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  1. okay, i've been avoiding posting, but reading what everyone else is saying i just have to get in on this. this is my second day of no contact. she broke up with me at the end of december. i'll try to make this brief. we had an ldr, opposite coasts. i met her a year and a half ago, started a committed relationship about 6 months in (both of us very reluctant as we are for the most part realists, but we both just fell head over heels) okay, anyways fast forward to now, as soon as she made the break, i did all the usual depressed pleading with her which just pushed her away, no surprise. then after about two weeks, decreasing the contact on my end, she starts talking to me like she used to. she mentions how maybe someday we might be together, and then out of nowhere she says she loves me, and misses me. so we both got emotional, and things were looking good. we started talking frequently for the next few days, which clouded my judgement, as i got kinda clingy, and would text her multiple times when she wouldnt reply, which then pushed her away again. i realized this, and went no contact for a few days. last week, after a whole day of no contact, she texted me at night saying "i miss you baby" and that she was thinking about me, and stupid me, i reply right away. i realized my mistake, and started no contact again yesterday. i have to point out though, the night when she said she still loved me, i told her that i've been trying to avoid her, she got quiet and said she had to go, i asked what was wrong and she said "you were trying to avoid me?", and i could hear her getting choked up. and throughout the entire time i've known her, she's always made it clear that it's the guy's place to go after the girl. so i dont know, is absolute no contact good in this situation? it seems every time i think she's completely moved on, she somehow comes back to show her love for me. maybe i'm just always thinking the worst possible scenario when i think of what she's doing.
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