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Posts posted by Katerimo

  1. I am at college and don't attend as much as I should. I do always get my work completed and have never let anyone down in that way. When I missed my train this morning my 'friend' sent me a text saying she is really annoyed at me, that she wanted to practice a presentation with me, that 'I needed to get my act together'. I felt this to be unfair because I am always considerate towards other people and patient if they're not around. I'm always offering advice to her if she needs it. She was really blunt with me and I found it quite upsetting. She said some other hurtful things also and saying she was stressed out.

    I know this isn't a huge issue I just wondered people views!

  2. People have such absurd ideas about weight loss don't they? Don't skip meals! and 1,400 calories is far too low! If you starve yourself you'll body will go into starvation mode and store anything you eat, however little your eating!

    Give Paul Mckenna ago (I can make you thin) my doctor recommended it and its awesome - check reviews on amazon!

  3. Hey all!


    I'm on the final year of my university degree. For my major project I am creating an online magazine, if you will, about working in a creative career. I really need inspirational stories about individuals who work in a creative job. When I say creative it could be anything from being a jewelery designer to a bread maker to web designer. As long as it is your career and not just a hobby.

    The site will feature articles as well as tips to break into the career you wish too and if you could write your story for me or allow me to interview you via email, I would deeply appreciate it. I can also give you a link on my site of course.


    Thanks for reading, I look forward to your replies

  4. Hey SilverManic,


    My doctor recommended Paul Mckenna 'I can make you thin' a week ago. So far its been an extremely positive experience. If you go on amazon you can see how positive the response is. The book and CD cost about 6 pounds so not bad!

    As for confidence going to the gym, why don't you start by walking and join the gym when you feel a little more confident? Are there any evening classes you can join near you? You might meet new people who share your interests.

  5. This is an awful situation to be in Cucajj. I don't think 20% is enough and i'm sure you don't either. No relationship is perfect. You say he is a good father and this situation with your child makes it awkward. But if you're not happy i'm sure your child will pick up on it. Have you discussed your true feelings of desperation to him? The man you fell in love with must be in there somewhere! I think you both need to talk about your feelings calmly, try not to argue. perhaps counseling? If you can't work out these differences you need to move on for all 3 of your sakes. As for him not being able to see his daughter, can he move back to America or is there anyway you could stay?

  6. You know Parsley, this guy seems quite insecure. He seems to be (I don't know the entire situation) stringing you along for his own ego. In his texts he was prompting compliments from you and giving you hope only to dash them again. It seems to me he does like you but there's something going on with him that's holding him back. The best way to get the reaction you want from him is to move on (i know easier said than done) be strong! It won't be long before you're getting those texts from him again. The thing you need to be asking yourself is if he does finally start acting like a man and be straight with you, do you want to be with somebody with these sort of issues, or are you too good for him?

  7. Hey Martha,


    It sounds as though your frustration is coming from the fact that you don't get to spend so much time, or be so close, to your friends - I would guess that you've been the one with a boyfriend for some time, and they have both recently acquired boyfriends? However it has come to - you feel disconnected from them, and ultimately blame this intrusion on the boyfriends. You can't chose your friends boyfriends, but would it honestly make much of a difference if the guy was any nicer? Perhaps if he was charming to you - it always helps - but deep down you'd resent them for stealing something away from you. We all feel that from time to time - and often there is a time when people go from being totally devoted to you (as a friend) to being devoted to someone else (as a partner) and it's hard to adjust.


    I'd be careful to report him to security if your friend could find out - would seem like sour grapes and could lose an important friend. He's not harming anyone, really, and you want to try to push him out with the limited control you have. That's not unreasonable, she's your friend and he's the one taking her time from you.

  8. It sounds like you're still in your shell, and although I can understand not wishing to let yourself out it's unfair on yourself and anyone else you expose yourself to if you hold yourself in like that.


    I think you probably know it yourself anyway but I think you need to forget who you are when you're with people (especially dates!) and forget your history and everything that's holding you up - just think of them entirely, focus on them, think about how comfortable they are, etc etc. If you can break through any feelings you have that are holding you back you may find someone who you click with, at the least it could be a distraction (which we all need whenever we have bad things) and at best you could find someone amazing who could have just gone unnoticed with your shield of (self pity / anger / frustration / hurt / depression / lack of caring / whatever feeling describes what's holding you back).


    Hey - I hope you have better luck on your next date, and don't let it knock you back - everyone else doesn't know what you were like in your last date, your last relationship, your last life - be who you want to be, not what you may have become in your mind. Anything is possible!

    • Like 1
  9. I'm sorry that you've had that - it really doesn't help the situation when your hormones are out of whack and you don't know if you're coming or going!


    Thanks for your help - I think I'm going to have to rethink taking these and have a proper look at my options!


    Thanks - and good night!

  10. I think you should talk to him - you sound confident that you can talk without it ruining things, especially if you think he likes you too! That doesn't mean you have to talk 'to start a relationship' but just to express your interest (I considered the analogy of "placing a deposit" and then rethought that statement ;-))


    I agree that either accepting (in your own mind, and truly accepting) that 7 years is not a gap at all, or simply waiting until you feel comfortable - be that a few months or a year or two - is the best thing to do. And, most importantly, don't sweat it - if this guy is really in to you - and conversely you into him - then any wait will be worth it, and the silly issue of age will disappear into the blissful sunsets.


    Take care

  11. Thank you Parsley the lion


    That's a really helpful reply, I appreciate it! I will be taking it to control PCOS and mood swings, and most of the reviews I've seen of it suggest that it makes them depressed as the main side effect.


    How have you found Loestrin? Any side effects when you first started, or in the long run?



  12. Have you had sex before, and is that making her feel uncomfortable about committing to a long-term relationship?


    You won't be able to change how she feels in the relationship - if she's unhappy and wishes to end it, no matter how much you talk to her it won't affect it. So, instead, you need to talk to her to assess where you both are - you sound like you're very keen on her and this is important to you, so be assertive, and let her know she's important; let her know that you wish to move in a way that she's comfortable with.

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