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Posts posted by setsuko1981

  1. Well this might sound stupid but...I'm trying to sympathize with a friend of mine but, for the first time I found myself trying to search for the right words to say.


    Well first of all, I have never had this kind of thing before. I used to be a supervisor and lets just say being sympathetic or empathic was a part of my job.


    But when it came to this friend of mine (a girl), my mind just went ________ (blank)! I know for a fact that me being interested in her has got a lot to do with it. I guess I'm afraid of saying something stupid, and being myself is not working either (thats what I'm trying to do here).


    Anyway, here's the story: she posted on her journal that she's sick (flu/cold), so I posted a comment saying hope she gets better just to show that I care (just from a friend to a friend-nothing more). Anyway she responded by saying that her sickness has gotten worse and how it got worse, and that she has to get better cause she has to go someplace.


    I just plainly don't know how to respond to her comment--HELP!

  2. I need a ladies' perspective on this one.


    I have a girl-friend (a friend who's a girl), who I like since we still go to college (we're done with college for 3 years now).


    I haven't seen her since we went out (we went out once, but I wouldn't call it a date as she brought her friend along, this was almost a year and half). We have been in touch, since--here and there.


    I would be in touch, at least once a month with her. I would either send her an email or give her a phone call. Here's the problem---She would respond, BUT, not after I send her about 4-7 emails (I would average about 5 emails every month) and she would NOT return any of my phone calls at all! Everytime she would respond it would say that 1. she's not very good in keeping contacts, 2. she is very busy with her job. and 3. She's sorry for not responding right away to my emails. This has been going on for almost 8 months now.


    Should I just move on and forget about her? should I keep my patience (By the way, if you would know her, she isn't exactly a very organized person)? Ladies give me your take on this PLEASE!!!

  3. This is a continuation of my previous post:


    I finally decided not to pursue this girl (co-worker/friend, who has another BF). In fact through a conversation, I was able to switch the topic to my ex-GF and I being back or at least being friends once again (Although my ex and I were barely talking now--I needed some excuse to turn her down; this is basically the long and short of what I told her). As I suspect, she didn't take the news happily; she didn't throw anything at me nor she gave me a slap in the cheek, but she was a little teary eyed afterwards, and she didn't call me for 2 days (She always txt msges me or calls me on my cell, "just to hear my voice" or ask me "how am I doing?").


    Anyways, this is not the first time I've turned down some girls (not that gilrls always chase me, I'm 24 and I've ONLY turned down 2 girls before), but this is the first time that I had second thoughts of what I did .


    I don't want to lose her as a friend, but I don't want her as a GF if she's willing to leave her current BF just to be with me. Did I do the right thing? Should I just lose her as a friend if she doesn't talk to me anymore? Please help me ease my mind.

  4. I'm kinda in a serious dillema right now. I just want someone to help me ease my mind.


    I have a co-worker(girl, I'm a guy) who, in the past few months of working with, I had developed some feelings for; we've also became friends at work. The problem: she has another boyfriend!!! So, that means that she's "untouchable" Anyway because of my curiosity, I dropped/gave her some hints to indicate that (at the very least) I have a crush on her (as I wanted to see if she would like me back in the first place). As time goes on, she responds as she also likes me back. I've given it a lot of thought, and I came to this conclusion: she's is in a relationship now, and is willing to break it up, to be with me. How can I say (in the future) that if she starts to like someone else that she will not do the same thing with me?--dump her current BF for me.


    At the same time, I asked myself these questions: "This is a chance for romance, am I going to miss it?" "Is she worth to be with?" "Do I really want to pass her up?"



  5. This question is for the ladies (Guys may answer as well):


    Girls, have you ever have and friend who you might consider a "stalker-friend"?


    How would you define/say someone is a "stalker-friend?" What sets that person apart from your normal friends??

  6. How do u know you're ready?, Let's see...


    You know you're ready if you're ready to pay the price that comes along with having sex. Having sex means you're taaking a risk of getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant.


    FOR GIRLS (Teenagers/STILL in school):


    REMEMBER: Condoms are not 100% protection/prevention from pregnancy and disease! Condoms may break during intercourse. So,


    Be ready for "morning sickness". Be ready to be sick and fat for nine months and to be judge by everyone else because you got "knocked up."


    Be ready to live in a low rent apartment, not buying new clothes or CDs because you haave to buy food and diapers.


    FOR GUYS (TEENS/STILL in school):




    Be ready to drop out of school, get a job, support your girl and the baby.

  7. I'm kinda the same way too. Never had a GF, I went out on dates before with a woman (I asked her out) (Mostly because I'm a nice guy), who I think I scared away, cause I was too insecure that she would not like me. I've also had another girl give me signs and hints that she likes me and wants to go out with me, but I never made the first move, cause I was too damn shy. If I do like someone, chances are this someone just wants to be a friend with me, and does not want have any special relationship with me.


    Although I have lots of girl-friends (friend who is a girl) right now, compared to guy-friends. But I still do not have any girlfriend.

  8. I'm just curious if there's any member here who had experienced this situation:


    Have you ever met someone who had REALLY "left an impression" (you started liking this person) on you. But this person you liked has a significant other, and you are not even sure if this person liked you.


    What did you do? Did you try to "steal" this person from the significant other? Did you put respect ahead of love and just left this person alone? Did you wait on the "sidelines" and wait for this person to break up with the significant other, so you can be the new significant other?

  9. I have no clue on what to think about this friend of mine.


    We used to go to college together and we'd hang out together before. After having lost contact for a while, I'm trying to get in touch with her (she still has the same contact info). She has finally returned my emails, and she told me that she wasn't mad at me. I had given her phone calls as well, but I could only reach her voicemail. I wanted to ask her out--just for a catching up thing--nothing more. But she still hasn't return my calls or my emails.


    If she is not interested, all I was asking for was for her to let me know, if she still wants to be friends with me or not. or is it because she was scared because I am going too fast? Don't know what to think.

  10. Have you ever hurt someone else's feelings, then you have this feeling of regret as if you have done something wrong? What did you do (say sorry, did you take it back)?


    Yesterday, my boss had found out that I have a close working relationship with one of the associates. She was teasing me with this associate of mine (I'm a supervisor as well). I had made a remark jokingly that I had done this (tried dating a fellow co-worker) before. Although I've done it before, I had no intention of doing it again (I told her that). She (my boss) went on to warn me about dating a co-worker, and said that she can fire me right on the spot. She also said that she will talk to the girl "who I have close working relationship" with. This co woker of mine wasn't present when this happen.


    That evening, I called my co-worker and apologized for my remarks.

    I clearly mentioned that I have no intention of dating her, and that I was more concern about her not getting in trouble or worse, getting fired. I made myself clear about it. While we were discussing, her voice changed from being "enthusiastic" to the point of almost tearing up (she was choking a little). BTW, this is the girl that I had mentioned on my previous posts, that I wasn't sure if she has an interest on me or not, I guess I had found out what she truly feels about me.


    Now I know what she feels, I am regreting about the remark that I had mentioned. I do like this girl, but I don't want her to get fired because of me.

  11. I have a list of songs that can describe my last relationship, but this song summarizes it all. This is how my last relationship (former) special someone went.


    For Just a Moment -- David Foster


    We laughed

    Until we had to cry

    And we loved

    Right down to our last goodbye

    We were the best

    I think we'll ever be

    Just you and me

    For just a moment


    We chased

    That dream we never found

    And sometimes

    We let one another down

    But the love we made

    Made everything alright

    We shone so bright

    For just a moment


    Time goes on

    People touch and then they're gone

    And you and I

    Will never love again

    Like we did then


    Someday, when we both reminisce

    We'll both say

    There wasn't too much we missed

    And through the tears

    We'll smile when we recall

    We had it all

    For just a moment


    Time goes on

    People touch and then they're gone

    But you and I

    Will never really end

    We'll never love again

    Like we did then


    We laughed until we had to cry

    And we loved right down to our last goodbye

  12. I'm finally over my former supervisor and about what had happened betwenn the both of us.


    As I've indicated before, I stayed at the same store where my former boss and I used to worked together, only now, she's gone and I'm a supervisor.


    Here's a new dillema...


    There's this another girl who I work with. I'm attracted to her, and the more that I work with her, the more that I realize that I really like her. The problem is, she happens to be a supervisor as well but, she's subordinate to me (I'm one of her boss).


    There's no written rule nor the higher management discourages dating co-workers.


    I've noticed during the last few days that she 's been having an interest at me (I'm not saying she likes me). Example, if I work with her/help her in her department, she would always aske me questions like what time does my shift end. At the end of my shift, she would always make sure that both of us would leave (walk out) together. Sometimes she wold ask me some personal things (ie, do I have a girlfriend? Am I done with school? How old am I?).


    Asking her out has definitely crossed my mind. What I'm afraid of is I don't want what had happened with me (with my former supervisor) in the past, to happen again.


    Someone from this site had told/advised me that all women are not the same--it doesn't mean that if my former supervisor had treat me badly all women are going to do the same. I believe that member.


    I really don't know what to do, I'm torn--Do I ask her out? Do I let a chance for love to pass me by? What to do, What to do?

  13. As I have posted here before, my (former) supervisor and I had an argument and agreed on never seeing each other, even as friends.


    About 4 months ago, she had broken our agreement and sent me an email saying that she wanted to be friends again. I refused and said that we're better off as "strangers" and pretend that we never met.


    Deep inside I know that I'm over her. But, I find myself afraid of getting attached once again with another girl, because she was the first one that I really cared for and was really attached to. I had an impression that we became a couple, but in fact we never were and I blamed her for it (that was one of our arguments).


    Now there's another girl that really really liked but, I'm afraid to get attached to, because of what had happened with in the past. I can't move on because I'm afraid it going to happen to me again.


    How do you get over what had happened in the past? Is there any other way for me to get over what had happened?

  14. I just want to know if this situation has happened to anyone:


    Have you ever loved someone, and had a relationship, only in the end the two of you had break up? You really know that in your heart that you moved on and there's no chance for you to get back together. Now you had met a new (potential) special someone, but parts of you is still longing for that previous someone and most of you tells that you should pay attention to who is in front of you now.


    If so, how did you deal with the situation?

  15. I met this girl at my school. We both finished the same program. During those times at school, we became friends and we still are today. The more I spend some time with her, the more I realize that I like her. I can't tell by her actions if she likes me more than a friend or not.


    On our last day at school, she voluntarily gave me her number and email and told me to always remain in touch. I did not give any meaning to it (when she gave me her #) primarily because I didn't really consider us as friends back then. We've been friends for just 5 months.


    Anyway, I don't want to lose her friendship, but at the same time my feelings have been bugging me inside. Should I tell her or not? Is it too early for me to tell her my feelings?





    If you like (have a crush on) your friend, have you told that friend of yours about your feelings, and if so what was the outcome?

  16. It's been a while (a year) since my (former) supervisor and I had heard from each other. I thought it was going to stay the same as that--we'll just leave each other alone--forever.


    3 weeks ago, she showed up at the store where I work (the same store where we used to work at). I didn't notice that she was standing, literally, 3 feet away from me. As a result, I didn't say anything to her--not even a hello.


    That evening, I received an email from her saying that, it still looks like that I resent the fact that she and I never ended up together. Also that she did miss me and the friendship that we had. I responded by saying I had moved on and she's just a part of my past nothing more. Plus, I told her that we should just stay away from each other (that was our plan before in the first place).


    Days after last hearing from her, I started having this nagging feeling that I should have welcomed her back and be friends with her once again. The truth is, I don't have feelings for her anymore, but she was a great friend and I do miss her friendship as well. The reason why I came up with the conclusion that she and I are better off far from each other is because here we were, a year had passed and were still discussing what had happened in the past. Obviously, we're not ready to be friends yet.--That's what pissed me, a year later andshe accuses me of not moving on.


    I don't know if I came to the wrong conclusion, or not. Do I try to contact her? Don't know what to do...

  17. I'm just curious. I don't even know if this (question) means something.


    If a girl (somewhat close to you, but not your relative or something like that) keeps on telling you about her ex boyfriend and how he keeps on calling her, and she always indicates that he (ex) does not have a chance.


    The way I see it is it a sign that tells you she's single and available. I could be wrong, it might just be a way for the girl to release her anger.


    I don't know. What do you think?

  18. (not to go against you or anything) I have to go with your mom on this, but on a different light.


    To me, bisexuality or homosexuality is just an idea that people are trying to turn into a fact.


    Let me ask you this, Have you hear a doctor say in a hospital, "Congratulations, your newborn baby is gay (/bisexual)"?


    I personally have never heard of a doctor say such thing. You're born either a boy OR a girl, nothing in between.

  19. from another guy's POV, its really hard to tell...


    I've had experience like that before; this girl who I thought likes me (as a boyfriend, I had an impression that she likes me more than a friend; basically she did almost the same things as the girl you're talking about), didn't like me as a boyfriend, but as a best friend. I asked her if there was a chance for us being together in a relationship...she said there was none, and that she thinks of me as a "brother" (she didn't have any siblings, and was raised by a single mom) and a best friend and she feels comfortable being herself around me. When she said that, suddenly everything made a lot of sense; the way she holds and grabs my arm, the way she talks to me about her ideal boyfriend, etc...


    Anyway, what I'm trying to say is if you want to be sure, you can always ask her if there is a chance for you two together.

  20. As what I have indicated before, I was born outside of North America and came here to USA a few years ago. When it comes to meeting women or dating them, I have no clue on how to do it here; pretty muvh everything I knew and learned from where I was born were not really effective here.




    My supervisor and I.


    What started out as friendship ended in a disaster (we had a big fight after I expressed my feeling towards her and our friendship ended) Mainly (I think) its my mistakes; either I'm coming accross as desperate or needy or aggressive.


    Girl (@ school) and I.


    Before I can even ask her out or date her, it seems like that she's shutting the door at me.




    Sometimes I think too much of it and sometimes I don't. Anyway I just need some advise on dating and meeting women here in USA.

  21. As I have posted before, my supervisor and I remained out of contact ever since she left the company.


    As what I could tell or feel, I don't feel anything for her now....it's long gone and it's been a while since I last spoke with her through email. In short, I don't know how she's doing now. I have my eyes on someone else after the past 3 months.


    Anyway, it's going to be her birthday this coming June...Should I break the no contact rule that we both agreed on, and extend her a greeting?


    The thing that I don't want to happen is for her to think that I might have a hidden agenda...if I extend a greeting to her...


    Should I or should I not?

  22. It's been a while since last posted here. Anyway, here's a little background of the past (between me and my supervisor)):


    She left the company, and I returned (I quit but returned). On our last contact with each other, we both agreed to stay away from each other and remain out of contact forever, to the point that both of us would just exist only in our memories. And so that is what happened.




    Anyway, as I was trying to get over her. I felt so much pain, pain that I can't blame on her or on anyone else. Plus the truth is, I never really had her; we never really had each other. Still I cared for her, even though it was like that. So, why letting go of her hurt so much, even though I can't say that she became my girl or I was her guy? Have you experienced similar pain before?

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