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  1. hi,i have a consultation about my ex. i'm asian and my ex is black.we broke up 1 year ago,but we still keep in each other on the phone. the reason we broke up is his misunderstanding. at that time i lived near his friend's house then he suspected our relationship. i didn't know why he did it,but later he confessed that his friend also liked me. i explained there was nothing between us to my ex,but he's never trusted me. the other day he called me and he said he can't trust anybody because of ME so he doesn't have a girlfriend since we broke up. what the hell did it mean? he sitll wanna blame me? he still can't forget me? i don't understand him. if he still likes me,i wanna go back to him,but at the same time i don't want him to disturb me anymore. what should i do? and what does he think of me? i need answers which really cinvince me. [/b]
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