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  1. day 9 felt a lot better over the weekend but had a wee moment this morning when i woke up and it was like i forgot we were split so that was tough, felt a bit lost and a bit like "where is my life going" kinda knew where it was going when i was with him so its all a bit scary now trying to stay positive but i miss him today and just want to say hello
  2. day 6 and i feel quite good actually and i am now remembering all the bad things about him that made me unhappy instead of all the mushy nice things he used to say to me keep up the good work everyone....i think this really could work for us and believe me, 6 days ago i did not think i would be saying that! make sure you have lots of friends around and lots of distractions to stop your mind wandering back to the ex and remember they are your ex for a very good reason. there is nothing wrong with being alone as long as your not lonely xxx
  3. aha i have just realised what NC is after reading loads of posts with this i was baffled as to what it was! count me in....3 days so far, he technically he broke the contact but i will continue the nc even if he gets in touch thank you super dave you have given me a challenge to focus on!
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