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Posts posted by Alexis_failure

  1. Do you like this guy? Would you sleep with him anyway?

    Size dosn't matter, its what you do with it that counts.

    My BF is about the size of the wedding ring finger (not sure what that finger is actually called) he's not the biggest guy I have ever been with, but he's definatly the best, hands down! I'd love this guy even if he had no penis.

    If you like this guy, then go for it, he might really surprise you.

  2. Empty Draw, like Locke said you are one amasing lady! *Hugs*


    I was sexually abused and raped by twin boys when I was 4/5 years old. They were my next door neighbours and they're mother had caught them abusing me, and she was the one who found them raping me. It was only then that she told Sue. All the parents met up and talked about it and the boys parents begged Pete and Sue not to report it. She tells me she wanted to report it but didn't as she was close friends with the boy's mother. Instead my family moved 20 miles away from them.

    The boys were 10 or 11 at the time and the reason they knew about this stuff was their father would let them watch porn and thought it was funny to give them porn magazines.

    This is one of our family's big skeletons in the closet, and it is rarely discussed if ever. Pete and Sue had hoped that I had forgotten, but I haven't. Sue did have a chat with me about it, and I scared the life out of her by remembering it all in vivid detail. I have anamasing memory.

    What upset me about her behaviour was that I was a child and it wasn't reported and I never received councilling. She had a duty as my mother to protect me and she didn't, instead she did what her friend asked and didn't report it for the sake of her friend's children. To me thats not what somebody who cares about their child does.

    I am open about my rape with my friends and family, but I neer go into detail about what happened. I did tell my ex boyfriend and he was too discusted to touch me. He never went near me after that. My totally insaine rligious grandmother thinks that it is my own fault that I was raped. So again my feelings towards her are like my feelings towards Sue, not warm and fuzzy. My friends love me and accept me for who I am, they don't treat me with kiddy gloves, and they accept that its a part of my past, but it dosen't define me.

  3. This time last year I weighed 5 1/2 stone (was a UK size 6), now I weigh just under 9 stone (am a UK size 12) I was incredably ill and now i'm halthy again. My boyfriend at the time, L, (now my good friend) told me that i was way too skinny and that I was out of proportion, and that I looked anorexic.

    He now says that he's way more sexually attracted to me as I'm in proportion and have curves. He says that I look healthy and he likes me with abit of meat on me. But I'm not so sure. I've put on alot of weight since coming out of hospital in September, and I personally feel fat. I'm not having a go at curvasious women, its just I was so used to being that thin and being able to fit into tshirts I wore when I was 10, am now 17, that I don't feel attractive.

    I personally go for guys that are built like walls. L was 6ft 3ins and weighed between 14 and 17 stone, and my new guy A is also 6ft 3ins and weighs 14 stone. Didn't go for A based purely on his looks, but its amasing what kind of build your attracted to.

  4. Ok, lets start off with some backgroung info. When I was 15 I started dating L, now L wouldn't touch me because I was underage. On Valentine's Day 2006 he dumped me by text message. Was pretty upset but a male friend V was a shoulder to cry on, 3 days after L dumped me, V asked me out. Ended up going out with V, which caused alot of competition between V and L. When I turned 16, I slept with V. He lost his virginity to me. We dated for 6 months, during that time L kept sending me texts saying that he loved me etc. I stayed good friends with L, much to the annoyance of V. In the end I dumped V because he was too clingy, jelous and possesive.

    About 3 weeks after breaking up with V, I slept with L. Didn't plan it to happen, it just did. Now every time I'm at his house we end up sleeping together. He did ask me if I wanted to start seeing him again before xmas, but he was sending me mixed siignals so I asked if we could just be friends. I last saw him/slept with him 3 weeks ago. He asked me if we could be buddies. He only ever calls when he wants to get laid and has no plans in getting a girlfriend. He's moving 100 miles away but insists that we can still be buddies, meeting up when he's up here, and me going to see him down there.

    I'm sick of being at his beck and call, and thats never regularly. I'm wanting to get into a new rlationship, but I'm stuck in this vicious circle.

    He gets very jelous when I get interested in another bloke, but he dosen't want me. So whats his deal? I feel like I'm being used? Am I? Suggestions and help please!

  5. When my mum gave me a hug the other day. I was upset and she so rarely hugs me, I felt she loved me and that was almost to much to take.

    Talking to my best friend Charlie, I haven't seen him in a year, but we still keep in touch. Knowing that he loves me makes me feel so good about myself, I'm grinning for days after a phone call.

  6. Wow, ur a bigger person than I am, I'd have hit her already. She is clearly jelous of anyone dating her ex. It sounds to me like she wants you and your boyfriend to split up in the hope that he'll go running back to her.

    I know it sounds really hard, but just totally ignor her. treat her like she's a particularly boring piece of the wall. Don't give her the satisfaction of knowing that she gets on your nerves.

  7. Have them done regularly. I personally don't thinkthey hurt too much, and they are definatly worth it! When I had my first 1 done it gave me such a confidence boost. If you feel selfconscious about any odor you might have, have a bath before esx, and drink lots of water during the day, it flushes out any nasty toxins and odors.

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