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red baron

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  1. Go slow at first, this will help you last a bit longer, because the heat and motion that builds up with going fast will make you go earlier than you want. A trick that I use to last longer is to think about other things while having sex. For instance, if you think you are going to go earlier than you want then stop thinking about the moment and think about sports, work, videogames or what you have to do the next day. If you feel yourself getting soft again, then focus back on her and the moment. This seems to let me go as long as I want and your woman will think your a sex god because you can give her multiple orgasms everytime you have sex.
  2. Seems like there is a mix of opinions here. I'm still not sure what I am going to do yet, I guess I will play it by ear for now. She's been with 16 guys.
  3. Here is my dilemma: The girl I am currently with has had many partners in her past and it is tearing me up on the inside. She has had a few long term relationships and that doesn't bother me, but I can't stop thinking about all of the one night stands she has had. I love her and I want to be with her, but I can already feel this starting to split us up because I am beginning to resent her for her past adventures. I know that what is done is done, but how do I cope with this? Should I break up with her or try to deal with it? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
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