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Posts posted by TrustNoMore

  1. Sounds very scary to me. I think you are doing the right thing by being distant. I would give this thing alot more time and see where it goes.


    She might be one to jump into and out of relationships really fast. She can only 'prove' herself to be a trustworthy person with time not by one visit.


    Take it slow and I would date other women still at this point. At least do alot of other things to stop thinking about her constantly. Thats not good for anyone.

  2. People who start 'deep thinking' usually think themselves right out of a relationship. It just means her emotions are in charge and her brains been taking awhile to catch up.


    When it comes to relationships the person who shows the least emotion is the one who controls that relationship. The less available and busier you are the better for you. Just be fair to yourself and dont let her take you for granted.

  3. Im sorry but you have hooked up with at this point anyways an unsure, unstable woman. She doesnt know what she wants or who she wants. If you back off she will send tears your way and say she wants nothing more than you. If you respond and get close to her she will back off and treat you more like a casual friend than anything.


    At this point you might have better luck getting a wild animal to eat out of your hand then getting a clear and consistent signal from her. This is a real bad place for you to be in.


    If she is like this now..indecisive and flaky how ever will she be able to have a healthy marriage especially during tough times?


    Until she finds out who she is and what she really wants (with alot of time)that bright future is just a fantasy in my honest opinion. You want to put your life on hold while shes dragging your heart around?


    I agree with Annie she wants a knight in shining armor and you dont want to be in a relationship where it is all about her.


    It stinks I know. Hang in there.

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  4. I would go digital. You can buy a higher end more professional type DSLR camera like a nikon (like a D80) or Canon (EOS) but these are expensive cameras and not the easist to learn on.


    I think if you are starting out a midrange digital camera is better. Something around 7-8 megapixels is good. You can get these for around $500.


    A major difference between the more pro type cameras (dslr) and the less costly ones is that on the pro cameras you wont be able to use the lcd screen when taking your pictures. You will be using the little viewfinder.


    I found it helpful to start out with a camera that allowed me to practice framing my shots on the bigger lcd screen.


    Regular film cameras take great more indepth color pictures but obviously its much more costly especially when starting out.

  5. Two people who came to the realization on their own, though alot of pain and disappointment, that the grass in not greener anywhere else and they need to work on what they have to make it the best it can be.


    Not just the relationship but themselves also. Finding others like that who are mature and honest and trustworthy is not an easy thing.

  6. I usually want to get rid of that stuff right away. It only brings up bad memories and things said that werent true.


    But I can understand also if you kept stuff around just wanting to put the past behind you for good because you realize what you have is so much better.


    I guess thats the good thing about time it gives you that perspective.

  7. If you are always looking for something that is 'wrong' with someone then you will no doubt find it.


    That alone can destroy the best of relationships. You will end up being very critical of the other person and drive them away.


    However on the other side of things trust can only be built up over time and with communication. Anyone who goes too fast or says too much too soon cannot be trusted. They dont know who they are, what they want, or have any respect for you.


    It stinks being cheated on. I have been also. Even when you think you have a trusting person it can happen. The more you know about someone before you get seriously involved with them the better of a chance you will have to be with a trusting person.


    But its always a risk unfortunately and one that I dont think I can take anymore myself. It would take quite an amazing individual for me to be able to trust again on any meaningful level.

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