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Posts posted by hoppy26

  1. yahko....im sorry but what you just said is a bunch of non-sense.

    people are getting married and remarried at all ages. you seem to have this idea that being single means being unhappy. do you even know what the statistics are for divorces these days? if being married in your 20's and being divorced and left with nothing in your 40's is something you feel single peole are missing out on.......then id say to you "wake up".

    im making damn sure the girl i marry will be the only girl i marry. from what you've said i can picture you as the type of girl that always has a boyfriend and cant ever be alone. i dated a girl like that once......she dropped me like a 100lb bag just like she did to everyguy before me. she most likely will do it again to the next. your 20......you have time to learn.

  2. if this may offer any advice to you..........

    the other day a guy i had never talked to in my life(i was placing an order where i work) got on the conversation of being single, and being married.

    this is all coming from a married man. "son........a single man in his 30's is like a diamond to woman.......if i could do it over again i wouldnt have gotten married until i was 40". i thought abouth this for a minute after we hung up, and it sorta makes sense. society has made us believe that being involved or married is a must to be happy. why does everybody always have to with somebody? im single, 26, confident, attractive, and make a decent living. i, like your brother date casually but really have no desire to take it any further then that at this point in my life. 10 years ago i was telling myself i would have a wife and kids by now. im glad i didnt.

    i can do what i want, when i want, with whom i want. i have no one to answer to. in alot ways singlehood is the way to be. i feel your brother is just plain ok, happy, content with his single lifestyle.id say let him be. support his singlehood!!!!

  3. from past experience move on with yourself and do not look back. as for prettyangle said...the stuff about you being in total control of your pain.

    i disagree 100%. if someone walking out on you after 4 or 5 years doesnt cause you any pain, sadness, anger, etc. i would consider you a pretty cold hearted person. i would consider an action like this a major trigger to all sorts of emotions. if you can honestly sit back and say you have complete control over situations like this i would also say you are un-human. its human nature to cry from sadness, yell from madness, etc.

    im a 26 yearold guy and i have no problem admiting ive cried and will cry again. live isnt meant to be an easy ride. every bump you hit will mold you into the person you will be through your time here.

  4. ok heres a doozy..........i started chatting with this girl online. we have good conversation and weve talked 5 or 6 times. obviously the more we talk the more we get to know about eachother. well last time we talked she told me something that has me shocked.........she told me previously she had gotten out of a 7 year relationship(shes 25 i believe?). she said she had been single for 1-1/2 years and was starting to try dating again(we chatted through a singles site) towards the end of our last talk she said "i will tell you something when we get to know eachother better".

    i said "ok" and took a stab and guessed and said "your bi-sexual".

    her rosponse was " why would you say that". i then said "well what is it then". she proceeded to tell me her 7 year relationship was with another girl.............ok???? why are you on a dating service looking for guys if you just spent the last 7 years with a chick????!!!! wouldnt she be classified as full blown lesbian. she has 1 sexual experience with a guy.

    what do you all think? she really threw me a screw ball here.

  5. i understand your feelings. i to wondered ho someone could just walk away form something that seemed so good. the truth is his feelings changed. i can say this has happened to me. my ex of three years did the same thing. left me here with nothing but a bunch of unanswered questions and emotional rollercoster ride from hell.


    the only advice i can give you is DO NOT sit around and think you are the reason or you werent good enough. he may never really tell you why. my ex didnt either. create your own closure. understand one thing, this guy is going to miss out. and sooner or later he will realise this. you must do the no-contact thing though. friends............never really works. give him time to miss you. that means no calls, emails, letters....etc. do not beg or give ulitimatoms or he will be pushed away. goodluck, hope this helps.

    i didnt do alot of the things i stated above......thats why im telling you, you should.

  6. christmas has passed. all the excitement of running around, shopping, swapping, opening has come to an end. as i sit here one thing just crossed my mind. it's something i used to think about everyday, with eachday the thought fading. it's the thought of being alone forever. never finding my "sole" mate. the thought of that wrenches my stomach about as much as my ex(the one i believed would never be my ex).

    the thought of never having a wife, a family....etc, makes my eyes water.


    i suppose this post was just another therapy session for me.

    month 8 of dealing with being walked out on by the one i loved but couldnt keep.

  7. if you try the "WHAM" thing you mentioned you might get smacked and she may get hurt. LUBE, LUBE AND MORE LUBE!!!! youll like it and shell thankyou for it.


    dude, if she really wants anal......think of yourself as a rare breed of man that gets to indulge in one of lifes many gifts.

  8. to me sex in the shower is like sex anywhere else......only your soaking wet in this one. seriously, you can sit in the tub and she can get on top,

    you can bend her over to the side or any wall. if she's flexable then the options are endless. dont ever think sex is just her on her back laying down. experiment, whats the worse that could happen??


    now onto a personal feeling i have about sex in water. i feel the water takes away the womans natural lubrication..........so to me id rather be having sex somewhere else. dont get me wrong, ill take it anyway i can get it. i can say there isnt much hotter then seeing your girl all wet and naked.

  9. to put along story into a small amount of words my ex of almost three years bailed on me with very little explanation. after 4 or 5 months of her playing games with me i cut all contact. mainly because i found out from a few friends she had a new boyfriend. its been about 4 months now.

    i will not contact her, i know i shouldnt. i guess what is bothering me at the moment is that i dont ever see her out with her best friends when they are out at bars. it seems she has a hole new world and is pretty serious with this guy. from what i know of him he is alittle older then me. maybe 28 or 29. she may even be living with him and that really eats me apart. i just dont know much at all, and i suppose not knowing is best. im just still feeling the after effects of her walking out on me and starting a new relationship so soon. she really had me fooled at first when she told me she just needed a "break". i know can sit here and understand what her idea of a break is. i need to add its been 8 months. i havent dated, nor feel the desire to really. im 26 years old, and feel like ill never meet someone who will stick around.

  10. ok.....i was in both your shoes. the last thing you want to do is beg back, question, and be to pushy. if you have to tell her how you fell, then tell her and leave it at that. if you continue to pressure, you will only push them away. as for being "just friends".........99% of ended relationships end with one person being ok and the other person not being ok. thereforeee making it hard to be "just friends" to one person. i believe in the "zero" contact rule. its a tough one to play, but i cant see being just friends after years of being so much more. goodluck both of you. dont expect anything from your ex's. because she wants to hangout as "friends" doesnt mean anything more then that. my advice to both of you is move on. dont wait around. dont be friends with the intentions and hopes of getting back together. and dont make yourselfs volnurable by spilling your guts. it makes you look desperate.....desperate=bad

  11. tonight i ran into a tricky situation and im not sure i handled it right.

    i was on my way to meet acouple guy friends at the local bar to have a beer or two and watch some football. i was meeting them all there so i was alone. i pulled into the parking lot to see my ex's car parked there.

    at that very instant i was over taken by a wave of emotions. my stomach started doing the butterfly thing. to make the story short. i left. i couldnt go in. this is a small bar and avoiding her would have been out of the question. so i choose to avoid the whole situation. the drive home sucked, i had every thought running through my mind about her. good and bad.

    i have to add its been 6 months since the break on her decision. weve had no contact for acouple months due to her playing the usual games.

    was i wrong for leaving? i just cant handle even seeing her yet. i believe somewhat in out of site out of mind. im 26 and feel like the biggest wimp!!!! why do i and others let our ex's have this sort of control....? or is it me and my mind being my worst enemy? any advice?

  12. thanks for the replies. the closure i got came after her playing mind games with me for awhile. i found out through friends that she had a new boyfriend and that was my closure. i play soccer, fish, have my own business. im busy. i just cant seem to let the "triggers" go. songs, pictures, places, etc. places i cant avoid so thats not an option. i feel like im going through my mid-life crisis to early.

  13. im 26 and the typical "man" i suppose. meaning when it comes to my emotions and feelings of being upset, stressed, etc. i usually keep to myself. after my ex left me back in april i have lost total control of my emotions. i find myself tearing up during certain sad/happy times on tv and even in my current life. i dont outright cry.....but i do tear up and have to slow myself down. i'm at the point in my recovery where i have accepted that the relationship is over. she has moved on with another, i sit here and try to piece my life together day by day. i feel weak mentaly.

    i had to strictly enforce the zero contact rule to help myslef. how long before ill snap out of this "funk" im in? its been 6 months and im still not completely "over" the trama of being walked out on. need support.

  14. your upset because he has also moved on. you say you have no feelings for him.....whats the problem? remember one thing. you broke up with him. it seems in this day and age when a girl breaks off a relationship and moves on so quickly, the guy is usually left in a pile of confusion. now all of a sudden that you know he has moved on, you have these feelings. you let him go, you must remember that hun.

  15. ill try to offer some advice...........YOU need to draw the line.

    if he is unsure, give him space. if he wants to be friends instead of being gf/bf then try it if it is something you can handle.

    if he wants to be friends with benefits......thats where you need to draw the line. i couldnt handle sleeping with my ex. just to much emotion involved. it seems that he just doesnt know what to do. so i think you need to take charge in this circumstance. be the communicator. when he responds with what he wants then at that point its in your hands. if you think you can still be just friends. then great for you. bu one mistake you cannot make is being his friend with the intentions and hopes you will get back together. reality is he might find someone else or you may aswell.

  16. today is one of those days everyone hates having.

    i feel so alone, useless, unwanted....etc, etc, etc. ive been thinking about the ex alot the past couple days. 6 months later i still feel the pain she caused me. i still feel like i was in a sense raped. i feel i cant let myself get close to anyone. arghhhhhhhh. 26 years old.....why am i goiung through this crisis. isnt it supposed to be mid-life? my world came down around me and im having a very hard time getting myself back out.

    i cant afford therapy, i cant talk to my family about it. i feel i have zeron purpose. I DO NOT HAVE SUICIDAL THOUGHTS!!!!!!!! im just sick of this depression i battle everyday....alone. if only my ex knew what an affect she had on me. what do others do in this state of mind?

  17. ok....one for the ladies.


    where is the line between a guy being aggresive and confident and just being outright cocky?

    i ask this because im a guy, 26, new to the dating seen. ive never been in this situation and it scares me to death. how do you approach a women? in all my relationships longterm or not ive been approached. i suppose becuase i was just being myself. but now im older it seems being myself just isnt working. i also suppose im not in alot of the same situations(parties..school..ect.) as much. i do go out to bars and whatnot now and then but there seems to be this thing with girls at bars. i get the impression that they assume your just trying to get in there pants.......isnt that somewhat true to the bar seen? where do i start? im the honest guy with feelings that every girl says there looking for but yet i dont know how to put myself out there. im at the point after my last relationship to start dating, have some fun, and try this whole being single thing again.

    its been so long!!!!! and im out of the loop!!!!!help!!!

  18. i dont think being "casual sex partners" with this girl is a good idea.

    heres my reasons.


    1. if she is indeed is fooling around with multiple guys.....theres a higher risk for std's to be involved. in this day and age i feel condoms dont get the use they should. be carefull. if having sex with her now and then is what you really want please use some protection.


    2. sometimes we want casual sex for all the wrong reasons. i made this mistake. i to thought casual sex was ok, but in the end it was another way of me just holding on to my ex. i felt if we still had sex we were still together. well she didnt think that way. after having sex with her it brought back all the emotions that come with braking up over again.

    please be carefull in this situation. you may end up hurting more then before.


    heres my final advice. all these feelings you are having will pass buy with time. i know your not attracted to other women at this time. believe me you will be. i once went on a two year stint of no sex!!!!!! i thought i was never going to find a girl like that again. she was my first and i hated the thought of not sleeping with her anymore. well let me tell you this. even when you think you've got the best.......there is always something better.

    i mean that in a sense that you will find another girl you are even more attracted to and it will be twice as better. each relationship i go through the sexual asspect of it always seems to get better. we learn more, experience more. please dont let yourself get to down over this. ive been in your shoes. it does get better. please pm if you would like to talk further.hoppy

  19. heres the situation............i went to a jack and jill party last saturday night. a girl who was there from town i know was also there. she was on me all night like white on rice. not being over touchy, but hitting on me none the less. after many hours of dancing/partying we ended up in bed together. it was her idea and she pursued the whole thing. i simply was ready just to pass out. i didnt even put my hands on her. i mean i wanted to but im just not that type of guy i guess. well......she basically jumps in bed and lands a wet one on me. just not a peck type kiss. we spoon with her grabbing my hand and pulling it tite around her body. it was nice.

    the next morning she takes me to my truck gives me a peck on the lips and a hug and says shell talk to me later. heres the kicker.......


    acouple days later i here from some people that she told her recently broken up with ex that i was all over her all night!!!!!(huge lie) she was making me out to be the bad guy to her ex....if he even is her ex. i was under the assumption he was due to her telling me that. why would a girl do this? i cant believe someone could twist everything around. she was the one to pursue me not me her. i dont get it.

    needless to say this kid got pissed and said he wants to kick my ass.

    believe me im not worried about that i can hold my own. my question is what should i do about her? i know ill run into her again. she will probably talk to me like nothing ever happened. she probably doesnt even know that i know what she told her ex. how would others handle this situation? should i confront her? or just blow it off and know in the future that this girl is a trouble maker? any advice?

  20. hey bud.......i know how you feel. i am in your shoes with what you mean about having a 'physce" effect on yourself. my ex of almost the same amount of time just bailed on me. i was a mess for months.......6 months later im ok, but i still feel the truama from her actions. ill never understand how, why, what she was thinking. to be honest i dont need or want to. you have found someone(i hope) that wouldnt even consider this dehumanizing act. good luck pal, dont ever look back on your ex. you have a bright future with your new lady, one who trully loves you.

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