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Everything posted by imsuperman

  1. In my area, most of it is really nice. Then there's like this white trash element. On a 5 minute drive to breakfast, two people pulled out in front of me when I was making a right turn and had a green light. Two. The first trashy girl just laughed. Like it was my fault for going on a green light. These inbred morons; it really wears on you.
  2. Radiohead - Man of War [video=youtube;DXP1KdZX4io] ]
  3. Oh, The Onion. Area Lady's Gentleman Caller Under Employ of Jiffy Lube “Neighbors have on great occasion observed the fashionable young man ferrying the lady about town in his 600-horsepower Ford Mustang or escorting her to lavish dinner engagements at the most opulent of wing bars, whereupon he customarily sends for a platter of barbecue chicken and spicy-sweet sauce."
  4. XTC - Complicated Game [video=youtube;L_QFMuieWiI]
  5. ^Correction, that's the Spencer Davis Group version. Everyone was covering each other right on top of releases in those days. [video=youtube;POCUgBSVENQ]
  6. On in our atrium; also in Mad Men. Chicago - I'm a Man [video=youtube;HhA2ns5D6ug] ]
  7. Songs: Ohia - Farewell Transmission The real truth about it is No one gets it right The real truth about it is We're all supposed to try [video=youtube;uSHNITpnuPY]
  8. I'm annoyed that people sell/buy things like this. It's sad that people believe in pseudoscience and waste money on it. Really, anything like this. "Clear out toxins, stay balanced." Buzz words that don't mean anything/
  9. But is that PACIFICALLY how you say "per say?"
  10. Queen - Now I'm Here (Live, 1981) [video=youtube;egzDv5SHaeE] ]
  11. Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon [video=youtube;LWz0JC7afNQ] ]
  12. I just wanna watch the world burn. [video=youtube;pewC2cFc1m4] ]
  13. Deftones - My Own Summer (Shove It) [video=youtube;XOzs1FehYOA] ]
  14. Those kids were so funny Jibralta! I hadn't seen that before. Like the different languages.
  15. This song is for Apocalypse Dreams. Kyuss- Odyssey [video=youtube;-NHWF1cCRw0] ]
  16. Queens of the Stone Age - Go With the Flow (Live) New album soon! [video=youtube;1bSGxuFku7c] ]
  17. I think AC and Prometheus are basically original hard sci fi stories disguised as Alien prequels. He wanted to make a new storyline with Prometheus, the internet *****ed that they wanted the Alien. He made this, now the internet says it's too much Alien or too much of a retread and not scary anymore. Ridley Scott is in a tough spot with these.
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