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Posts posted by party_of_italy

  1. i'm 16 my gf is 15, she doesn't have a cell phone, and her parents won't let her talk to boys on the phone. but we can't stop talking, she calls me every night after her parents go to sleep and sometimes we talk for hours. well recently her parents caught her on the phone, and she told them it was her friend crystal, when really it was me, and they didn't believe her. so now we are all paranoid that her parents are going to somehow find out she talks to me on the phone all the time because they caught her once, they keep bringing it up. so here's my question, i don't know how many here are familiar with MCI's phone service. but is there any way that a customer can call and get a list or find out outgoing numbers that have been dialed from their phone. i never call her, she always calls me. and now she's afraid her parents are going to try to find out somehow if she's been calling my number regularly. so is that possible?

  2. i have to major of differences from my parents that i need to move out as soon as possible. we have huge religious differences and the relationship with my fiance, (that they don't know about), is suffering as a result. i live in nebraska. i was wondering when the legal age to move out without parental consent is. i will either be moving in with my fiance and his family or with my best friend's family. so i won't be on my own by any means. i know my parents will fight to get me to stay, but i can't. is there any possible way for me to move out at 17? i don't want to have to take this to court or anything, so please help.

  3. i don't know what is up. my period has never been really regular but this is really weird. i've just recently started being sexually active with my boyfriend so i'm wondering if this has a part to do with it. we always use protection. but i had my period a couple weeks ago. it ended last sunday. then just yesterday (this sunday) it started up again. one week in between. it isn't different from my other periods either. the flow is normal and it's just freaking me out cuz i've never heard of it before. i know that a sign of pregnancy is a light blood flow like when you're supposed to be having your period, but this is just like all my other periods, just totally off my regular cycle. i feel fine too, i don't know what this means. does anyone have any ideas?

  4. i don't know what's wrong. i recently lost my virginity. the first time, hurt of course like it's supposed to, but everything went ok. the second and third time we went at it though, we finally got the penis all the way in and had real sex, but i don't feel any sexual pleasure. it feels good, but not like amazing. i don't even come close to an orgasm or cumming or anything. we went at it for at least 15 minutes and still nothing. only thing that gets me sexually arroused is playing with my clit. i'm kind of worried about this, and i don't want to tell my boyfriend because i'm afraid he'll feel bad that he isn't pleasuring me. is there something wrong with me?

  5. i haven't and don't plan on giving a blow job anytime soon. but i just recently found out that you should wear a condom while doing this? is this true, and if so how important is it really? i don't think that you would be able to get that great of an amount of pleasure if you used a condom.

  6. ok, i'm quite old enough, and he's only 1 year older than me. i didn't want to be lectured on that, i wrote the forum because i just want the answer, if, given those circumstances, i'm still a virgin or not. and when i said ripping, i don't mean unhealthy ripping, i meant stretching my vagina out so that it could go in, i wasn't bleeding or anything.

  7. last night i tried having sex for the first time. the guy and i have liked each other for a really long time now. the thing is, we couldn't get it all the way in. so i dunno if that counts as losing my virginity or not. he had on a condom, but i don't think it was lubricated so it wasn't working too well. i did rip a bit and it did hurt so i don't think i'm a virgin anymore, but then again we didn't really have actual "sex" we were mostly working on getting it in as far as we could first. what do you think?

  8. wow buddy calm down. it sounds too me like you have a girl that's really interested in you. don't get all paranoid about her not answering her phone that one time you called. just continue your conversations and try calling at a different time. there's no reason to draw conclusions about it being a dud this soon in the game.

  9. i know of a couple of kids like this in our school. and i'm not very good friends with them, because that is all they think about, school work and such. but those who are their friends will invite them to parties and sporting events, they have refused to come at times, but when they are dragged there they seem to loosen up right away and see how much fun life can really be. sit down and talk to her about this, tell her that she needs to try being a kid for just one night, and try taking her out to a party with you and get her to do stuff she wouldn't try before. ask her if this was her last day on earth, what would she want to do? then try to help her try those things now. she'll hopefully learn to relax and forget being perfect for a while.

  10. there's this guy i like and everything was going cool with us. but last week there was a football game here and this other girl was wearing his jersey. i went home sick that day and couldn't even go to the game. well now i get back to school this week and she's talking crap about me and telling everyone i'm a b****, and that i'm mad at her cuz of the guy i like. which isn't true, i haven't said a thing about it. so she will not shut the hell up and now everyone thinks i'm jealous over her and am being a b**** to her. now that guy i like thinks i'm stupid and mean too. she always talks bad bout me, but i have so much dirt on her that i could use. i was wondering how you would get back at her. i have the most popular and meanest girls in the school on MY side. some of the dirt i have that only a few of us know is that a couple years ago she was obssessed with one of our teachers. she emailed him and flirted with him, and even cut herself on purpose just as an excuse to go to his house and get a band aid from him. ewwww! what should i do to ruin her life, without looking bad in front of the guy?

  11. I'm very, very, confused about this boy i like right now. usually understanding guys comes easy to me, but this one's is so difficult. last year we both liked each other but i was going out with someone else. we didn't talk all summer, and now that i have broken up with me old boyfriend i started talking to this guy again. we come to find out he tells a couple of my friends that he likes me. so i start to go up and talk to him more and more, call him every once in a while. but he will not put forth an effort to call me, or hang out with me. he's asked me to hang out with him one weekend and then we got in a fight cause i heard he was telling people he thot i was annoying. he apologized and everything was cool, so i thot. i know he likes me but everyone says he's scared to commit. he won't tell me what he's feeling. i like him so much, it drives me crazy cause we haven't even hung out outside of school. he goes through these fazes where he won't talk to me for a week. then he will out of no where. and he knows i'm crazy for him. i don't know what to do. please help me out, i feel like i'm wasting my whole school year on him.

  12. first of all. yes it is love. i know the difference i've already been through so much. and i know they wouldn't just let me accross. but if i was to bring my birth certificate and get a passport. then what could they do to stop me? couldn't we just say we are cousins, and i came up to visit him? and in canada the legal age is 14 ( just to specify that). but even so thank you for your help. are you absolutely positive the phone card won't show up on the bill?

  13. recently i fell in love with someone from canada who is 21. i'm 16, and he is back home now. we still talk on the phone and everything and he wants me to move up there with him. the reason i have to run away is because i was born into a religion that wouldn't allow me to have a relationship with someone outside my religion. if i was to do this my family would completely cut off all communication with me. can you imagine how hard it would be to be 16 and your family won't talk to you? i don't know what to do. my parents definitely don't have any idea about this. i've always known i'm going to run away eventually. but recently my parents got the phone bill and saw the calls to canada. they think the phone company has messed up and has been trying to talk to them about it. but this means i can't talk to him anymore. if i was to runaway to canada to live, what could they do about it? since i'm under and 18 they could come looking for me, but i'm over the border is there really anything they could do? there's nothing left for me here. i have friends from school but i can't hang out with them outside of school cuz of the religion. i'm so scared, and truly in love with this guy.

  14. okay i always thought that in the united states you have to be 18 or older to have sex with someone over 21. i always figured this, because even in hollywood everyone makes such a big deal when hot people turn 18 cuz they say that's when they are finally legal. but recently one of my friends said that all of the states have different ages for legality. like our's (nebraska's) legal age is 17, and a lot of states legal age is even 16. i guess i'm confused. i always thought that 18 was the legal age. can someone explain this to me please.

  15. i kinda understand the way you feel. i absolutely love heights and the rush it gives me the higher the better. every chance i get i go on the huge risk taking rides. bungie jumping and skydiving usually keep me satisfied. but if your more into the speed kinda thing, i would try getting trained for any kind of racing, cars, dragsters something like that. please don't try to drive as fast as you can in your car, even if you get bored. save it for the tracks and things your supposed to go fast on. look into racing.

  16. ok i met this guy from canada. when i met him i didn't think anything was gonna happen, he just simply talked to me and eventually asked how old i was and i said 17. i'm really 16. you know one year lie, big deal right? well i said i was 17 because he said he was 20 and i liked him, i thot i would stand more of a chance being a little older. well the second time we talked he told me he had lied, and that he was really 21. but i never told him about my lie. we made-out and stuff. and he keeps on talking about how next year i need to go up to canada and visit him since i'll be 18 and you can drink there and stuff early. i really like this guy and i don't wanna ruin stuff with him even tho he won't be here much longer. but i don't know how to tell him that i'm only 16. do you think he'll be really upset?

  17. i work at a hotel. and 2 days ago i cleaned rooms for these 3 canadian workers that are here working for a while. all of them were real funny and friendly. the thing is they all work at night and sleep at day. when i finished cleaning their rooms one of the guys asked me to come back and talk with him after i finished working even tho he'd probably be sleeping. he seemed nice enough, and attractive so i went back and sure enough he was sleeping. but he woke up and we talked for hours. i gave him my number. then i had to get home so he asked me if i could come back. the problem is i was going to leave for vacation the very next day. i'm going to get back next monday, and he's leaving for home the day after that. i liked him so much but i'm not sure if i should hang out with him for that one day, because what if i get attached and hurt because i don't get see him again? please help me out.

  18. at the place that i work, these 2 hot brothers from poland were just hired. they both speak english very well also. the younger one always says hello to me everytime i see him. then i also catch him glancing over or looking at me. i think he's checking me out, i'm not sure. but anyways i find him really attractive, just wondering what you think i should do to start talking to him. should i just ask him what his name is or what? how is poland's culture different from our's anyways? are they always this friendly?

  19. if you really were good friends and all during the school year, calling now wouldn't be weird. i lose touch with a lot of my guy friends over the summer sometimes. and once in a while they call out of nowhere when i haven't talked to them in months. they usually just ask how i've been doing and then we talk about how our summers have been. try that. and if things go well plan sometime to hang out or something.

  20. the only thing i could think of, is maybe he heard a rumor about you doing something he didn't like. rumors fly everywhere at school, trust me i know. you really need to find out the details before freaking out and ruining the friendship even more. try calling him and telling him you need to know why he thinks your a b****.

  21. you sounds a little insecure to me. and lacking confidence. i was like this when i started high school. i think you may be trying to hard to fit in with them, and your probably trying too hard to seem cool. stop trying so hard and be yourself. i suggest somehow hanging out or talking with them one on one for a while, so they can each get to know you, then when they decide your cool, you can hang out with them as a group. if you spend some time alone with each one first it will be easier to hang out as a group later on.

  22. i just wondered your opinion on which condom would be the best for a girl losing her virginity. i know no matter what, i won't feel pleasure the first time, but is there anyway to make it less painful, like by using a lot of lubrication? and also i was wondering what a giving a "hummer" is. i think it's just another name for something.

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