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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. I'm 15 and I've never had a girlfriend before. I dont know what I should do I really want to go out with this girl. I find myself obessed with this girl I've known since Aug 2002. Heres the story: back in September I was talking to her on AIM and I told her that I liked her ever since I first met her. And she thanked me and said something about me being shy or something. I told her that I had to go (I had to shut off my computer because my dad came home and I was grounded from my computer I didn't want him to catch me). So since then we have been talking to each other like normal friends but lately its been getting a little flirty - not too much but a little. I don't really see her very often we only talk on AIM but I'm gonna see her on the 4th of July and that's when I plan to ask her out. But I don't know what to do or say.
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