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Posts posted by cris67

  1. (((((((((BIG HUG))))))))


    Sorry you're suffering and hurting. Hope the pain lessens soon and you find happiness again. Take care.

  2. I think that I understand but don't wish your life away.

    It is extremely difficult to let go and leave. We are all the same in some ways, I guess. We all wish we could see the future to know that the decision we are making is a good choice; should I stay or should I go scenario. You probaby also feel trapped because love is such a powerful emotion and just when you think you have your head sorted all those loving feelings just come surging back and wash all other thoughts right out of your head. It makes you crazy but I think you have to make hard decisions sometimes and stick with them. There may be hard times ahead but try and find the inner strength to get through and see your way to happiness. That's what I am trying to do with my life - it's not easy. Good luck

  3. I don't think the age difference matters when people meet but over time we change and grow. A 20 yr old person could start wanting to experience things that a 38 yr old has already done and doesn't wish to re-visit. Two 20 yr olds would probably grow-up together and both make mistakes which could threaten the relationship. You don't really get a choice who you fall for.

  4. >


    You say that but there must be benefits or you wouldn't stay. Better to face up to the problems in your relationship, work through them and accept the outcome even if it means divorce. That's the right thing to do. Having affairs, I wouldn't call you a bastard, I think it is a weak and spineless and cowardly thing to do. Be a man.

  5. My boyfriend seems to have a trust probem because of past mistreatment and I feel it limits our lifestyle and makes me unhappy.


    I do not do anything to arouse suspicion or jealousy and yet still he displays this and it makes me very uneasy and nervous.


    We do not have much social life and I love to talk with other people. Going on-line is good but just not the same as having a nice evening out with a few friends. We get bored with our own company sometimes.


    The saddest and most ironic thing of all is that his controlling behaviour will eventually drive me away.


    I have tried so hard to understand and help him but I have to think about my own happiness too. I hate feeling isolated.


    Should I leave him ?

  6. >


    OH MY GOD!!! How arrogant and coceited is that. She is using you in the most dreadful way imaginable. You sound like a kind-hearted, loving person and this is total abuse. There is healthy love and toxic love. She thinks you are going to put your life on hold while she screws around and then when she gets bored of that you are going to welcome her back with open arms. Wake up guy and save yourself. Sorry this is a bit harch but I can't stand people being abused.

  7. Hi Jessie


    I have been haging around on the boards for awhile trying to get help and find answers for exactly the same problem. I keep hearing the same story over and over again. It seems to be down to the differing sexual psychology of men and women. Most men seem to separate sex and love to a much higher degree than most women. It causes an awful lot of emotional pain for women. I don't think they mean to hurt us - does that make it even worse ? One thing I am sure of is tha if he loves you then he should be able to express those feelings by making love with you properly. What he is doing on the net is emotional cheating; he doesn't want to make love to you or even have plain old sex but he thinks you should sit by while he indulges his sexual fantasies of being with others. That is unacceptable and things needs to change. He need to be passionate with you and make you feel wanted. Every woman needs that, yeah ?

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