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  1. Dude, your 15, don't worry about things like that. Besides it's not the size its how you use it. Relax
  2. I have been in a relationship with a guy I met in college for 5 1/2 years. We live together and even own a house together. Lately I have this overwhelming feeling that maybe I need to end this realtionship. Our sex life is basically non existant, everything he does annoys me, things that I used to be able to tolerate. I don't know what to do, should I try harder and see if it can be worked out, I have already invested 5 1/2 years into the realtionship. Or should I abandon ship before I invest more time in relationship that is potentially over. If I try and discuss my feelings of needing space he goes ballistic and I feel like I can not talk to him. I am really confused.
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