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  1. I Really need some advice because I feel like i'm dying inside and I don't know what to do... I was going out w/ a guy that I have previously went out w/ for (6 months) We got back together a month ago and since the beginning he cheated on me w/ a close friend (but I still stayed.) he then cheated on me 3 other times and I just let it slide but then one night I just broke down and couldn't keep ignoring what I saw and heard it was just too painful especially because he was telling me how much he loved me. How could he love me and treat me like this!? I didn't understand and still don't . Whenever he told me he loved me I never said it in return becaus I have big trust issues w/ guys from previous relationships. (and been VERY Badly hurt.)anyways yesterday I finally decided to let him in my heart and I explained to him exactly how I felt and that it would take time to completely let him in, after that he told a group of people he was going to break up w/ me , and last night I called him to talk about what was going on w/ us and he told me he loved me and cared about me but he couldn't deal w/ me walking away from him when I was upset, and that he couldn't be with me anymore. At that moment I just broke down in tears (which I never do.) He said he wanted to be w/ me but couldn't, He said I never showed him my feelings and felt I didn't care about him. I told him I obviously do but i've just been hurt SO! many times that I don't know who to trust anymore, and he said he sees that I care about him now cuz I was crying but that it was too late. He told me to take my heart off the table and put it back in my pocket and walk away. So I did, I said bye and that was it. Then he called back 10 minutes later w/ some long speech about how I wouldn't understand him cuz he's different from evryone else, But I just told him I'm over it and to leave me alone, and if he would just dismiss my feelings so quickly and have the nerve to tell me he still loved me then I didn't need him. This story is about getting advice about what to do about him but also the fact that I finally let my emotions show and they were just thrown right back in my face and I don't know how to trust anymore...and frankly I don't think I can , I feel drained, dead and hurt inside.
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