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Posts posted by chica_amber

  1. the thing is that we never dated. we just hung out and ppl thought we were dating. i dont see him anymore because he graduated this year and lives in alvin when i live in houston. so we are miles apart. he should be in college by now. i have his phone number and address and i tried calling but hes never home and doesnt return the phone call. so i quit and i gave up. hes gone so im trying to let go. i remember the camp experience all the time but i still wish i could go back and change things. like hold his hand or kiss him. but i cant. i wish i could but i cant. and im am meeting new ppl but non like him. hes different. hes the guy i could see myself with. but i know its time to move on. so thanks for the advice. i pray it works. thanks for your insights too. ill keep you posted.

  2. i cant seem to let go of feelings for this guy that i met almost a year ago. i swear i feel in love with him in four days! but after that we didnt see each other. so he lost interest and stopped calling(he only called twice). but i cant let go of my feelings for him. and im want to. i know if i dont i wont love a guy again. im afraid they'll lose interest in me and disappear like always. i need to let go, but i just cant and ive tried a million times before but something always brings it back. and its driving me crazy. what should or can i do? please help.

  3. i think i like porky. but i also like the abbott and castello cats on looney tunes. they cracked me up. lol. i used to like transformers but those darn japanese animators have taken over all the cartoons these days. all i get is pokemon and dragon ball z which are so dang annoying cause their mouths dont move at the same time as they are supposed to be talking. which transformer did you like david? the ones that turned inot animals or what? i liked the cheetah.

  4. ok. that was really harsh of you. first of all, why did you sleep with her if you had broken up? second of all, why on earth would you get back with her if she slept with her other ex? its just not exactly smart. i wouldnt trust her. of course, you would want her to feel your pain. though, the way you did it was kinda mean. but that what she did to you. stop crying, forget her, forgive yourself, and move on. dont waste time on a lost cause. she isnt worth it anymore.

  5. sounds to me like he treated you REAL bad. forgive and forget. its the only thing you can do. in the bible it says that jesus casts our sins into the sea of forgetfulness, where God cannot see them, he doesnt even think they were done anymore. so, do what he did and forgive and forget. move on and forget that self absorbed jerk. you deserve better. and warn that other chic. tell her how he is. she needs to be warned. dont let her suffer.

    and im not shoving my beliefs on you, just so you know.

  6. you can turn your head as much as you want. just try to keep it around the same area. like dont be all over the place. chicks dont really like that. you can keep it short, or you can make it long. one long kiss or many kisses. it doesnt matter. just have fun and dont go too far. good luck

  7. i agree with heretic(for once) dont worry about it. work on your approached and of course dont go up to woman and ask for sex. thats a "NO NO". lol. but hey, if you want, like me, save yourself for your wife or your true love. i know it sounds corny but some women find that romantic. good luck!

  8. ok. this might take a while. ok she liked you. back then but i dont know about now. you might have lost her mate. shes probably long gone. but theres always hope. you should just blurt it out. tell her how you feel. ask her how she feels. if she doesn tfeel like she did then, well, you're out of luck and there are other fish in the sea. but at least try. ok?

  9. ok. first of all you shouldnt have been cheating on your bf. that makes you a liar and a cheater. second of all, you should have asked first or looked it up or something about this guy being married. third, and your question was? stay with a cheater and a liar? or stay with the nice guy deserves me (even though im unsatisfied sexually). is that all you look for? is a good lay? ok. i have a good word for that! sickminded! you are gross. why would you do that? i mean,....geez woman, you have problems. how old are you anyways? you probably shouldnt even be with that guy anyways!! get rid of the creep and go single for a while! it might do you some good. you never know until you try!

  10. ok. shes probably confused about her decision. she obviously still cares as much for you as before. umm...theres always a chance for you to get her back. but for now, id respect her wishes until she gets stuff sorted out. its obvious that you love her. and yea, when you love someone you always have time for them no matter what! hope this helps i have to go. dont give up man. too many ppl do and they lose their one and only love. hope it works out.

  11. umm....if you want to date other ppl i say go for it. if he doesnt take care of himself to please you then it isnt worth it. you probably dont love him like a bf more like a best friend. just tell him flat out you want to end it. say that you shouldnt have to tell him how to take care of himself. thats just sick!! its not right. ewwwyyy!! yuck! i feel sorry for you. dum p him. if he can straighten up then you can consider getting back together. if you dont want to take my advice thats up to you, but he should be taking care of himself and not have you telling him to.

  12. yikes man! thats bad. she is probably trying to make it seem like shes ok with the breakup or she dead serious. i just dont know what to tell you man. this is way too serious for a 16 yr old like me to handle i recommend gilgamesh or w/e his name is. he seems to have alot of answers. im so sorry. i wish i could help.

  13. lol.. well, see, my sister and i look a like alot. we have the same eyes and stuff. she likes to show a lot of skin sometimes(shes not a slut AT ALL!!) and shes tried to help me but, it never works out. and i dont know if any guys think im pretty or not. im real skinny because of fast metabolism and it runs on both sides of the family. and well, ppl think im anerexic or something, but im not. and well, its been kinda hard for me. and the break outs. my sister hasnt had one single zit pimple or any other thing made up of dirt or makeup or anything. shes even a model!! we both tried out. i didnt make the first cut. my hair was too frizzy or thick or my teeth werent straight enough for them. it totally sux. i hate it!! how come i cant look like my perfect lil sister? it drives me crazy cause shes sooo perfect to everyone else. she even has "the perfect butt for a white girl" "its nice and round." thats all i hear from her guy friends!! aaahhhhh!!

  14. hello,

    well, i need help. my 14 year old sister seems to get all the guys around here. and well, im jealous. im 16 and i havent even been in a serious relationship with a guy, havent kissed anyone, havent even been on a date with a group.for me it is totally umm...unbareable. i cant stand it. i hardly know any guys at my church except for her friends. and i dont make friends easily. so, its kinda hard. plus im shy as heck. i clam up in person, but over the internet in chatrooms im totally outgoing. what is the matter with me? can anyone help me? this is not what i want to be like. around my sisters' friends im crazy and can be myself but around anyone else, except my very few frinds who i hardly know, im a shy girl who looks at the floor when she walks. yea, i know im pretty, but i dont feel it. and well, i break out on my forehead all the time out of stress. (my mom is constantly in the hospital or in pain). please help me!!!

  15. britt,

    i know you love him. i knew it since you started dating him. its not lust at all. dont believe one word of what those ppl said!! they obviously cant tell the difference between the two. he loves you too. i can see it every time he looks at you.

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