knowing that he is there. It is very hard. I have my good moments and my bad. I am most sane when i am with my friends. Recently I was out at a bar with some friends and I met a guy and gave him my number. Thinking he wouldn't call, then next day he calls. He asks me to meet up with him and his buddies so I bring a friend and we go. By doing this, I am doing nothing wrong. As time progresses to now we have seen each other a few times since and we talk on the phone. I have done nothing with him, meaning kissing, bed hop that stuff.


    He told me that he really really likes me. Problem is he doesn't know I am getting married. I just didn't feel he needed to know that first night. He is lusting me and I feel awful. I like him to but I can not pursue things of course because I am in a relationship with someone I really love. How should I go about this situation? It's a toughie. You can be in love and like someone else and your first response his that guys comfort and that guys presense because your guy isn't there ya know. MAle attention. What should I do without telling him that I lied to him?

  9. Hey everyone. I will try and make this as short as I can with all the details!


    Blunty, I feel as though my boyfriend picks his best friend over me. Like I come second to his friend.


    Let me start. THERE IS NOT ONE DAY THAT THEY DO NOT SEE EACHOTHER! My boyfriend goes over to his house EVERYDAY at the same time. Then they go to the gym and work out together. They go places together and etc. They even spend Saturday and Sunday together. No matter what.


    I ask him if he can EVER go ONE day without going over there, and he tells me no. He always jumps to do things with him. But when it comes to me he won't. If me and him have plans and his friend calls, he'll ask me if we can invite him and his girlfriend along. It's like he is afraid that if he doesn't see him ONE day that they wont be friends anymore. Another thing; when I ask to go over with him, he tells me no. That it's not my place to be. It's his friend and I'll be bored. . .he tells me. I just want to be included.


    I tell him how I feel and he tells me to just deal with it. He doesn't understand how it makes me feel. Maybe this is because I am overreacting??? We live together but it seems like I hardly see him.


    Am I being selfish? How can I get through to him? Without anyone talking baldy about him and telling me i need to break it off . . .I dont need to hear that ok?


    THANKS to anyone who helps.

  10. There is nothing that I have physically seen. Though I do know (from him telling me) that he says hi and occasionaly talks to this one girl in particualr. Whom is known to be the town s***. So it makes me a little paranoid that they know eachother...


    maybe im to paranoid, seeing as how he told me and all.

  11. Hey everyone! I have 2 questions. They might be stupid, but I don't know the answers. . .


    #1. How do you know if your b/f likes, or is attracted to another woman? WITHOUT HIM ADMITTING IT?


    #2. How can you know if he has or is cheating on you? WITHOUT ADMITTING IT?


    Someone please give me some explanitons. Lets keep it nice. . .



  12. Hey everyone! I need some advice and some point of view badly! Please keep it polite??


    ME and my fianc'e have been together for about a year and a half. We started dating in april 2002 to now. 4 days into our dating he kissed another girl. He said that he was with the wrong crowd and that it was "peer pressure."


    Well besides that it has been almost 2 years. And I have yet to trust him again and get over it. I want to so bad because I hate feeling this way. Time after time he tells me that he will never do anything to me again like that. He is so sincere in those words to. But when I hear that he was talking to another girl I freak and think that it is more then just talking. My theory is that if he talks to another female that he will begin liking her. Become attracted to her. I know that all I am doing is punishing myself. I hate putting our relationship through this.


    We have talked about it numerous times, to this day. Im scared that If I dont start trusting him soon that he will break up with me! I need to forgive, forget and trust. I dont want to be that crazy control freak girlfriend.


    How can I move on? Please help.

  13. Hey everyone! My topic might through ya'll off but I've got a story to back it up. Now, don't get me wrong I don't mind his "indivual time" because I know couples need there space it's just the way he goes about it.

    It's my boyfriend, his best friend and weightlifting. It seems as though when you put those together that Im not a priority to him. Sometimes I feel as though I come 3rd, when I believe I should be first (no matter how bad that sounds). He is always concerned to be with his friend more then he is concerned to be with me. He doesn't like me around when they are together because he tells me that I am interfearing. I feel as though if we were to split that he wouldn't even think twice and that he wouldn't even care. He sends off those vibes and feelings in me.


    I have talked to him about how he treated me and he says he feels really bad about it and that things will change. HE tells me that he never put me second, and that he wont make me feel like that again. Yet he tells me that he is going to hang out with his friend and go to the gym just the same as he did before.


    I'm also a little worried because he is turning 21 in DEC. I still have 'til March. I don't want him drinking because I am afraid it will imapair him and he'll cheat on me.


    How do I handle all this baggage that he comes with? I love him to death so don't tell me I need to break it off.


    I am here for help. . .PLEASE someone

  14. Hey everyone!


    My question and need for support might be really dumb, but LOL I am desperate.


    I am flying out September 13th. I am so scared, because I'll be flying just two days after the 2 year anniversary of 9/11.


    I am like really paranoid that something is going to happen. It being so close to the date and all.


    I try to think about how strict they are now but it is in the back of my head that something will go wrong. It almost makes me not want to go, but I have to.


    Does anyone have some support or ways I could kind of get past this?


    Is anyone else flying out around that time??? I'll only be on the plane for like 2 1/2 hours, but still.




    Thanks guys!

  15. Hey all!


    Just recently my boyfriend has been trying to contact his ex-girlfrend. I don't know what to think of this.


    I know that many males and females have contact with there ex's while in other relationship, it just worries me. Is this okay for him wanting to talk to her? I know they have a past and all. They went through a lot of issues but he tells me that he hates her, yet he wants to talk to her.


    Should I be worried?


    Maybe I should contact an ex....


    Plese give me some input.



  16. I know exactly how you feel. I found my boyfriend on a singles website just about a week ago. But he explained himself and it was a common misunderstanding. Your situation is far worse, you being married and all.


    You seem as though you weren't happy from the start. Have you let him know your feelings about how the marriage is going?


    I don't think sticking it out for a year just because you don't want people to think bad about you is a good idea. If you aren't happy you can't help it.


    It is entirely your choice wether to get a divorce or not. I just don't think you should base how long you saty together on other people.


    Don't jump to conclusions, ask him if he isn't happy and for what reason was he on the singles site. Talk about things before you decide to end things. Maybe he thinks there is something he thinks you aren't giving him. It's all about COMMUNICATION.


    I hope I helped.

  17. WOW! I am so sorry to hear that sweetie.


    I am usually I am all for "second chances" but in your case I am not so sure. Wether or not you want to give him a second chance is up to you. If this was my case, i wouldn't. I have been cheated on before, it wasn't nearly as bad though.


    The rational thing for you to do right now is to let him know that he hurt you and need your space to replenish your thoughts. That is the best thing for you to do right now.


    In my opinion cheating is the worst thing to do to anyone when in a relatioinship. It hurts so bad. I know how you feel, I really do.


    I know how it feels to find out. It is so shocking and takes your breath away. Makes you wonder.


    You have a right to be angry and you have a right to not want to talk to him. He took something very prescious away from you. If you give him a second chance then he is going to have to earn it back and be paitent with your feelings and emotions.


    It's up to you on the second chance, listen to your heart. If you do give him a second chance make sure he doesn't make the same mistake again and if he does dump him....


    Good luck and I am sorry this happened!

  18. I need some advice on how not take sides...


    My best friend of 15 years and her husband of 4 years are deciding to end there marriage. I came to know her husband(soon ex-hubbie) really well and we are friends.


    my best friend chose to end things because she met someone else at work for only one day, while her husband was away on vacation they saw eachother.


    I feel awful for him. But I also have to be there for my best friend. I think what she did was totally wrong and I let her know that. Though I am still talking to her ex because he is so depressed and has no one else to talk to. I don't think breaking up a four year marrigae for a guy you've known one day is right.


    I don't want to take sides. I don't want them to feel as thought I am either. I want to be able to talk to them both.


    I don't want my best friend to get mad at me for talking to her ex. NOT IN THAT WAY. I just feel awful for what she did to him and I need to be there for him as well as her.


    How should I deal with this painful situation without butting out (I will not because they both need me) and taking sides? I think she is wrong but I'm not going to befriend her or him you know?

    But I want him to know he confide in any of her friends, because he can.


    How should I go about this?

  19. "Once a cheater always a cheater." In my opinion NOT TRUE!


    If you give someone who has done wrong then that is basically putting trust in them that they won't do it again Even though you'll have your suspiscions you know what I mean?


    If they care and love you enough they will not do it again. Most espacially if they know they have done wrong and made a mistake.


    People tend to think that everything in relationships is bad and nothing is okay and nothing can be fogiven. Don't worry they are just immature they haven't seen the reality of things.

  20. ...I am in search of advice. Morely males, but females too of course. I just need a few males O.P's.


    My boyfriend of over a year chats on the internet with girls. I want to know if this is an -ok- thing to be doing while you're in a relationship? Should I be worried?


    He has a profile right? It says that he is single and looking. I asked him why and he said it was nothing and it's not a big deal? Is that okay?


    I don't know where to go on this.


    Should I just trust him and know that he loves me? Or is he doing something totally wrong?


    I am concerned. Just need some simple advice. Any would be appreciated.


    Thanks guys and girls!!!!!!

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