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Posts posted by Senna

  1. I fear I may have had my first one night stand on friday. I went on a kind off date with this girl who I've liked for so long. By the end of the evening we left togther and I stayed the night at hers and had sex both of us were drunk but I did hear from one of her friends she really liked me.


    Anyway the next morning it was a little tense we went to her friends for breakfast but we didn't really talk. i sent a text message on sunday just saying 'hi' but didn't hear anything back then I went round to one of my friends house last night and she was there (we both have the same friend) she knew I was going to be there so why bother turning up only to ignore me.


    I really like this girl and hate the thought of it being just sex I really don't know what to do next if anything! I might add she's 32 so I'm not dealing with a younger woman. Have I just been used and abused

  2. thanks for the replies, I guess curiosity killed the cat didn't it? I don't want to read the thing anymore because I got so upset before but it's so easy to just pick it up and read it but I REALLY don't want to. what should I do when I get this feeling? I know it sounds so stupid and simple but it's not when you know all the answers are maybe there in those pages

  3. I used to believe that the no contact rule was a waste of everyones time if you love someone why should you have to do this but sadly i think thats what needs to be done and in my opinion 38 days is not enough they say it should be between 4 or 6months. You have to find yourself again and maybe that's what she has to do the more you the bother the more she will back off. You can't rush thing's if it's meant to be you both will find each other again

  4. I really feel for you this really will be one of the hardest thing's you will ever have to do but you must follow it through. stay strong keep yourself busy but DO NOT CONTACT HER if you feel weak go for a run go and see some friends you will stand more chance of getting her back if you both do your own thing for a couple of months. I really do believe in the saying if you love someone set them free.


    Good luck pm if it gets tough

  5. whenever I've gone through a break up I always listen to the smiths/morrissey. morrissey is a genius at sad songs here are the songs that saved my life.


    "I know it's over-still I cling I don't know where else I can go I know it's over and it never really began but in my heart it was so real and you even spoke to me and said..." I know it's over


    "I'm here with a cause, I'm holding a torch in the corner of your room can you hear me? and when you're dancing and laughing and finally living hear my voice in your head and think of me kindly" rubbering


    "the good life is out there somewhere so stay on my arm you little charmer but I know my luck too well,yes I know my luck too well and I'll probably never see you again, I'll probably never see you again" hand in glove


    "fifteen minutes with you well, I wouldn't say no people see no worth in you oh but I do" reel around the fountain


    "..and when I sleep with that pictuer of you framed beside my bed, yes it's childish and it's silly but I think it's you in my room by the bed..yes I told you it was silly" maudlin street


    "time is gonna wipe us out, there I've said it loud and clear,so that you can hear there's no one in view just you and time is gonna wipe you out, now I've had enough I've had more than can be my rightful share of nights I can't bear how could it be fair? time could never wipe you out" I'd love to

  6. I really hope it works out for you street. It's going to be so hard and it will take a lot of work but if you two are meant to be then everything will sort it's self out.


    I don't think it's possible to hurt like you did before I always think the first time in anything is the worst without you even realizing it you grow stronger and it won't be as painful as the first time.


    As you know my ex and I are trying to get back together but firstly we have to get to know each other again which is really hard having known her better than anyone else over the past five years it's a strange feeling and sometimes I wonder if it's worth it because I want thing's to move faster but at the same time they can't. It's hard work but let me know how it's going

  7. Hey street,

    lt's nice to know that someone else is in the same situation, l've been going through hell missing this girl so much so it's really hard when all l hear her talk about is this bloody guy drives me crazy


    l'm dealing with the situation because l still love her and she still loves me and l know when we get past this stage everything will be fine but it's getting past this stage that's the hardest part-don't know about you but l guess deep down l'm afraid that l might be second best to this other guy but maybe that's my own insecuritys taking over l guess sometimes you have to think positve-even though it's really hard to do after the past 6 months l've had.


    I hope it works out for us both

  8. Me again! always find this place gives out the best advice if you don'yt know already trying to get back with my ex after 5 years together and 5 months apart-it's not been easy but we seem to be getting on very well just like we used too but taking it slow.


    Only problem is all she talks about is her brief relationship she had 2 months ago he didn't treat her well so she left l listen because l'm her friend as well yet at the same time it really hurts that everytime she opens her mouth it's always about him-every song is a reminder ect ect apart of me just wants to say to her did you ever talk about me in the same way after 5 years together l find it all rather insulting that she doesn't stop to think!


    And is it really possible to be a rebound after that long together? surley this other guy was the rebound we'd only been apart for a month before she met this guy...really what the hell is wrong with people



  9. Well, there was me thinking that me and the ex were trying to start again everything was going as well as could be expected when she said she's still not sure-she doesn't want to hurt me!!


    We had 5 months apart without any contact l like to think I've changed she say's I have (for the better) but it scares her. l'm not weak anymore where as l think she is now, she's not the strong person she once was.

    She told me how unhappy she had been-she told me how she missed me so much and that she was still in love with me and longed to be in my arms again and that she would never give herself to anyone the way she gave it to me.


    All this is very nice to hear-thought it was just me falling apart but if we both still feel the same and have confessed to not ever allowing anyone to be that close again-why can't we be together and be happy!? l'm so lost. I never begged her didn't cry all l said to her was that both of us might never feel like this again and may regret it when we're in our 80's that we didn't fight for what we had-l told her that l would give her a month or so to do some thinking as l can't wait around forever-was that the right thing to do?

  10. As you know me and the ex are trying to get back together which will take time l'm not rushing anything.


    Here comes the but..found out from a friend that she was seeing someone as was l but not sure if l trust my ex l think she could have both of us on the go-how should l play this without sounding over the top and paranoid?


    I'm not upset about this because thing's will take time to sort thing's out l'm trying to protect myself because l've learned a lot.


    Should l ask?

  11. Firstly l think you should go get her to see someone, sometimes talking to people who don'y know who you are can help.


    Look at all the letters people send on here about ex partners still grieving a year on, there is no time limit for this-time will sort it's self out for her in the end, just be there when she needs you.


    This year has been so shit for me and l don't know much apart from the fact that life does indeed go on. remembering that has helped me a lot.

    l wish her well

  12. I saw my ex girlfriend last night for the first time in 5 months (we were together for 5 years) l have no idea why she decided she wanted to meet me after all this time l can only guess it was because l had arranged to meet her friend for a drink on xmas eve and maybe jealousy kicked in.


    Anyway l handled it so well she could tell l was a more together much stronger person which l am! l didn't bring us up she did, she bought thing's up like pet names and talked to me in our baby voice which surprised me!!


    She got really jealous about silly thing's l'd done and how my hair had changed maybe it was loss of control over my life.

    She looked at me in that way, her eyes were fixed on mine for along time and l'm sure we could of ended up kissing.


    I don't know where to take it from here, if l knew l was going to see her again as friends l have no doubt that we would be together in a matter of weeks but theres also another part of me that doesn't want to go there again in fear l would get hurt, she is the love of my life l don't want her to go from my life again.

    Any ideas would be helpful?

  13. Oh my year just keeps getting worse my best friend died of cancer yesterday afternoon a week before xmas l can't believe it's happened even though l knew it was coming at some point.


    my problem is that l can't cry l've been acting very normal as if it hasn't happened which freaks me out everytime l think about her l can feel myself beginning to hurt then l block it out l think l'm to afraid to face such emotions again after losing my girlfriend of five years (not through death).


    My head is so messed up right now l just want to know how l should be acting l don't want people to think l don't care when l do l just can't stand to think about this it all sounds to selfish and l don't mean it to.

  14. lt's so good that thing's worked out for you but you must remember that sometimes thing's don't work out, nobody should lose sight of that. for me it's been 4 months with no contact with my ex she could be dead for all l know it broke my heart for so long but now l'm over it and greaful for it. with my had on my heart l can tell you now that l never want to see my ex again l have no reason to anymore.

    l wish everyone luck it's a tough ride ahead

  15. l know this time of year is hard, it's been 4 months since l saw or heard from my ex and we were together for 5 years, but the no contact did work for me in the end and l think it could work for you as well. l've met a lovley girl now..never thought l would and l'm falling for her and now my ex is at the back of my mind and not the front.

    lt can be done l never thought it could but sometimes we can surprise ourselves with our inner-strength. During the bad times your real character shines through and your real strength comes out. l wish you well

  16. Well l went to meet my ex after work (haven't seen her for 3 months) l saw her coming out of the door and walked away l couldn't do it, it really was like seeing a ghost it scared me so much.


    I would tell everyone on here who is hoping to get there ex back to just leave the past alone put it to rest. what l felt today was the worst l've felt for along time.


    Everything everyone said on here was so true it's not worth going back l ended up sending her a rather stupid message which l regreted deeply. l will never do it again, ok l never got my answer and l hope she doesn't reply to my message l don't want to know anymore. seeing her today hit me like a slap in the face but it was only then that l realized it was over.

  17. Haven't seen my ex for 3 months now we were together for five years just recently she's been sending me messages (one every week) then out of the blue she meets MY best friend for a drink and tells her that she still loves me and wants me back and told her to say something to me about it.

    That was 3 weeks ago since then l've played it cool tried to meet her for a drink but she ignores me or avoids the question.


    Anyway since she told my friend this news l've really been going out of my mind. we never had closuer and now l want it.

    l'm going to go and meet her after work (she doesn't know l'll be there)and find out one way or the other l need to know, either she wants me she doesn't what do you guys think? I think it's the only way l will know for sure? yet l don't want to freak her out. l need to move on l need her to look me in the eye and say she doesn't want me anymore

  18. Thanks for the tips your all right these thing's take time and l can't push it the fact she said all of that stuff is only a good sign.


    I've waited this long so I guess I can wait longer but I'll keep doing my thing for now. It's so hard though

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