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Posts posted by astaro

  1. he likes to talk to his friends (mostly women or guys like him) who seem to always have drama or problems or who are unhappy with their lives. I am not like that. Yes, there are things that could be improved ( including my BF), but why harp on them???Life is way too short.


    i can really relate to you on this and am totaly on your side, i hate pointless conversations, they bore me to no end. i would much rather just cuddle on the couch with my SO then have a pointless conversation just to fill in the dead time. i remember listening to her talk and wondering to myself if it is ever going to end, i started zoning out while she was talking (and it never really mattered)


    as long as you talk about your feelings and are open and honest with him you shouldnt be forced to converce about subjects that dont intrest you.


    I think the question you should be asking your self right now is does HE intrest you. as a person, do you have a lot in common? do you have good conversations with him on a regular basis? or are these kinds of conversations a pretty constant thing?


    you two might not be compatible, i think thats something you should consider. you strike me as very frustrated.

  2. if i where you i would pack all her stuff, rent a locker or a storage unit and put it there, when she finally wants it back just give her the key, you cant be responsible for her belongings and i am sure seeing her stuff around the house isnt making this easier on you.


    all i can say is you did the right thing. i think the biggest thing is not to forget the lessons you have learned from this relashonship. specificaly the lessons about yourself.

  3. you are over analyzing and over thinking. i went on a dating site a week after my current brake up for no reason other then to get my self esteem up and remind myself that i can get girls if i only try. there could be a million reasons why he did it and i think your putting way to much stock into it.


    now is the time for you to look after yourself.


    Edit - bottom line is whatever reason he has for going on there isn't relevant. its his business. you are broken up now and you need to take care of yourself.

  4. no, i am not saying its right, i am not saying i approve of it and i am not saying its legitimate.


    all i am saying is it isn't relevant to the discussion of weather or not women should be jealous of a guy watching porn. it does carry weight if you where discussing the legitimacy of the industry, but that's not what this topic is about.


    there are many reasons a guy watches porn and masturbates, if your in a long term relationship i am pretty sure your SO has masturbated several times and unless you really have a lot of sex probably does it on a pretty regular basis. even if i was having sex 4 times a week the chance of masturbation is still there, its about the release of a physical urge, pure and simple. there is no hidden agenda. being a horny as a guy is physically bothersome, its really not fun, and a quick self pleasuring session usually just takes the edge off.


    a lot of guys will often masturbate when they believe they are going to get some to get the "quick one" outta the way. most guys masturbate before dates..... its nothing against women, its just a way for us to keep our hormones and desires in check. guy use porn as stimulation for jerking off, i wouldn't mind if my SO stripped for me instead but...


    a women being jealous of a guy watching porn is like a guy being jealous of a women's vibrator.


    Edit - and yes, that happens sometimes to, but is very unjustified if you ask me, sadly enough i am physically incapable of doing what a vibrator does


    Edit2 - i think any guy who is secure in their sexuality and in a caring open relationship wouldn't mind if his girl masturbated to porn as long as he was getting his fair share of the action. if a guy could replace every time he masturbates with some fun with his SO i am willing to put money on the fact that they would masturbate a lot less often.

  5. I agree with you. But the more people you are in contact with in a situation which could lead to flirtation, etc ..., the more likely you are to meet one that you would have a "connection" to. And since cheating seems to me to be all about resisting temptation (since most people will at some time or other be tempted and have to choose how they will respond), it makes sense to be that the more you are tempted, the more the chances that you will give in to temptation increase.


    i could say the complete opposite and it would be just as correct as what you said. the more someone is prone to cheating the more said person will "end up" in situations that are "just hard to say no to"


    i do not believe there is such a thing as "cheating due to circumstances". people cheat because they want to cheat, if someone didn't want to do it they wouldn't, and no amount of temptation could affect that.

  6. this might seem a bit harsh but while they didn't choose to be molested they did choose to work in porn, weather or not their childhood affected that or not is besides the point in my opinion.


    in my opinion a person who get jealous of porn is just showing their own insecurity. if someone was in a good healthy relationship i don't think watching porn or not watching porn would ever become an issue.

  7. i think younger girls prefer smooth guys, but the more they age the more they find it sexy (mostly for lack of smooth guys i think ).


    i wouldnt worry about it if i where you, the more you shave it the more it will grow, unless you wanna go get it waxed, then it will thin it out.

  8. i see so many topics on this subject, people think they are doing something wrong, women getting jealous about guys watching porn, questions about excessive porn viewing.......


    I am no saint, i have watched my fair share of porn and will most likely continue to do so at one point or another in my life, most guys i know watch porn (i actually only know of 1 that doesn't) and i really don't understand what all the fuss is about.


    i have even been caught by one of my ex's masturbating to porn, i smiled at her and asked her if she wants to come gimme a hand


    i think 90% of men watch porn to fulfil void fantasies and i really don't understand what all the fuss is about. as long as a person does it in their spare time and it doesn't have any effect on the relationship.... who cares?

  9. you should be thinking about whether it is a mistake on her part or not. it is out of your hands now and you need to come to grips with that. only real way to get an ex back is to make them realise it. and the only way to do that is to help yourself to be a better person. use the time to work on things you would like to change in yourself, not for her, whether she decides to come back or not.... you will grow and be a better person for it.

  10. gixer, it kinda feels to me like you are looking for an answer for a more specific question, either that or your looking for validation for something. you cant use a very general discussion like this to pinpoint anything about anyone. that's not how humans work.

  11. a 20 year old that has been with 20... i dunno, i was with a 20 year old that was with 30+ and she had serious personal and sexual problems, you cant really judge purley according to a number, it might be an indication, but without knowing more about someones personality you cant really say.


    she could have self esteem issues and uses sex to get reassurance, she could be using it to get physical closeness, she could also just really be into sex

  12. actually if you look at this from an evolution perspective it is assumed true that women where essentially "pushed" men into being monogamous. early man wanted to pass his seed as often as possible. early women wanted her man to stay around and help her provide food for the baby. that is suspected to be why human females are the only mameli am aware of that doesnt "announce" when they are receptive, to keep the guys guessing



    in today's world i do agree that it is rather sexist, i actually think that these days on average women have more sexual partners then men. and personally it doesnt bother me at all how many people someone has slept with, unless its a very extreme number which could indicate some kind of personal problem.

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