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Everything posted by Cuu

  1. I used to be like you. When I was 16 I had very low self-esteem. I was very shy. So shy that people percieved me as being rude. Plus my acne didn't help me much either. So I know exactly where you're coming from. I thought I would be a loner forever. I learned to except me for who I am. About a year later, I met my first girlfriend. She was very pretty and I knew I didn't had a chance. I would shake when I talk or look at her in person. So I called her instead just to make small talk. We were working at the same place so she didn't blow me off completely. What I'm saying is use other methods of communication. Use instant messagers to talk to them. Eventually you'll grow on her and she'll see past your looks. That's when you know you've found the right girl. This was the method I used and I've been with my girl for over 5 years. Although she broke it off with me 5 days ago!! I'm still in pain. But that's another story. Anyways, don't just spend your time looking for a girlfriend. You'll get a girl when you're least expecting it.
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