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Posts posted by unhappygrl

  1. i think all you need to do is tell her how you feel and how much you

    love her. I think that's the most important part; and ask her if maybe

    you two could get back together.


    June 22, is your birthday. It's the same birthday as an old friend of mines,

    and if it's 1983; it's exactly the same day.


    Going out with his girl for two and a half years, also is the same.


    And even the part about going to the same university as her holds true.

    Is this Ken?

  2. I think you should just give her some time alone to figure things out;

    but also let her know that you'll be there as a friend if she do

    need your help in anything. But i don't think you should try to

    count on anything more than friendship right now, because if she

    couldn't find herself; any relationship that she chooses to be in

    right now will not turn out right.


    And just try to think positively even if it's hard to to, by remembering

    the good things that have happened since you have met her. That

    way you won't feel so depressed.

  3. what if the charm gets u into trouble? For example

    you ended up making people think that you love them

    when you don't?


    i think i thought this charming guy loved me, when instead

    he was just being i guess... charming.

  4. don't feel down. that happened to me too. One time this guy really

    liked me for three years, and just when i was falling for him, he

    gave up on me and had a girlfriend, and that was when i had fallen

    hard for him too. I had class with him and his gf and now instead

    of my name; he's calling her name. I was crushed.


    After graduation, on X-mas , i ran to the both of them at the mall.

    They're still together. But i told myself i'll find someone



    Just cheer up and don't give up on love; i know that u'll find someone.

    Not all of the great guys are taken. You just have to look carefully.

  5. the same thing that's happening to you is also happening to me or i should

    say it have happened to me once, but is happening to me again.


    the biggest lesson i've learned from the first experience is this. The guy

    never did asked me out, even though it was obvious that he liked me.

    And when i graduated to go to college, he never said anything either, even

    when we were right next to each other. It made me ask and question

    whether or not he ever did like me, and made me asked myself what if

    i had asked him what would have happen then.


    now the same thing is happening to me again in college, this guy

    acts like he like me but he would never say anything. So, not to make

    the same mistake again, i e-mailed and confessed to him that i like him,

    and asked whether what i was seeing (that he liked me) was real.

    So far he haven't replied to my e-mail yet, but even if i find out he

    don't love me, at least i've found out something.


    I wanted to know the truth and don't want to live my life wondering.

    I suggest that you do the same.

  6. i've been in your shoes. I had a best friend and she and me always did

    stuff together. We told each other about who we admired; and basically

    we were both single and hadtime to spend with each other; but now she has a boyfriend and she don't have time to spend with me anymore. I don't

    think what you're feeling can be called jealousy, but more like u feel

    like ur losing a friend each time you see that your friends are about to

    have a boyfriend.


    My advice is to go out and make some more friends; and upgrade

    your social life. It doesn't mean to throw away all of your old friendships

    but maybe this will help you not to get uptight when you feel like

    your losing ur friends. Go out clubbing, to a museum, or shopping.

    Shoppin is not just for girls, guys do that too; well maybe they do so

    to pick up girls. Hey that's right, maybe all you need is a girlfriend.

    She'll take up ur time. And you and the friends in ur circle will live happily ever after. ;0)

  7. i don't know what problems you both are having right now, but

    maybe if you both tell me what it is; i could give some advices

    to help you out. Whatever it is, i hope that you both would try

    to think what it would be like to be in the other person's shoes

    before going out on each other; especially when you both love

    each other.


    You can be in love and love yourself too while spending time with

    your family. Sounds impossible, but miracles do happen.

  8. hi,


    I hope that i can cheer you up. I'm just a silly girl who's broken-hearted

    too many times, and i wrote a letter to confess to this guy that i love

    him yesterday, which makes me afraid to check my e-mail to see

    his response. wellz... enough about me.


    So i'm not quite sure about what's the problem with you and your ex.

    You must still love her that's why you're still hurting over her. There's

    a lot of girls out there. I know you probably heard that many times;

    but you can't let yourself break down because of one girl. You should

    try to start anew and pretend that you never knew her or that she's dead

    in your life. Think about it this way, now you are back in the dating pool.

    There's millions of people that you could get to know, and you don't

    have to settle for the exotic girl either.


    Good luck with love. And have a nice day.

  9. you did the absolute right thing, because it seems to me that he has

    taken advantage of your friendship. If you haven't check his balance

    you wouldn't have known that he's like that. That's pretty screwed up.

    But i think you should confront him about it and tell him how you

    feel. If he's being a jerk about it; just call it quits on this friendship.

    However, if he apologizes and seems to know that what he did

    was wrong, maybe you should forgive him once because you do

    know him for years.


    hope that helps

  10. My advice is that you should trust your girlfriend until you've seen

    it with your two eyes that she have cheated on you; especially when

    you know very well that she won't, but your past has made you

    become untrustful of love.


    You should keep in contact with your girlfriend of course, but try not

    to make her feel like you don' t trust her; because if you do this

    too often; i'm afraid that even true love can't save this relationship.

    She will get tired of you're distrust in her; and probably would want

    to break it off.


    I know that this will be hard for you to do. But trust me to trust her.

    It's good for the both of you.

  11. I think what you did is pretty much right, but i also think that

    if you would ask her if there's anyway you could help take

    some of the load off of her hands that would be better. She's

    probably stressed out about a lot of things; so i think this is

    the time that she would need your help and presense the

    most to comfort her even if she thinks that she has no time

    for you.


    Hope that will help.

  12. Hi you're not the only one who's driving herself insane because of

    love. I am too. I just wrote a letter to confess to this guy that i love

    him through e-mail, but so far he haven't responded yet. I kind of

    regretted sending that e-mail now; and now i'm so scared to check

    my e-mail because i don't know what is going to be in his response letter.

    Also what if he don't respond at all even though he've read my letter.

    Ok... enough with my story...


    I want to try to comfort you because you're in the same boat as i am.

    The guy that i like he seems to like me, but at times i see him watching

    other girls too. He's probably a player, but i want to hear what he've got

    to say. If he turns out to be a player, no matter how strongly i feel for

    him; i'll walk off and try to start my life anew and maybe hope to find

    someone else for me. I know i will be crushed but at the same time

    i'll try to be strong about it. I hope that you would do the same thing;

    since he's not serious about you, there's a lot of other guys out there.

    And i'm sure there's someone out there who is going to be serious about

    you and give his all to you. Don't bring yourself down by settling for

    something less like him. At the same time, he'll see your value, when

    you are gone. People usually don't see what they have until it's gone.

  13. I think he's probably he's a little mentally disturbed. (I mean it

    literally, because I'm taking Psychology right now and it seems

    that he kind of fits in to one of the category.) He probably

    loves you, but his sickness causes him to push you away. And

    he is more comfortable when he's around people that don't

    really matter that much like the new grl that he slept with. The

    reason why he sleeps with her is because he is lonely from not

    being around you, but his sickness makes it impossible to be

    around you. thereforeeeeee, you're put into this situation.


    I think you should give up on this guy; it's useless and it's going

    to be hard to help him out and help this relationship out. Unless however

    you really love him too much to pull out, you should really consider

    leaving this to give yourself the opportunity to meet other people.

  14. I can be called a black sheep in love. Everytime I choose to be alone;

    somebody instantly walks into my life and acts like they like me; and

    then when i start to fall for them; they instantly change their mind on

    me; and leave me feeling broken hearted.


    After that it takes me months to get over being sad, and when i finally

    get over it and decided to forget about love; someone comes into my

    life and acts like they like me again; and i was hard to that person; showed

    no emotion, but then finally i soften up and when i did, that person

    changed his mind and decided that he was just sprung on me but he

    realized he didn't really love me.


    I guess that teaches me a lesson; which is never to love again. I guess

    i'm one of the few who are better off alone. Love stinks!

    The worst part of it all is that all of them liked me first.


    I'm starting to think that these guys need to be taught a lesson, i need to

    get even with them back. But how?? I don't want to be too evil, but

    just to make them piss off will suit me just fine. Messing with my feelings

    like that is just plain wrong. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I am so frustrated.

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