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Posts posted by Cinnamon

  1. I'm 16 years old, and I've known this guy named Jermaine for about a year or two. Basically the whole time I've known him, we've been kind of dating, but not serious dating or anything like that. Well I really REALLY like him for some reason. He's different from any other guy I've ever met, and he can always make me laugh. I love being around him. I don't know what it is about him that makes me like him so much, there's just something about him I guess. He tells me things like, "you're my favourite"... and yadda yadda yadda. The thing is, he's gone out with lots of girls and is kind of like a player (even though he doesn't really act like one). It's great being around him and spending time with him because I love the way he makes me feel. But he's the kind of guy who won't really make plans, and does what he wants when he wants. He likes to be free.

    I just don't know what to do. Even when I meet other guys, I always compare them to Jermaine and it makes me VERY picky. And I only like one guy at a time. Grrrr. I'm confused =\ Ohh and I'm not sure if I should actually believe what he's saying is true, about me being his favourite, and him liking me so much and everything else, or if it's just a lie because he tries to get as many girls as he can?

  2. My ex boyfriend went to a party, and cheated on me. He was making out with some girl in front of everyone (my friends, and his) and ate her out. This happened a few days after I told him his friend kissed me and I pulled away. Did he do this to get back at me? He didn't attempt to talk to me for a few days after the party, and then, he broke up with me on MSN. How low is that? I didn't do anything to deserve this. I just wanted to hear some thoughts on why he did it... and if I should say anything to him. One of his friends told him that night that he was a hypocrite, and that I didn't deserve what he did to me. I kind of want to say something to him myself, because I'm really pissed off about it, but I also think that I don't want to waste any more of my time on him. I can't believe what a jerk he is. I'm hurt by the fact that I wasted time on him, and he betrayed me. I don't think anyone deserves to go through that. And the thing is, he seemed so sweet at the start of the relationship. Gr.. anyway, thoughts/ advice is appreciated. THANKS.

  3. Hello! My boyfriend's mad at me right now (because his friend kissed me), and he hasn't even attempted to call me for the past few days. I called him today, and he said he would call me back in a little bit because his family was over. Guess what? He never called. I'm not sure if I really care that much, well... I do care a bit, but I don't want to, ya know? I think I'm not as mad as I should be because I'm VERY infatuated with a guy who has recently came back into my life. The thing is, we used to have a little 'thing' going on before he moved away. I liked him A LOT! And it took me a while to get over him, but I finally did and started to date someone else. I'm starting to like this other guy again, and I'm not sure what I should do. This guy tells me all the things I want to hear, but I'm not sure if I can trust him or not. He's sort of a player. But he said he was going to prove himself to me, to show me how much he liked me. And he did! I won't really get into it that much because it'd take forever to type, but I'm pretty sure he really does like me. I don't know what to do... =\

  4. For those of you who have been following my posts, I told my bf that his friend kissed me. I told him this last night, and he seemed okay with it at first. I told him that I was sorry, and that I felt really bad. I also told him that it meant nothing, and I backed away and said "No, I like my bf too much to do this to him!" when his friend kissed me. I asked him if he was mad, and also let him know that it was alright if he was mad, and that I would understand because if I were in his place I'd probably be mad too, but I would end up getting over it. He seemed fine with it until he left with one of his friends to go to the store. When they came back, he didn't even look at me! He jumped back in the truck with his friends and his friend's girlfriend and they took off. He never said goodbye or anything. I'm sure his friend said something like, "Forget about her! You shouldn't have to deal with stuff like that!" Now, I haven't spoken to him since last night. He hasn't called me once today and I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to lose him, and the thing is... I think that he should be happy that I told him. If a girl told you something like that, doesn't it prove how much she likes you? Not to keep it from you, and to try to have an honest relationship. I never realized how much I really liked him until after the kiss, it made me realize how much I didn't want to lose him. I just don't know what to do now... I'd really like to hear some opinions or advice on this situation. Thanks!

  5. It's my one month aniversary today, but I haven't talked to my bf yet... because of something that happened last night. I was out of town with some of my girl friends, and we met up with some guy friends (these guys are really good friends with my bf). Anyway, there was a big dance, and it's basically a place for teens to hook up and meet each other, and really just have a good time. The whole time I was there I wasn't interested in even flirting with other guys, (this is VERY unlike me; I'll admit I flirt a lot, but nothing more). We all drank, except I think I ended up past my limit and drank too much. Lots of the guys were hitting on me, and I was trying to ignore it. This one guy ended up kissing me, and I backed away after a few seconds and I told him that I like my bf way too much to do that to him. My friends saw, and so did one of my bf's good friends, I don't know if he's said anything to him yet or not though. I'm going to tell my bf because I know he's going to find out one way or another... whether it be today, a few days from now... or even a month from now. I don't want this to ruin our relationship, because I know that if it were the other way around I'd be pretty mad at him. I feel horrible, and wish that never happened. I'm not sure what to do... or what to say. All help is appreciated, thanks.

  6. I've never given a blowjob with braces on before (I just got them recently) and I'm not sure what to expect. I can kiss good with them, I'm just not sure about the whole oral sex issue. Any tips/ ideas from someone who has either given or received a blowjob with braces would be very helpful. Thanks

  7. I went out of town for a few days with one of my friends, and while I was gone pretty much all I could think about was how much I missed my bf. I usually don't miss anyone this much... he was the only person I missed. I'm wondering if maybe I like him too much, or maybe even love him?? Oh yeah... and at the beginning of the relationship I could see myself cheating on him, but now I couldn't possibly imagine it. I'm always wondering how faithful I'd be... because I get bored with relationships easily, but now I know I'd be faithful to him. I'm scared that I may like him more than he likes me (which wasn't the case at the beginning of the relationship)... and I'm just not sure what to do. I don't want to end up getting hurt. We've only been going out for about a month... I've never been in love before, is this too soon? Oh, and he's almost three years older than I am, does this affect a relationship a great deal? Any thoughts/ opinions are GREATLY appreciated. Thanks, have a great day!

  8. My bf and I have been together for a few weeks now. I have a problem, when I like someone I usually lose interest once I find out they like me too. I don't know why this happens... but it's a problem I really need to fix. I get bored with people easily I guess, and move from one guy to the next. I think what's going on is that I haven't had that many relationships and I'm still young, I just want to have fun and not be tied down, but I do like being in a relationship. I tend to flirt a lot, and it's generally pretty easy for me to get people interested in me or to like me. Anywayyy, I like my bf a lot... but I think he likes me wayyy more than I like him. I'm still interested in other people... and I could see myself cheating on him (even though I wouldn't want to hurt him). What should I do to solve this problem? Thanks a bunch!

  9. Hey there! The age difference isn't a big deal AT ALL. It's only one year, and he's obviously cool with it. I'm almost 16 right now and my guy is 18 and things have been going great so far. It really depends on your maturity level. Anyway, I think you should just try to spend more time with him because he does seem very interested in you. However, it's hard to tell if he's interested in you as just friends or more than friends, so I suggest that you show him you're interested in him as more than friends and take it from there.

  10. Personally, I'm not afraid to do that sort of stuff with someone I have feelings for or really care about. If I trust the person, and we are involved in a relationship, I honestly won't care what other people think. They can say what they want, because I know that I'm not a slut. But, I think the reason some girls are like that is because when girls fool around with a lot of different guys, they will get a reputation as being a slut. Guys, on the other hand will get appraised for this kind of stuff. So guys probably look at these issues differently than females do.


    Well the thing is, I trust my boyfriend because I know that he likes me a lot and wouldn't do that to me. But, as for my friend... I don't really trust her. She can be just a little whory at times, especially when she's drunk. I trust my guy not to do anything with her though, but I'm afraid she'll say somethings to him... to try to break us up. She's done this before ;\

  12. Stress definitely does that, or at least plays a part in causing irregular periods. But, I would suggest talking to your doctor just to get a second opinion and to make sure everything's alright. =)

  13. I recently started officially going out with this guy, Tristan. And one of my good friends, Jess, spends LOTS of time with him... way more than I do. It's because her older brother, Callen, and my guy are good friends. But even when her bro is at work, my boyfriend is still there... and hangs out with Jess until Callen gets home. Now, they haven't been hanging out for too long. Maybe a few months or so... about the time Tristan and I started hooking up. I know that he likes me A LOT. Jess even says she's never seen any guy that has liked me as much as Tristan (even before we were going out). I trust him and all, I just think Jess likes him. She even makes plans with him, like, "Hey, let's do something together tonight!" I'm invited to go along, of course. It's just that Jess has a thing for guys with boyfriends... she liked one of my best friend's boyfriend for a while (basically the same situation) but is over him now. AND, Jess liked my ex boyfriend when I was still going out with him and she says something that just shouldn't be said to them because it starts things, arguments and such that could have easily been avoided. She stirrs things up, and provokes things. I'm not sure what I should do... any ideas?

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