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  1. I sympathise with you fully. I feel the same way.
  2. I've given up. This hasn't worked for me. I've been in no contact ever since she left me 12 weeks ago. Today I got to know that she's seeing someone else. NC hasn't made me find myself and hasn't brought her back. Basically, all it has done is given me anguish. I was mega angry today and sent her a message telling her thanks for forgetting me so soon. You're having the time of my life while I'm here totally destroyed. Life is so unfair. Needless to say, she didn't reply and if possible I don't want her to reply. I think this bit of news has given me the closure I needed. However I'd still like to speak to her to get some things off my chest which have been lurking there for the past 4 years. Smashing her face in may do me some good too.
  3. Beyond-venice, as everybody tells you on this forum, NC isn't meant to get your ex back. It's meant to get yourself back. I haven't managed to get myself back however I'm positive that if I remained in contact I would definitely be feeling worse by now. Right now all I have is thoughts (what is she doing? is she over me? is she with someone else? etc etc etc) but at least by not communicating at all she has done nothing to hurt me directly.
  4. Day 71 of NC (never spoke to her ever since she left me). I can't say that I'm feeling any better at all but I guess that if I remained in contact I would probably be feeling much worse today. Anxiety is kicking in big time and I had to see a doctor today to get some relief from my massive tension headaches. I've been given mild anti-depressents. Hope they start working within a few days. I'm still hoping against hope that she'll initiate contact herself even if it's just to say hello. I just can't find any suitable reason to contact her myself. I'm just scared that I'll be rejected further.
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