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Everything posted by Thelovingone

  1. That was my last gf, and I'm not disgusted by seeing to guys kiss, it doesn't bother me. But I don't like it. But yeah. Anyways, now I have more time to tell my story. Last night we got into a fight about it, and since then she doesn't like it anymore, it makes her mad to think of it, and it also makes her feel weird. Well I didn't want that. I wanted her to change her mind on her own. I didn't want to change her. But she changed for me. She told me she is also growing out of it and stuff. But now I feel really bad. And I don't know what to do. I really love this girl, and I know she loves me. Just I really need to get over this. So yeah.
  2. No, I'm not like most men. I use to like to see two girls kissing, but not anymore. Cause I found out like last year that my gf has kissed other girls, and I thought I wouldn't mind, but it really disgusted me. And ever since then it doesn't excite me anymore.
  3. Ok this is really making me mad and kinda bugging me. But here goes. My girlfriend likes to see two guys kiss. But it's not as bad as it use to be. She use to think it was really hot and she use to freak out about and like it like alottt. but it's not anywhere as bad as it use to be. Well it's really bugging me now. And I need help getting over this. And she is trying to stop feeling that way about it. Also. If she saw me kissing a guy 95% of her wouldn't like it. But the other 5% would. And that really bothers me. It almost makes me disgusted, and it makes her less desirable. But I know it's wrong for me to think that. I need help. Is it normal for me to feel this way? What can we do to fix this. Cause I feel really weird when I talk to her.
  4. Ok I have a question about anal sex. My and my girlfriend has tryed this twice and it's worked out fine. We didn't use any lubercation or anything, just a condom and it works out fine. Each time we try it we try differen't positions, well this third time we tryed it, it hurt her, and we don't know why cause the last times it didn't hurt her at all. So were just trying to figure out why, could it have been cause of the new position, or what? She told me it felt like I hit something, and it just hurt really bad. So yeah. Give me your knowledge.
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