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Posts posted by onlygirl

  1. Hey Segagirl, Thanks.


    to be honest with you I've thought of asking him to marry me. I think it would be kool and different. But in some strange way I'am affraid that he'll say NO. I guess that's just a risk I'll have to take. I feel that I want another chance to get married, this time for the right and true reasons. But on that same token I also feel that we're not married cause of his first two marriges. I don't know Well I guess I'll have to whip up a marrige proposal.


    Thanks for the advise


  2. Hey Guys and Girls please help me on this one. I've been with the man of my dreams for a year and a half and I've recently had marrige on my mind alot. At the beginig I always would say that I didn't want to remarry (I'am divorced) and so did he (he's also divorced twice) so basiclly we agreed on that. We wer about two months into the relationship whe he asked me to marry him!!!!! I said yes and we huged kissed and everything, we even started off talking about possible dates to get married. All of the sudden the conversation of marrige was brought up less and less to the point that we don't talk about it at all now. We'll I'am currently pregnant and I find myself feeling stupid when I have to introduce him as my boyfriend (people look at my belly with a funny face)-so I've taken on introducing him as my husband. I don't know if marrige will change anything or is it just a silly ilusion. In part I feel that it is my fault for announcing that I didn't want to remarry even thought he asked me to marry him after I had said that many times (obviosly he ignored that and went ahead and asked me to marry him). Sometimes I feel he regrets asking me to marry him.


    Advice please.


  3. Hey guys I have a question. My partner spends alot of time in the internet. I suspct that he has anaccount in a adult friend finder. He says he deleted his but everytime he pulls up the page his name is in the login box. Is it possible for the name to still be there from when he use to log in or is he still logging in? He "clicks" alot when I go in the office where the computer is at but I really don't know. Latley Ive sat on the computer and I have noticed a slight nervousness from him. Maybe its just me and he's not nervouse. How can I find out.



  4. Hi I decided to replay to you cause as soon as I read what you posted I felt like it was me that was talking. I to have that problem. I feel jealous of almost everything he does. Mostly of his ex-girlfriend in which they have constant comunication (phone, e-mail, chat almost every way there is possible for comunication). I am sorry I can't help you but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and that I understand what your going through. If you have any ideas or get any good replies share them with me.


    See ya,


  5. Hey, I can relate to what you felt as far as meeting someone and know that you were meant to be with each other. I know that feeling cause I also lived it but I had better luck. I was married and he was in a serious relationship we both new that we were meant for each other. We both did what we had to do I divorced and he broke up and we've been together for a year now.

  6. Hi, I read what you posted and honestly think that you have something good going. I know as a woman in love it is hard to let go or even think to let go, but I think you should sit him down and really I mean really tell him how you feel. I'am a true believer that if saying what you feel means scaring him away then that relashionship isn't for you. Good luck.







    To make a long story short. I need to know what to do. The man I live with, love and basically worship has asked to see me having sex with another man. He says that turns him on. I feel like I don't turn him on anymore.


    Is this normal? HELP.......



    I have a question. Is it really possible that couples that have broken up can be friends. I get so upset everytime she calls and believe me she calls. There conversations are always and only about what happened in there relationship. I consider that niether have really let go. Is this normal? Should I tolerat it?


    HELP. I really love this man.

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