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  1. You should tell your mate about your infidelity. I cheated on my GF and hid it from her for 10 months approximately, right now we are separated, and she is trying to find out if she wants to be with me or not. Cheating is awfully wrong, but lying about it only makes things worst. If you love him, and this will never happen again, you should tell him; if the cheating will happen again, you should tell him too! I Cant stop thinking that if I have accepted my mistake from day one, everything could have been better. She would only need to forgive the cheating, not the lying.
  2. I have to disagree, and actually have a story. I have a long story with my GF. We dated 3 months, the 8 months, then one year. However, I cheated on her, once, (not an affair) on the first two months of our last year together. I can´t explain how that happened and actually i feel very bad. I just told her a couple of months ago, and we are apart for the time being (while she decides if we are to continue together). I have never cheated on her before, nor have a cheated on her after that stupid mistake, and definitely I wouldn´t cheat on her after that mistake (if she takes me back of course I think that to say if someone who cheated will always cheat it is necessary to see the reason of the infidelity. If the person who committed the infidelity is a "thrill-seeker" i think he/she will always be a cheater. I know I won´t.
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