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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. Day 21, finally hit the 3 week mark. Aiming for a month now. Easily done.
  2. Day 20 Had a blast last night at the party, met a lot of new people which is always good! Still not feeling great today though.
  3. Day 19 Usually the weekends suck after a breakup, but tonight should be good, going to a birthday party..funnily enough it's one of my ex's parties, but we get on really well. Hoping it's a lot of fun!
  4. Day 17 now, starting to get slightly numb to it all.
  5. Day 16 Well into the acceptance stage now, just needing to get past these feelings of loneliness and boredom. Watched the movie Sideways, which is a classic, I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a good laugh.
  6. Day 15, another cold, miserable day. Guess things can only go up from here.
  7. Day 14 now. Cold, rainy day here on the Gold Coast. First day of winter. You notice their absense more on days like this.
  8. Day 13 Been listening to Chris Isaak's album Forever Blue most of the day. No better album to listen to after a breakup imo.
  9. Day 12, went out clubbing last night on my own, which was kind of hard to do, but at least I got out there. Bumped into a couple of old friends who I hadn't seen in ages while I was at the bar, so wound up having a cool night anyway. Just goes to show, you can't predict what will happen
  10. Day 11 for me. My last contact was following up on us going to see a movie, which she couldnt make. Decided to go full NC after that. I'm not going to chase her around, I have more dignity than that.
  11. Yeah Mustang, "Out of sight of mind." is for us "Absense makes the heart grow fonder." is for them, at least we hope so lol
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