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Everything posted by TLguy

  1. thats...weird I havnt had a single message off my ex in the 12 days...shows how much she cares about me.
  2. End of day 12 for me...so Im not doing too bad. But like I said before, I couldnt contact her even if I wanted to. I could send her a facebook message or email but she goes on the internet like once a month at the most. Damn tomorrow is going to be hard though
  3. Could be worse. My ex slept with someone else the day after we broke up, then started a relationship with him the next day, then moved in with him 2 weeks later! Anyways, day 12 I think. Feeling good today because its FRIDAY!! Fridays are too great to make me feel down.
  4. Lucky for me she'd just bought a new phone a few weeks before we split, so I dont remember her new number. It does work for me anyway...cos everytime I think of contacting her, I remember I cant so I stop thinking about it.
  5. Day 11. Im not too bad so long as I dont have long periods of time to think about things until I finish college...like now
  6. Its easier for me because I deleted her number so i cant contact her even if I wanted to. Think this is day 10...or 11...not sure. Still the same as I ever was.
  7. Being ultimately stressed with college coursework helps... Feeling lonely now...had a good day today but Ive come down. NC still going strong though.
  8. Day 9. Still miss her. I manged to go nearly the whole morning (8-12) without thinking about her though. The longest since we broke up.
  9. Day 8. Ive just realised its one month today since we broke up...not sure whether that seems a long time or not at all. Either ways, Im feeling good today.
  10. Day 7 A better day than the last few days...probably because today marks the first week point. So I can think in terms of weeks and not days. Am starting to feel resentment towards her for everything shes done instead of missing her...which is good I guess.
  11. The urge to contact is gonna be far worse with valentines day approaching...am gonna be thinking of her all the time and will want her to think of me...a personal aim for me is to make it past valentines weekend. If I do that I'll feel Ive proved to myself I can do this...I hope.
  12. Day 6. The urge to contact her is rising...really miss her. The low points are getting lower, but the high points in my day are feeling normal again. So NC is working...slowly but surely...
  13. End of day 5. A day of inconsistancy. Some times when with my mates Id be happier and jolly then usual...then a single thought of her and I crash down and get depressed. Im sort of semi-depressed atm. I just really miss her...and the fact she hasnt tried to contact me makes me feel worse and unloved.
  14. Always feel down each night...as Id usually be talking to her. But now Im alone thinking about her and shes with her new guy not giving me the slightest thought. *sigh* Day 5 has just started.
  15. Day 4...feeling a bit down today. Im still missing her as much as I ever did, but Im starting to accept that shes gone so it hurts less, but I feel more alone. And Im still thinking about her most of the day. Bet she hasnt thought of me once...
  16. I think today has been more lonely than others today because Ive had a short day of college and have hardly seen any of my friends and have had time to think about things...which is always bad. Am feeling so down though...its times when I havnt spoken to many people I realise how nice it is to always have someone there...eugh...I definitely need to go to bed. Am sure I feel better in the morning. Hang in there Parlae...things will get better...just keep busy. And Im going to ignore valentines day..either that or break down and get depressed.
  17. You know he never loved you? Did you love him? LDRs are hard, but they shouldnt make someone feel any less about someone though.
  18. Thats almost identical to what happened to me I keep thinking about what happened that I mean so little to her now she doesnt even want me in her life...and I keep thinking that how she wont even care Ive gone NC as she'd never contact me anyway. Really gets me down. Guess the only positive light we can go on, is that theres no point being friends with people who dont appreciate you/treat you badly. Friends dont do that. I think this is Day 3...feels like longer. Still NC though with no real desire to break it...just feel alone. And my phone is so quiet...it would usually be beeping all day, but Ive only had a handful of texts since monday.
  19. Coming up to the end of day 2, and Im still coping ok. Had a dream about a being with a girl that wasnt her last night, then waking up wishing it was true. Havnt done that in nearly a year! Im taking it as a positive sign... Its 4 weeks since we split, and end of day 2 without contact, and Ive felt pretty good today even if I have thought about her alot.
  20. That one helped alot for me personally..thanks x
  21. I suppose you could see this as a positive in terms of concentrating on no contact. If my ex hadnt hurt me as much as she did when we broke up, Id probably still be talking to her alot clinging on to the small chances of getting back together. Just try to keep going. You have friends on here who are going through the same and are here to help you
  22. Same for me. I love her as much as I ever did but hate her at the same time...which is why Im doing the NC thing. As the love will go away, but what shes done wont. Yeh. Its made me feel a bit better reading that others are going through the same sh!t as me. Not that Im glad people are hurting, just that Im not alone. If you want to contact so it appears you dont hate him, I guess something carefully worded like "hope you have a good birthday" might surfice...but it goes agaisnt the NC rule I guess. I wouldnt do it, but Im doing NC for a different reason so its up to you hun. Just keep it short and sweet if you have to.
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