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Everything posted by spiritualmalu

  1. well here is ma problem. i started to talk to this girl like four days back and i really started to have feelings for her and she said that she had da same kind of feelings. i had not seen what she looked like but i fell for tha kind of personality she has. to me she was like a blessing. like all my prayers were answered. she fit every description of what kind of person that i wanted to be with. well on mon we went out and everythign was fine she and i talked nd we laughed. i had to go to the bank. but i also wanted to surprise her with flowers. so i ran to the flower shop and bought her three long stem roses with a pink ribbon wrapped around them. the three roses represented the first three days we spoke to one another we talked for three days and nights straight none stop. nd the pink ribbon represented her fav color. i surprised her with it and she gave me a kiss. den we got goin to the restraunt. on the way dere i asked her if i could hold her hand nd she said no cause she wanted to take things slow. nd i respected that cause i really liked this girl and wanted to respect her wishes and didnt' wanna force nethign on her. nd everytime i looked at her she told me not to cause it made her feel shy. she laughed at everythin i said and i laughed at everythng she said. we would finish up each and every single one of our sentences for the other. she had a boy friend that she was with for four years. she told me that she had given so much to him that i drained her. and that she doesnt trust guys. and that she needs time. i was very open to the fact of giving her time cause i really didnt wanan rush this girl. when we got to the restraunt i opend up every door and even pulled back her seat. i ordered for the both of us. i wanted to show her how special i thought that she was. but when we got there i asked her to be honest with me and tell me what she thought bout me. and i told her that i would respect her more if she was honest. she told me that she didnt wanna hurt me or lead me on and that she didnt want me to be attached to her. she said that it wasn't me that it was her which was the problem. she said that she was scared and after she broke up with her boy friend she has never gotten the chance to be alone. and she didnt wanna hurt her family any more with anyting liek this and that i should look for someone else cause she didnt want me to wait for her. i asked her if that shouldn't be my choice cause i am old enough to know what is good for me and what isn't i told her that if i felt that she was worth neough and i thought her to e that special then i would wait cause i wanted to be with her. i just wanted her to take the time to see what kind of person that i am and see if she would reconsider being with me when she did take that time. she said no she cant cause she can only offer me friendship. i was saddend by this and didnt know what to say. after we finished eating. i asked her if i should take her back home. she said no she wanted to chill. so i asked her if she wanted to go to a park and just talk. she said sure. she asked when we got there if i hated her i said no i didnt nd that she shouldn't be sad cause i am used to all this. nd that she shouldnt' feel sad. i asked her if she ever had feelings for me and if not whwy didnt she tell me before. she told me that tha she did and that she is forcing her self not to have these feelngs cause she is scared and doesnt 'want o hurt her rents and she doesnt wanna hurt me at all. she doesnt wanna lead me on or have me get attached to her. she said that it wasn't me but it was her problem. den i got alil emotional and did nt know what to say so i asked her if i should take her home and she said yes. on the way home she asked me what i was thinkng and i told her nothing and just kept quiet cause i wanted to cry. when we got to my house i shook her hand and said thanks for everything and not to be sad bout a thing. things happened cause they were spose to happen. i held the door open for her so she could get in the drivers side and drive away when she walked towards me i told her to take care and god bless. after i got in side ma house she came online and i imed her and told her that i was very sorry that things happened the way that they did. nd that i am sorry if i said anythign wrong she said taht she wanted to be my friend nd that was the only things she could offer me at the moment nd that she needed time and that she wanted to be alone. i told her ok and she told me that i was a very special guy and that i was the kind of guy that ne girl would love to take home to there rents. i said thanks i have heard this several times nd i told her not to worry bout it. and i told her dont worry we will always be friends cause i didnt wanna lose her in any way. but i also told her that i couldn't help it if ma feelings start to grow. nd she said if its like that then we shouldnt talk to one another. i said ok. then that night she imed me again and told me that she was sorry nd that she prayed nd prayed nd that she was sorry for what had happened and that it really wasn't me it was her. so i told her that she misunderstood everything is aid and that i didnt wanna be with her today or tomorow but all i wanted was her to get to know me and see if i was the right one for her thats all. i dont know what to do please help me i really like this girl with all my heart.
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