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  1. You'd never guess that someone you thought was your true friend could fu** you over so quickly. I met this kid three years ago when i first moved and we were really good friends up until he decided that f*cking my sister was more important than our friendship. He is probably one of the biggest scumbags ill ever meet. Not only that, he videotaped it than showed it to my twin brother one day. He just f*cking laughed along with some other kids but tht just pissed me off so much. We would hang out with him almost everyweekend to when he wasnt hanging out with his girlfriend. That was another thing that made me mad, was their relationship. This has got to be one of the dumbest girls i know because she knew he cheated on her 3 times and she still has yet to break up with him. After that day i found out about him and my sister i told her. Shes a good looking girl to but she just doesnt think she can get anybody else. They have been going out for over a year and everyone knows that he is a scumbag to. I was her friend until what he did but she decided that she would rather stay with him than be friends with me. I could really give to sh*ts anymore because both of then dont have any friends but i dont know how anone would convince her different. He found that out after we got in a fist fight and he had no one to back him up and i could of got many of my friends too. The fight actually came about after he got all 4 of his tires slashed at school one day so he thought he couldnt go after a girl so he would go after me. Acourse the whole school knew about him and my sister so many of my ffriends were offering to kick his ass for me. I just took the task on myself. the whole thing ust goes to show that you dont really know who your true friends are.
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